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Spenser Querry

Ian Corson

Coyote Blue
based on the novel
Coyote Blue
by Christopher Moore
A '77 Oldsmobile Cutlass putters down a Montana highway marked
by barren landscape followed by a cloud of dust. The car pulls into
the lot of Wiley's Food and Gas and Adeline Eats steps out of the
vehicle, noticing a large bundle of clothes and hair in the frozen
field adjacent. She continues into the store, flipping on the lights
and pour two cups of coffee. She exits and approaches the bundle.
Standing high above, she nudges the bundle, which stirs with signs of
life. In a puff of dirt and snow the body of Pokey Medicine Wing
reveals that he is not frozen, just drunk. He tells her of the
medicine dream he had as she fingers the silver cross hanging from
her necklace. He explains that he saw his nephew, the one with the
golden eyes, and that he may be in danger. She brushes it off and
begins to head inside when he points out what he thinks is screech
owl. She quickly ducks in fear. He grins and states that it may have
just been a hawk. She leaves, mumbling a prayer to Jesus to forgive
her for how much she dislikes Pokey.
Sam Hunter sits at the head of a long table in an office, his
golden eyes scan the room as the serious faces of several men stare
back. He asks them if they have a deal. Aaron Aaron sits at the far
end, looking at Sam with baited breath. The men exchange nods that
quickly turn to wide smiles as one man stands and proclaims that they
have reached a deal. The room erupts in nervous laughter and
handshakes as the final papers are signed.
Outside the office, Sam and Aaron walk the hall as Aaron
congratulates Sam on an amazing deal, offering to take him to a
gentlemans club to celebrate. Sam skirts the question, explaining
that he must hurry to his next meeting. He exits the building and
stops to light a cigarette. His golden eyes immediately locking on to
a girl loading laundry into the a '74 AMC Gremlin. His eyes scan the
curves of her body. You want her? a voice asks from behind. Sam
turns to see a young Indian man dressed in black buckskins fringed
with red feathers. He quickly draws a small knife and whips it into
the girl's tire, letting out a high pitched squeal. The girl looks
for the origin of the sound as Sam looks back toward the Indian, who
has now vanished and so has the knife. The girl is upset, now late
for work and Sam offers her a ride.

Inside Sam's black Mercedes, he does all he can to avoid eying
her physique as she clutches her work clothes. They talk of German
engineering, leather seats, and calf eyelashes before pulling to the
side of the road. The cafe sits nestled between other buildings, all
fashioned in the same Santa Barbara style of architecture. They say
goodbye and arrange to pick her up after work. Sam reaches for his
cigarettes when he notices her clothes still on the seat.
Sam enters the cafe and explains to the woman behind the
register that the clothes belong to the blond who just came in. She
says that he can talk to her if he wants, but he'll have to wait with
the other man at the bar. Sam turns to look and sees the Indian man,
who only grins and nods back. He notices the Indian's golden eyes and
for a moment stares in disbelief. He staggers back out to his car
where he sits and lights a cigarette. He drives a short distance
before arriving at a stop light, his turn signal flashing. He
hesitates, looking around in confusion, and flipping the signal in
the opposite direction. He lets out a sigh of frustration as he rubs
his eyes and dials the number for his office on his cell phone. Sam
asks his secretary for the address of his next appointment, and is on
his way.
Sam stands over the reception desk as a young secretary stares
at him, flirtatiously smiling. He informs her of his appointment with
Mr. Young and she responds Herald's expecting you. as she smiles up
at him. Sam hardly smiles back and makes his way down a hall lined
with pictures of a man skydiving, deep sea fishing, and running with
the bulls in Spain. Sam shakes out his wiggles before entering. Mr.
Young, a tall athletic man, beckons for Sam to sit. They talk
insurance and Sam explains the ins and outs of the policy. Mr. Young,
very interested, leans forward smiling, begging to hear more. Sam
continues and catches a glimpse of the Indian man outside the window
behind Young. He's thrown off and begins to repeat himself, losing
his train of thought. Mr. Young twists his face in confused
frustration as Sam flips helplessly through his papers. Mr. Young
stands, gesturing for Sam to stop, and explains that he's still
shopping around and maybe Sam should come back another time as he
walks him to the door.
Sam opens the door to his Mercedes, looking around for a glimpse
of the Indian man, but he is no where to be seen. Brushing a red
feather from the seat, Sam sits, removes his neck tie, rolls up his
sleeves, and cranks up the air conditioner.
Sam arrives back
secretary informs him
him. She asks what he
anything. She reminds

