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Brain is neither a dump-yard

For all inferior information to pile up and pollute
Nor a complex mess of craze
To flare up and complicate

Mind is neither a way-side pool

For the passers-by to cause ruffles by throwing pebbles
Nor an ocean
To sink everything deep inside

Soul is neither an evaporating spirit

For anyone to become spiritless
Nor unwelcome inmate
To dwell in mortal but rent-free body

Thoughts are neither ferocious waves of turbulent sea

For someone to struggle to sail across
Nor idle devils
To distract and mislead from righteous course

Eyes are neither feinting beauties

For everyone to get conned and entrapped

Nor smoldering hearths
To burn with insatiable desires

Tongue is neither a quack

For everywhere to waggle uttering lies
Nor a sharp whip
To rip someones heart with venomous stings

Stomach is neither a bin

For all the junk to find a place and rot
Nor a big pot
To boil and brew anger and jealousy

Heart is neither a field

For everyone to plough and leave wounded
Nor a desert
To not hold streams of love and affection

Heart is neither a sturdy rock too

For someone to be devoid of warmth and kindness
Nor a fortress of rigid walls
To become most impermeable and ruthless.

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