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Based from what we had read, we had conclude that in the story of Love, the characters

which is hero and heroin really appreciate and feel the true meaning of love. These can be
seen by read about Frankie Liew who was in love. The story about how he feels are
represented by when he walk on air, he feels like the whole world is at his feet. Then, he also
does not worried about noise and dust during the way to go to office while singing soft
sentimental songs. He also create the word for his lovely which is Preciousness, Everlasting,
Angelic, Ravishing, and Love meaning from the word PEARL who is his girlfriends. Next, is
Pearl the woman who is in love with Frankie Liew. She described that Frankie Liew is the
most complete guy who does not have any problem related to money or family problem.
Pearl also materialistic about treasure. She think about, when Frankie`s parent die, all the
property will be theirs because of Frankie is the only one-child. However, when to get the
blessing to Frankie`s parent, she was told that his father is ill because of the accident three
years ago. So, Frankie must take after his father. Pearl do not accept because she dont want
stay in on roof with Frankie`s parent. Then, she left the house and wrote a letter at night. She
dont want to go through this relation anymore. Frankie thought he had been victim in love.
So, in conclusion about this story, love is not about the feeling from two people, but it is
covered by surrounding which we should face whatever problem if want to stay with love
with him or her. When we accept the problem with real heart of love, we can face the
problem easily without losing our love too.
Next is the story about The English Language Teacher`s Secret. In this story, it tells us that in
Singapore, the people at there majority didnt marry. It is because of the woman can go
through their life without husband. Nowadays, woman also working same as man. They can
support themselves by finding money and cause of that, it make the woman really busy and
cant have time to find husband. Then, it have the story of a characters name Miss Ponniah.
She was an English teacher school. Once upon a time ago, she was in deep in love with a man

named Dr. Chellam. However, their love isnt approve by her father because she is the only
one daughter and also because of her father was sick. Then, Dr. Chellam go to oversea
without a word. Miss Ponniah was depressed and not complain but she mourned in her heart
silently. After she know that Dr. Chellam never got married, she was happy. One day, the
secret was revealed that her student Fon Yin told her that Miss De Silva was get married with
Dr. Chellam. She regret because she never grab the opportunity before when she knew that
Dr. Chellam wasnt married. So, we have conclude that, Miss Ponniahs character is the one
who is silently love someone she love. She does not want to tell the truth to Dr. Chellam
about her love making another woman grab that opportunity. This causing Miss Ponniah
stress and can not concentrate about her teaching and also lost control of herself.

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