at his office, soaked in sweat, where his

that Mr. Aaron is very upset and demands to see
did and Sam replies, stating he didn't do
him that Aaron got a new boar's head for his

wall and he should compliment it when he gets the chance.
Sam enters Aaron's lavish office and immediately begins to
compliment the new head. Aaron explains that he named it after his
wife. Sam forces a chuckle. Aaron shakes the compliment, and gets
down to business. He goes off on Sam, asking him how he could pull a
stunt like having Mr. Young attacked by an Indian. Sam's confusions
overtakes him and he begins to space out, rubbing his face as he
tries to piece the puzzle together. Aaron explains that he can draw
up a contract and buy Sam out of the company. Sam removes his hands
from his eyes and stares at the deer in front of him. Unable to focus
he moves his hands over his eyes once more.
His hands pull back, though much smaller this time, revealing
Sam to be 9 years old. His golden tear filled eyes stare down at the
dead deer on the ground below him, then back up to his uncle Pokey.
Pokey explains the Crow ways, Samson becoming a man soon, and the
tradition of giving the deer away. He tells the boy of his own spirit
helper, Old Man Coyote, and the strong medicine he was given. Pokey
shows Samson the medicine bundle containing teeth, claws, fur, herbs,
and small wooden carving of Coyote. Samson cries, explaining that he
doesn't want to be Crow, or even like Pokey. Disappointed, Pokey
tells the him what it means to be Coyote blue, and that Samson should
be himself. Samson moves his hands to wipe away his tears as...
...Sam rubs his eyes for the final time, revealing Aaron shaking
him back to the present. Sam rebuttals, angrily telling Aaron he had
nothing to do with the attack. Aaron says he didn't believe it
either, but would look into it.
Sam walks back to his office when his secretary informs him of a
call from the security director at the condominium association,
something about Sam's dog. Sam tells her he'll deal with it later,
and that she needs to have a garage fix the Gremlin parked out front.
Sam's car pulls into the lot at the security office. Inside,
Josh Spagnola yells into the phone as he waves Sam in. Sam plays it
up, feigning to shudder at the language Josh uses. Josh points at the
phone and mimes the hand gesture for being jerked off. The two walk
to Sam's condo and Spagnola fills him in on the details of the dog
wreaking havoc on the tenants all day. As they approach, they hear
howling from inside. They enter Sam's condo to find the beast tearing
into Sam's sofa as it humps away on the arm. Josh unloads his gun at
the animal, hitting everything but. Frightened, he runs off, leaving
Sam alone. He looks around, but the dog is gone. In it's place is the
Indian man, laughing hysterically. Sam yells and the Indian quickly
hops up and jumps out of the shattered window. Sam sits to light a
cigarette but notices a red feather on the floor before him. He
springs up and runs to his bedroom. From a chest he draws he

