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The Recruiting Team

Bain and Company

October 1st, 2011

I am Samir Jain, a fourth year student at IIT Bombay applying for the position of Associate Consultant at Bain &
As I near the completion of my term at IIT, I feel that a career in Management Consulting would be a good option
for me. I enjoy studying situations, defining problems and then finding solutions and this career path should
provide ample opportunities for me. I have really enjoyed my stay at IIT and I feel that a career in management
consulting would continue to offer such an environment of excellent people and challenging problems. The
prospect of contributing towards tangible results in diverse areas is exciting for me. I want to partner in the
innovation process that has immediate and significant impact in the real world. I also hope to expand my
capabilities and develop extensive relationships with clients and their managers, something that any other career
path will not offer. With a strong academic background and a passion for results, I am confident that this career
path will help me grow to the greatest extent.
Being at IIT, I have always had a firm commitment to academics. I have been ranked 1st in the department for 3
consecutive years and currently have a CPI of 9.33. The pursuit of excellence led to a paper presentation at an
international conference and also an invitation to Bled, Slovenia as a semi finalist in an international challenge.
My role as a Techfest manager has been both a great learning as well as a fun experience. The role involved a
deep analysis of every decision until all of us were convinced. This had a significant impact on my thought
process and has allowed me to develop a structured approach to problem solving. It also taught me the importance
of keeping the big picture in mind, to keep the goal of a team over personal goals. Being an Events
Manager, I had the unique experience of interacting with a wide range of people, from the corporate world to
student teams to a lucky opportunity at the chambers of Mr. Gautam Singhania, one of Indias billionaires. And at
the core of my learning, were leadership skills, to be able to take decisions at the right time when a team looks up
to you.
Among several activities at IIT, one closest to my heart was my role in the Green Campus initiative. Initially it
was just a vision but with proper structuring, my team and I broke down the statement into several areas. There
were reports by the BMC that IIT had been using too much water. To find a solution, we conducted a water audit
for 3 hostels to determine the approximate usage and the pattern of usage. Following several rounds of
brainstorming and more surveys, we approached the IIT authorities with recommendation to setup water meters
and grey water recycling systems. The toughest part was to convince them since we were fairly new to water
management. However, assimilating all data and effectively communicating our point while integrating the
difference in opinion, it was not long before the dean sanctioned the project on a pilot basis. The feeling of
achievement and of being part of change was immense. I feel a career as a consultant will help me get such
satisfaction more often.
What sets Bain apart is that you dont have to fit a preset mould to succeed; there is a strong culture for support
and at the same time, space to innovate within the firm. During the Bain workshop held at IIT, the straight
forwardness in interacting with Ms. Alka Bhagat confirmed my belief that I will thrive in this environment. Bains
holistic approach to consulting and keeping a high value for deep functional expertise is a fit for my own
ideology. The high growth of the India operations and a multitude of projects, together with the perspective of
building teams across the global offices, make me excited to initiate a consulting career with Bain. I also look
forward to making valuable contributions to society given the significant amount of work Bain does in the nonprofit sector like Bain Prayas in India. I request you to peruse my resume and hope that I will be able to interview
with you in December. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Samir Jain

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