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Computer Knowledge 101 with Waleed and Morgan

CPU: is the abbreviation for central processing unit and basically

the brains behind the
computer and problem-solving.

CD-ROM: a compact disk with a read-only memory for a computer system

DVD-ROM: is used as a read-only optical memory device for a

computer system

Speakers: a device that converts analog audio signals into

the equivalent air

vibrations in order to make audible sound

Mouse: a device that controls the movement of a cursor on a display screen

Keyboard: is used to input data into

a computing system by typing

Software: is the operating system that includes utilities for a

computer to function

Motherboard: is
known as the main circuit board found in
computers and other devices

Operating System: is a software that manages the

computers hardware and software to provide common
services for the computer and its programs

Sound Card: an integrated circuit that gives the computer the ability to produce
sound and pass it along to speakers or another peripheral

Printer: a device that produces a paper copy of alphanumeric or

graphic data

Monitor: the main device used for display on a screen

RAM: stands for Random-access memory as a form of

computer data storage

Video Card:connects to the motherboard of a computer to

produce output images for display

Hard Drive: used a the main

storage device which spins,

reads, and writes one or multiple fixed disk platters

WIFI Router: a device with a WLAN (wireless local area

network) to determine where the next available network point is

Hardware: consists of a
collection of the physical parts
to a computer system

Webcam: a video camera that feeds/streams a image in real time

through a computer network

Microphone: a device capable of converting sound waves

into electric currents used i recording or transmitting sound

Computer gaming device: a special console that allows

input for a person to interact with a game through a

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