withdraws the medicine bundle Pokey had given to him. Everything was
still in it's place, with the exception of new item, a red feather.
Sam picks up the feather, twirling it between his fingers. His golden
eyes locked onto as it spins.
The red feathers around a dream catcher dangling from the sweat
lodge spin in the wind as nine year old Samson Hunts Alone watches
his uncle Pokey prepare the sweat. Pokey and Harlan argue the
validity of the old ways and its place in a modern world. Naked,
Pokey, Harlan, Samson, and his older cousins Harry and Festus enter
the lodge. As the room fills with steam, Samson finds himself lying
on the floor in search of cool air before passing out. When he wakes,
Harlan jokes with Samson and asks what he'll do if he sees Old Man
Coyote on his vision quest the next morning. Harlan and Pokey
continue to argue as the sounds of traffic slowly become louder and
Traffic buzzes and hums outside of the Tangerine Tree Cafe where
Calliope sits playing with a small lizard, lost in thought, and
humming Voodoo Child under her breath. Sam's Mercedes pulls up and
Calliope gets in the car as Sam apologizes for being late. He informs
her that he had the tire fixed as she rambles on about her car and
how fast it is, admitting that she built it herself. He stops to drop
her off at her car and they make plans for dinner the next night at
her place.
Sam leaves, doing a u-turn and heading in the opposite
direction. He picks up his phone and dials a number. As the phone
rings, a black pick-up truck inches closer and closer to his car,
swerving as if attempting to pass. The call is picked up by
Spagnola's answering machine and Sam attempts to leave a message,
becoming increasingly distracted by the pick-up as it barrels past.
Sam stares at the two silhouetted figures in the truck; the driver, a
man with long black hair, and a small boy next to him. His golden
eyes scan the truck down to it's Montana plates.
Inside the truck, Pokey Medicine Wing jerks the steering from
side to side as the young Samson next to him giggle and jostles
about. Samson becomes worried, but Pokey assures him that they are
safe, this isn't the way he dies. Pokey quickly slams on the breaks
tossing Samson to the floor. He climbs back into the seat and notices
Pokey staring at a huge buffalo standing in the middle of the road.
Having nearly avoided death, they ride on in silence to the fasting
They arrive at the spot and Pokey explains how the experience
will work, leaving Samson with a blanket and mint leaves to chew on
in case he gets thirsty, saying he'll just be down the road if Samson

needs him or has his vision. Samson walks down the hill, kicking the
dirt as he drags his feet. He sits on a rock and stares at the hot
sun, drawing in the sand with a long stick, already chewing his mint
leaves. He mumbles to himself about stupid vision quests and his want
to go home. He quickly sits upright, struck by inspiration. He runs
back up the hill, practicing his spiel about his invented vision and
calling for Pokey, but Pokey's truck is no where to be seen. Samson
sits on the side of the road, crying and eating the last of his mint
The sound of a car approaching gets louder and louder. Samson,
assuming it to be Pokey, springs up from the road only to see that it
is not Pokey, but rather a large powder blue sedan. The sedan pulls
to a stop and the window rolls down, revealing a very large white man
in a matching suit who asks Samson for directions. He invites the boy
in for a ride and introduces himself as Lloyd Commerce, explaining
that he sells miracles. Samson rides in awe of the luxury, soaking in
every bit as he can before finally falling asleep.
Samson wakes in the middle of the road to Pokey shaking him and
asking him why he chose to sleep in that spot. Samson tells Pokey of
his car ride and the conversation with Lloyd. Pokey's eyes become
wide as he pieces the puzzle together. He apologizes to Samson
because there was no Lloyd, it was Old Man Coyote. Samson looks
around in confusion before his golden eyes stop and stare at the
setting sun.
Sam's golden eyes watch the sun rise on the horizon as he drives
his black Mercedes down the road. His phone rings with a call from
Spagnola who proceeds to explain how Sam is being kicked out of his
condo and that there is nothing more he can do about it. He reveals
that he spoke with Aaron and knows all about the Indian, asking in a
veiled threat who had more to lose, Sam or Aaron. Sam rebuttals in a
rage, claiming Josh knows nothing about him or what he's capable of.
He hangs up the phone before pulling in front of Aaron Assurance. He
puts the car in park and slams the door as he exits.
He enters the office to find his secretary being ravaged by the
Indian man at his desk, their bodies lunging and moaning. Sam springs
into action, knocking the Indian over the head with a large office
phone. His secretary leaves, but Sam tells her she's fired before she
could even close the door. Sam paces around the room four times as he
curses himself and the situation. Falling back into his chair, he
holds his head in frustration. A growling sound bellows from below
the desk as Sam watches the body of the Indian transform into a
coyote. The coyote leaps on the desk, pinning Sam to his seat and
snarling like mad. The coyote begins to change once more back into
the form of the Indian man, who asks Sam for a smoke. Sam obliges and

