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Branden Olson

CSCI 3104
April 14, 2013

Longest Increasing Subsequence

Suppose you are given some sequence of distinct whole numbers
written in an arbitrary order, and your task is to find the length of its
longest increasing subsequence. For completeness, imagine that you
should also identify one such subsequence, as there may be more than
one. Could we find an appropriate algorithm?
In fact, there are several algorithms to accomplish this task, and
here we will focus on one of the quickest. This algorithm relies on a
sorting algorithm called patience sorting, which treats the elements
like cards in a deck and arranges them as follows: First, put the first
card (element) in its own pile. Each new card may be placed either
on an existing pile whose top card has a value higher than the new
card's value, thus increasing the number of cards in that pile, or to the
right of all of the existing piles, forming a new pile. We are done when
there are no more cards left, i.e., we have sorted each element in the
Interestingly, the number of piles is the length of the longest
subsequence. (Why?) In order to produce one subsequence of
maximum length, we do the following: For each card we lay down,
create a back-pointer to the top card in the previous pile. When we are
finished, we follow the back-pointers from the top card in the last pile
to recover a decreasing subsequence of the longest length; its reverse
is an answer to the longest increasing subsequence algorithm.
To fix ideas, suppose you have a sequence
an ={5, 8,3, 4, 2 , 6 ,7 }
Here we demonstrate how this algorithm works:


an ={ 8,3, 4,2, 6 , 7 } , p1 ={5 }

an ={ 3, 4,2, 6 , 7 } , p 1={ 5 } , p 2={8 }
an ={ 4, 2,6, 7 } , p1={ 5, 3 } , p2 ={ 8 }
an ={ 2,6, 7 } , p 1={ 5, 3 } , p2={8, 4 }
an ={ 6,7 } , p1= {5, 3, 2 } , p2={8, 4 }
an ={ 7 } , p1 ={ 5,3, 2 } , p2 ={ 8, 4 } , p3={6 }
an ={ } , p1= {5, 3, 2 } , p2= {8, 4 } , p 3={6 } ,

p4 ={7 }

Each pi represents the i th pile. Notice that when we lay 7, the

final card, we create a back-pointer to 6 in the previous pile, which,
when laid down, was given a back-pointer to 4 from its previous pile,

which was given a back-pointer to 3 from the very first pile. Thus,
concatenating these numbers in reverse, we have
bn ={3, 4, 6,7 }
which can easily be verified as the longest increasing subsequence in
our original an . Notice that this will only work if each pointer remains
unaltered after its initial assignment.
Here is accompanying pseudocode for the algorithm:
ALGORITHM LongestIncreasingSubsequence(A[1, , n])
// Finds the length of the subsequence of the given array of
maximum length,
// along with one such subsequence
// Input: Array A[1, , n] of distinct elements (A.size > 0)
// Output: Array B[1, , m] of the longest increasing
subsequence of A
Initialize list of piles (array or list)
Add A[0] to Heap #1
for i := 1, , n
for each existing heap
if A[i] < top card of heap
add A[i] to heap
A[i].previous := top card of previous heap
else create new heap; add A[i] to new heap
pointer := top card of last pile
B[0] := pointer
j := 1
while pointer != null
pointer := pointer.previous
B[j] := pointer
j := j + 1
reverse the order of the elements in B
return B
What is the time and space complexity of this algorithm?
Observe that the innermost loop is executed for each element in the
original list, and for each current pile. Thus, in the worst case, a new
pile is created with each iteration, and so the number of comparisons is
estimated as follows:
n(n+ 1) n(n+ 1) n
n2 (n+1)
j= 2 = 2 1= 2 O(n 3)
i=1 j=1
Thus, the algorithm carries a cubic worst-case time complexity. This
also assumes that creating a new pile runs in constant time. In the best
case, we only have one pile the entire algorithm, and so the number of
comparisons would roughly be

1=n O(n)

giving a much better result of linear time complexity.

The space complexity is not too difficult to analyze, but largely
depends on the data structure used for implementation. The given
array and output array both require space O(n) , and the piles
should never require more than linear space. Thus it is safe to say that
the space complexity of this algorithm is O(n) .

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