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This scene included in the opening of the film
shows a small bit of a keyboard, inflicting the
use of technology throughout the film.
The button Enter might be a symbol for the
viewer that from this point on he is about to
enter another reality.

The chained character shows that there will be a

struggle, a fight somewhere in the film.

The very first thing acquiring the audiences attention is that the black colour. Every frame filmed
in the opening is dark or sometimes in flames.
Automatically this inflicts tension and also captivates the interest of the viewer.



Mid shot

Extreme close-up

Another important aspect of this opening title is the

music. The type of music used is rock. The song used
gives a touch of mystery to the film.
The song is fast paced and energises the audience, like
inducing them into a trans for what is about to follow the
scene. This type of music is the signifier of violence and
aggression helping the audience to identify the genre
before the movie even started.
This type of music also merges with the fast scenes of
the opening title.
From above

There are no costumes in the opening sequence because the characters are modelled from black
liquid. It might signifying ink because the title says tattoo therefore it might be tattoo ink.
Why tattoo ink you may ask? Well this is because tattoos are something that last forever. It suggests
that this movie will leave a mark on you.
Also the black colour signifies evil and suffering giving the viewer a hint about the genre of the movie
and the content of it.
The lightning used in the opening sequence is mostly One point lightning evidencing
only one aspect for each frame.

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