the Indian explains himself. He tells Sam that he himself is Old Man
Coyote, Sam's spirit helper, and he's here whether Sam likes it or
not. Sam kicks Coyote out of his office in a rage. He returns to his
desk in search of a cigarette but the pack is gone. Sam picks up the
lighter as he sits down once more, flicking the flame up and down. He
stops for a moment and stares at the lighter, flicking it once very
hard with a loud click.
The flame bursts from the lighter in Samson's hand as he lights
a cigarette in the passenger seat of Billy Tow Iron's car. He explins
Pokey's newest business venture of selling dirt to tourists,
insisting that it's Indian healing powder and should be worn around
the neck at all times. The car begins to sputter and pop as steam
rises from the engine compartment. Billy retrieves a jug of water
form the back seat as Sam teases, asking if the car can make it all
the way to Yellow Tail Dam. They drive on, talking of doing away with
the Reservation Officer Enos, who continually wreaks havoc on their
parties. Billy jokes with Samson about his chance of making it with
Ellen Black Feather later that night as they pull in amongst the
other cars parked at the dam.
Samson and Billy exit the car and approach the group of other
Crow Indians their age, banging drums and singing songs. Samson spots
Ellen and the two exchange smiles. Before the party even begins a
pair of headlights illuminates the group and Enus Windtree steps out
of his patrol car. He claims this to be an illegal gathering and
demands a hefty fine. He drives his nightstick directly into the gut
of Earnest Bulltail, doubling him over before striking him again in
the face. Ellen screams at Enus in protest. He withdraws his gun and
approaches her as Samson frantically checks the car for a weapon. He
looks back to see Enus pressing the gun to Ellen's head and fondling
her breasts. Samson grabs the spare tire and charges toward Enus,
calling out his name. Enus turns to shoot but it knocked backwards by
Samson and the spare tire, sending both of them over the edge of the
dam. Earnest reaches out, grabbing Samson and saving him from
falling. Samson and the others stand in silence, staring into the
black abyss below. Except Billy, who jokes about just having that
spare tire fixed.
Billy quickly tells Samson that he must leave and never come
back, if he stays he'll be killed for sure. He drives through the
night, giving Samson the only cash he has on him for a bus ticket and
drops him off at the station. Samson explains that he doesn't know
where to go but will be in touch once he settles in.
Samson wipes his tired eyes as he hops off the bus, staring up
at a sign welcoming him to Santa Barbara, California. In a series of
shots we see Samson standing behind several different restaurant

grills, flipping burgers or pancakes, each time in a different
colored hat and apron, taking orders from a series of different
manager types before one finally instructs him to take an order to a
Samson, plates in hand, approaches a table where a young Aaron
Aaron explains the ins and outs of business to a table of young
salesmen. Aaron calls one of them hopeless and bets him that he could
find a replacement for him in a heartbeat. He looks up at Samson,
placing the plates around the table. He asks him his name and Samson
answers with Sam Hunter, in an attempt to shed his heritage. Aaron
talks with Sam and arranges to meet with him another time for a job
in sales. Aaron brags about the comforts he has acquired, explaining
to Sam the amount of mounted heads and their placements in his
office. He describes a large mountain lion and the way it stand above
his large office desk.
In present day, Aaron examines his balding head in a mirror,
catching a glimpse of the mountain lion in his reflection and turns
to admire it. Just then Sam barges into the office, and demands more
money for his shares of the company and the right to keep his office.
Aaron is insulted by the this turn of events but Sam continues to
pressure him by bringing up his years of unpaid taxes. Sam exits the
office, walking taller and with a grin on his face, leaving Aaron to
ponder the new conditions of their sale.
Sam exits the black Mercedes parked in front of a story house
and next a Harley, adorned with a painting of a naked blond. Sam's
brow furrows as he stares at the painting. He shakes it off and heads
up the steps. Calliope calls from the upper deck. Inside, she
explains in a haze of dark smoke that she ruined the dinner and
admits to not being a very good cook. Sam stands trying to salvage
the dinner while Calliope excuses herself and returns holding a small
child she introduces as Grubb, her son. Sam extends his finger for
the child to play with and Grubb grabs it, wiggling it up and down.
Calliope takes the child to his room for a nap. Sam stands stirring
the burn noodles when he hears soft music coming from the living
room. He enters to find Calliope sitting on pillows and blankets
arranged on the floor and beckoning him over. They undress and begin
to make love but are interrupted by a loud slam. Sam becomes
distracted but Calliope insists that it was from downstairs and they
should continue. The noise comes once more and Grubb begins to cry.
Calliope jumps up and runs to the balcony. Sam hears her arguing with
a man who calls her a slue of names and threatens to take their son.
She returns to Sam and explains that it was Lonnie, her ex and
Grubb's father; a hot head into motorcycles, drugs, and guns. Sam

