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Image Analysis of a CD cover

The name of the artist whose CD I am analysing is Missy Elliott. The name
of the CD is ‘This is not a test!’
The name of the CD suggests that this is not Missy Elliott’s first album and
that she is an established artist. I think that she is also trying to suggest
that she is a serious artist. Missy Elliott is known for experimenting with
music, so the name of the album may also relate to this and this also
suggests that she needs to be taken seriously.

The language on the CD does not seem to relate to the image on the album.
The font is in capital letters, which is eye catching and it is in white; this
makes us pay attention to it, as the rest of the album cover uses dark

In the image Missy Elliott is standing in front of an army vehicle. There are
three women with afro hairstyles standing on top of it. It looks like Missy is
the leader of something. The women in the background remind me of a
movement called ‘The Black Panthers’ that was popular among black people in
America in the 1970s. Missy may be suggesting that she is the leader of
some kind of movement, maybe a musical movement. As I have previously
stated she is an innovative artist so this could be reinforcing this image we
have of her.

There are also two dogs in the image. Missy is holding one on a leash and the
other dog is in the background sitting straight. I think that dogs are Bull
Terriers. I think that this shows that Missy Elliott is tough and not to be
messed with. On the army vehicle there are two loudspeakers, I think that
she is trying to say that she wants to be heard and that everyone will hear
her music. She seems to be saying whether they like it or not.

I think that this CD is aimed at young people who would like to be a strong
woman like Missy Elliott seems to be. I think that the colours of the CD
would also attract people because most of the CD is dark with an orange

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