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Tonl Sap lake

Map of Tonl Sap lake and its flood plain (View larger image)
Much of the following information is edited from Wikipedia and other public
domain sources except where references are provided.
Tonl Sap lake and river system
Tonl Sap translates from the Khmer as large freshwater river. It is a
combined lake and river system of major importance to Cambodia and the
largest freshwater lake in South-East Asia.
The Tonl Sap is unusual for two reasons: its flow changes direction twice a
year, and the lake expands and shrinks dramatically with the seasons. From
November to May, Cambodia's dry season, the Tonl Sap drains into the
Mekong River. However, when the year's heavy rains begin in June, the Tonl
Sap backs up to form an enormous lake.
The people living around Tonle Sap
Peoples livelihoods are deeply linked to the lake and are based on
subsistence farming and fishing. Poverty touches everybody.
UNESCO biosphere
Tonl Sap was recognised as a UNESCO biosphere in 1997 as it is
considered one of the most important inland wetlands in South-East Asia. Its
fish and water support a huge population and it is one of Asia's most bio
diverse areas.

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