becomes worried. She assures him that he's all talk and nothing to
worry about. Calliope leads Sam into her bedroom as she begins to
untie her dress once more.
Downstairs, Lonnie was loading and unloading his .357 Magnum as
he paced from the window and back, checking to see if the Mercedes
was still parked outside. He continually touched his bleeding chest
where there remained a partially disfigured tattoo of the same woman
painted on his bike. Unable to weigh the repercussions of murder,
Lonnie, enraged and confused, rushes towards his t.v. set and throws
it to the ground in a loud crash.
The crash echoes in the ears of Pokey Medicine Wing as he
quickly sets upright in a cold sweat, repeatedly mumbling Samson to
himself. He takes one more slug from his bottle before his eyes roll
back into his head and he passes out. In the black abyss of his
medicine dream, Pokey calls for Old Man Coyote. A crow lands at his
feet and quickly transforms into Coyote. Pokey explains that he saw
Samson in danger and begs for Coyote's help. Coyote tells Pokey that
he is on the verge of death and needs to end his fast, and not to
worry about Samson, he is already helping him. Coyote takes form of
the crow once more and takes flight.
The crow lands on the hood of the black Mercedes and takes the
form of a mosquito, flying through the front grill and into the air
vents before settling on the drivers seat and transforming once more
into a man. He flips through the Rolodex and removes a card, tucking
it into his buckskins. Inside the home, Lonnie is rummaging through
his liquor cabinet when there is an intense pounding at the door. He
quickly brandishes the gun and charges, but is nearly knocked down
when Coytoe enters. Coyote rushes around pretending to look for Sam,
claiming he wants to kill him. Lonnie threatens Coyote in order to
find out Sam's address. Coyote gives him the card from the Rolodex,
only it's for Josh Spagnola. Lonnie, with the Magnum to Coyote's
back, shows him the door. Lonnie dials the phone, telling a man named
Tinker that he needs him to take care of something.
Upstairs, Sam and Calliope are fooling around when they hear
Lonnie causing more ruckus downstairs. Grubb cries from his room. All
of this breaking Sam's concentration and causing Calliope to attempt
to calm Grubb down. Sam heads off to the bathroom, attempting to calm
himself down and focus. You can do this. A voice says behind Sam.
He turns to see Coyote and immediately lays into him, saying that he
can't trust him and doesn't need his help. Coyote gives Sam a pouch
of passion powder and instructs him to sprinkle some on his penis.
Sam agrees to use it if Coyote leaves. Just as he applies it,
Calliope enters, mistaking it for a condom and calls Sam back to bed.
They make passionate love together before falling asleep in each

other's arms.
The loud and thunderous sounds of a motorcycle revving its
engine stirs Josh Spagnola violently from his sleep. Downstairs,
Tinker does doughnuts on the living room carpet. Josh moves to grab
his gun from the floor but is suddenly knocked unconscious when the
door quickly flies open. Tinker stands high above, disappointed at
the sight. He pulls a baseball bat from behind his back and in two
terrible blows, breaks both of Spagnola's legs. Then silently walks
back out, mounting his motorcycle and doing one more round of
doughnuts before driving out of the front door.
Sam and Calliope talk in the
he wants and Sam, not knowing how
irritated. She responds with how
realizing his irrational thought.

morning light, She asks what it is

to answer, becomes increasingly
about some eggs? Sam cools off,
They jump from bed and enter the

