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Changes in SmillaEnlarger 0.9.

The interface is completely reworked.
Cropping is much improved.

Changes in SmillaEnlarger 0.8.9:

The interface is laid out more clearly using Tabs.
Calculations are now moved into a job queue and processed in the background
while you can continue your work at once.
Batch Processing is implemented. When you drop folders or multiple files, they
are directly pushed into the queue using the current settings.
The settings of the parameter sliders are saved now.
The Help was improved.
You can use SmillaEnlarger as a command line tool.

Changes in SmillaEnlarger 0.8.5:

Some interface improvements
Drag & Drop: drop files and images from other programs onto the enlarger window
to open them
Clipboard paste
Help-menu added

Enlarging uses less memory

Code cleanup: algorithm moved into BasicEnlarger<T> template
( where T can be any float-vectorspace-class with dot-product and norm )
Support alpha channel
Added FractNoise slider: modify result colors and contours with plasma fractal noise
slightly changed dithering - should now better preserve original hue

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