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Process Paper

We decided to research Dian Fossey because of her impact on the natural world, as well
as the fields of ethology and primatology. Fossey risked her life to save the highly endangered
mountain gorillas and to educate people on how gorillas interact with each other and live in the
wild. She set up the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International to raise funds for anti-poaching
controls and to this day, her legacy continues.
First, we went online and looked at sites, such as Credo and Gale Group for information
about who was involved in Fossey's life and what exactly made her a leader. We found out that
she wrote a book, "Gorillas in the Mist." Luckily, we found that book as well other great books
that helped to explain more about the people with whom Dian was involved. We also found
pictures of Fossey while she was in Rwanda and even newspaper articles about her.
After we had collected all of the information we needed, we decided on making a website
using our technology skills. A website enabled us to organize and make better use of our
information. We were also able to use our video editing skills to edit a video for our website too.
Dian Fossey was an inspiring leader of ethology and primatology, who helped to
conserve and raise awareness about the poaching of gorillas in Africa. She started the Karisoke
Research Center and the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International and even wrote a book,
"Gorillas in the Mist." In 1980, Fossey was known as the world's leading authority in the
physiology and behavior of mountain gorillas and was even a professor at Cornell University
from 1981-1983. After Fossey's death, the protection of gorillas is still ongoing and
bibliographies about Fossey were written, a book to movie adaptation was made, and there was

even an opera about Dian Fossey. Even though Dian Fossey has died, her legacy of being one of
the best primatologists still lives.

Word Count: 335

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