Sam leaves Calliope's dressed and ready to go home when a voice

from behind calls out. It's Coyote again, asking about Sam's night.
They talk and Sam comes to the realization that he cannot get rid of
Coyote and for the first time, embraces that.
Kiro Yashamoto talks of their new property in Montana while
driving his wife and two children, Tommy and Michiko, in their rented
Land Rover. His children share their plans to attend American schools
and begin their lives in The United States when suddenly Michiko
spots Pokey lying on the rocks, and points it out to her father. They
stop and get out, approaching Pokey. Kiro realizes that Pokey and
sick and they search him for medical information. They find a letter
written to the president Chrysler. Believing that he could be a
potential business connection, they decide to put him in the SUV and
take him to get help.
Several members of the Navy Seals surround a small shack in the
Iranian desert. They walk in formation, bursting through the doors
and shoot wildly at anyone they see. The leader rushes to the bed and
flips it over, finding several members of a terrorist organization
lying in wait. He quickly dispatches them as Sam steps from the
bathroom, drying his hair, commenting on Coyote's video game skills.
The phone rings and Sam answers to Spagnola's desperately pissed off
voice, proclaiming Sam the winner. He tells Sam that he'll get his
apartment back if he just calls this all off. Sam peeks at Coyote who
was mashing buttons and cursing at the controller. He tells Spagnola
he has no idea what he's talking about but is glad to hear it. Sam
asks Coyote to explain but he was gone.
Calliope stands behind the counter of The Tangerine Tree Cafe,

telling her co-worker about Sam and their amazing night. She wraps it
up by explaining that she has to hurry home and give Grubb to Lonnie,
it was his turn to watch the rugrat, but she has a bad feeling about
it like always.
Lonnie's motorcycle sits outside of a cheap motel. Their arguing
can be heard in the parking lot. Inside, Lonnie tells Crystal, a
dangerously thin and hideous woman, that he as to go home to get the
kid. She argues that Lonnie still loves Calliope and wouldn't anymore
if they could get custody of the Grubb. She says she'd be a great
mother as she dumps a bag of speed into an empty soda can. As Lonnie
leaves she tells him Tink called and said he took care of things.
Inside Mr. Young's office, his partner, Stan Shatner ends his
conversation with his lawyer about the lawsuit agains Aaron Assurance
when his intercom beeps. His secretary tells him a man from the
Native American Reform Coalition is there to see him. Confused he
asks her to send him in. Just then, Coyote burst through the office
door and explains that is under the impression that some insurance
salesman is taking credit for the attack on Mr. Young. Shatner begins
to question him as Coyote begins to sprout fur before his eyes.
Sam arrives back at his office to unconditional apologies from
his secretary and a rather polite message for him to see Aaron at his
convenience. He enters Aaron's office who claims there is no more
lawsuit and he longer needs to buy Sam out. Sam assures him the price
still stands and demands the papers to be on his desk by midweek. Sam
exits the office to find his secretary once again being ravished by
Coyote. Sam and Coyote argue as Coyote sends photocopied pictures of
his privates to every contact on the machine. Suddenly a police
officer pushes his way through to Sam's office. He questions the two
on their relationship and tells him of the possibility of Mr. Young's
office having been spiked with LSD. They deny involvement and the
officer leaves. Sam tells Coyote that he's done with him and he needs
to leave. Coyote says he's gone, but so is the girl.
Calliope stands in the driveway, holding Grubb and staring down
Lonnie and Crystal. She hands him over, asking Lonnie to please not
take him on the motorcycle. They argue and Calliope becomes unsettled
and asks him to just stay home with Grubb. Lonnie says he business to
take care of and as they peel off Crystal yells back We'll put a
dollar on black for you bitch! Calliope turns and runs back up the
Sam sits restlessly at home, pondering Coyote's words. He grabs
his phone and calls the cafe, Calliope wasn't there. He calls her
home and there was no answer. He grabs his keys and heads for the

Outside of Calliope's, Sam stands impatiently knocking on the
door and peeking through the windows. After several attempts he tries
the nob and walks in. He searches the house and finds a note that
simply reads I'm sorry. Lonnie took Grubb. Going to get him back.
Sam rushed back to his car and took off, driving around in search of
her Gremlin. Finding no clue to her whereabouts, Sam parks in the lot
by the beach and smokes a cigarette, lost in thought.
Inside the guild clubhouse, Tinker, Bonner Newton, and others in
the gang drink and smoke. A black crow lands on the window sill,
looking in. Bonner explains the plan. The gang was out of ether and
Lonnie was on his way to Vegas to get the money to buy more. The
others were going to Santa Luccia to await his arrival.
Sam wakes up in his bed to the horrible smell of dog breath. He
tries to ignore it but finally wakes to find that it's Coyote. Coyote
tells him that Calliope went to Vegas to get her son back from
Lonnie. They talk, weighing Sam's new life versus his old life.
Coyote brings up the time Sam, Billy Two Irons, and Eli Broken Tooth
sought out trouble by pissing on Custer's grave. Samson admits that
he would do it again, even though it was nothing but trouble. Coyote
reminds him, And the girl is nothing but trouble? Sam decides he
must get calliope.
Sam and Coyote drive through the evening and arrive in Las
Vegas, pulling into the parking lot of the Camelot hotel and Casino,
and Sam explains he had been there with Aaron before who had lost his
ass. Sam gets money from the ATM, a machine that confuses and
intrigues Coyote, who mistakes it for a game. They check in and Sam's
name causes the computer system to beep, alerting a tall black man
who's name tag reads only M.F. He greets them and insists that if
they need anything at all to contact him.
They arrive in their room and Sam decides to sleep for the night
and search for Calliope in the morning. Coyote agrees with this plan
before stealing Sam's wallet and heading back down to the ATM.
Confused at firs, he figures out the pin number and maxes out all of
Sam's cards, yelling at a woman to go away, his cheating medicine
wouldn't help her not be ugly. The woman swings her bag at Coyote but
is caught by the large hand M.F. who begins to follow Coyote around,
teaching him how to play the games. Coyote asks if M.F. stands for
mother fucker. M.F. reveals his name to be Minty Fresh, and gives a
brief rundown of his siblings name and his mother's affinity for
dental hygiene. After several rounds of different games, Coyote has
lost all of Sam's money. He explains to Coyote that he must leave to
get more money. Outside, the valet brings around Sam's Mercedes.
Before he can depart, Minty tells him they'll be holding a place for
him. Coyote tips the valet with passion powder and drives off.

Calliope sits in her Gremlin outside of the Harley Shop, wrapped
in Grubb's baby blanket for warmth. Just then, two figures approach
her car, jittery from drugs and booze, the two men attempt to break
into her car. Before one can smash her window with a brick she starts
the car and peels off. He tosses the brick and shatters the rear
window as she narrowly escapes.
Inside a hotel room, Lonnie and Crystal argue over her abilities
as a mother. Meanwhile Grubb climbs atop several plastic bags loaded
with white powder. Lonnie blames it on Crystal, insisting that she
should've been watching the boy and demands that she clean it up. She
tells him to fuck off and he springs at her, grabbing her by the hair
and threatening to snap her neck. She cleans up the kid while
complaining about their trip but stops mid sentence when she catches
Lonnie out of the corner of her eye, pointing his pistol directly at
Calliope's Gremlin flies down the road before being finally
spotted by a cop. His lights flash and takes off after her. He
reaches for his radio to call in the car but is cut off by the black
Mercedes, and he slams on his breaks. The cop quickly gets out the of
the car, pulling his gun and demanding the driver get out of the car,
but there is no answer. He creeps closer and closer to the Mercedes's
open window. He springs up to find himself face to face with the
business end of a skunk, who douses him in a terrible spray. He wipes
his face clean as the Mercedes pulls away, maniacal laughter coming
from inside.
Coyote stands outside of small garage marked by a sign as
Clyde's Cash for Your Car, staring down at a small pudgy man in
overalls. He explains that it's a good car, it tells you where you
are going. Coyote offers the car for six thousand, but Clyde silently
crosses his arms, waiting for a number he likes. Coyote lowers to
five. They strike a deal and Clyde offers that Clyde Jr. would take
him where he needs to go.
Kiro Yashamoto stands in the corner of the clinic, watching a
medical doctor and an Indian man do all they can for Pokey. Harlan,
standing in the opposite corner, introduces himself and thanks him
for bringing in Pokey. Just then, the medicine man declares that
Pokey is gone. At once, Pokey begins to speak softly, but not in
Crow or in English. The medicine man says that it's Navaho. Harlan
argues that Pokey doesn't speak Navaho. The medicine man replies Not
here he doesn't, but he isn't here. His voice stopped and the
monitor began to flatline.
Minty fresh stands behind the reception desk when he receives a
call informing him that Coyote has returned and needs to be watched.

He helps Coyote play more games and lose more money, until he finally
goes all in on a game of craps and rolls a snake eyes. Minty offers
to have the bellhop take Coyote to his room but he insists he needs
more money and that it's at a different hotel. Minty calls for a limo
and offers to drive him wherever he needs to go. Coyote tells him
that his money is at the Frontier. Minty speaks to the phone,
commanding it to call Camelot. The phone rings and he tells them he
is taking a customer to another hotel. Coyote mistakes this for
Minty's ability to talk to machines, but Minty insists that it's only
this one. Just then the Gremlin zooms past and Coyote orders Minty to
follow it. Minty says that he can't do that so Coyote tells him he
needs to get cigarettes at the gas station across the street. Minty
obliges, drives across, and enters the station. He turns to check on
the car, but it is pulling out of the lot, Coyote behind the wheel.
Minty runs outside, loosing his sun glasses, his golden eyes watch as
the car peels off.
The sun begins to rise as Coyote sits in the limo, keeping his
eyes on Calliope's Gremlin parked outside of another Harley shop. He
uses the phone to call Sam's room at the hotel and tells him that
Calliope is at the Harley shop. Sam says he'll be right there and
Coyote tells him he'll have to take a cab because he sold his car. He
instructs the phone to call the girl but is directed to a phone sex
hotline, he is connected to a girl who asks what he's wearing.
Outside of the station, Minty dials a number on the payphone. A
hostile voice answers and Minty explains he needs a favor. He tells
him that a limo has been stolen but he can't involve the police, and
he needs help tracking it. The man agrees to meet Minty in 15 minutes
with a car.
Calliope watches as Crystal and Lonnie leave the shop with
Grubb. She notices Crystal's badly bruised face and realizes she must
jump into action. She leaps from the car and rushes towards them,
calling out Lonnie's name. They argue over the kid and Lonnie taking
him on a drug run. He explains it's just a family camping vacation as
he and crystal hop on the bike and speed off, Calliope running after.
She stops to see Grubb reaching over Crystal's shoulder, aching for
his mother. She begins to cry and notices the man in the limo staring
at her. She screams at him and heads back to her car.
In the hotel, Sam the chambermaid search for his wallet but to
no avail. Downstairs Sam gets in the cab and instructs the cabbie to
take him to the Harley shop. The cabbie says it's a bad part of town
and will cost him double. Unable to pay anyway, Sam doesn't argue.
They pull into the lot behind the limo and Sam tells the cabbie he'll
get his money. He approaches the limo and knocks on the window.
Coyote rolls it down and reveals that Calliope just left. Sam looks

back to the cab and hops in the limo, telling Coyote to drive. They
take off and Coyote explains that he sold Sam's car for five thousand
dollars, which he lost in the casino to the shaman with strong
cheating medicine. They drive on and Coyote tells him the story of
Minty and the stolen limo. The phone rings and Coyote answers
Brandy? But it wasn't a woman's voice, rather Minty's deep, calm
tone demanding to get the limo back. He begins to mention the police
but Coyote cuts him off by hanging up. Sam tells him to pull off at
the next exit.
They pull off at the exit and Coyote asks why they did, Sam
replies it was before they caught up with them. Coyote pulls over and
Sam exits the car, looking up and down the desolate road. Suddenly, a
prairie dog scuttles across the road. Coyote says they ask someone
for directions. Sam argues that there is no one to ask and Coyote
points out the prairie dog. Coyote approaches the small animal and
asks for directions, he says that he saw a car drive down the road
and that there's a repair place up a little ways. Coyote returns to
find Sam standing outside of an abandoned shop. The sign on the door
reads No Indians or Dogs Allowed. Coyote asks what they have
against dogs, and Sam brings up the part about Indians. He rips it
down, declaring that it pisses him off. Coyote congratulates Sam on
still being alive and tosses him the keys.
They drive a few miles before spotting the garage, the lot
littered with abandoned vehicles. Above the door a sign reads
Satorie Japanese Auto Repair. Calliope's Gremlin was parked out
front. Sam and Coyote are greeted by an Oriental man dressed in
robes. Sam asks where the girls driving the car is and the man
replies What is the sound of one hand clapping? Sam hesitates and
the man jumps in his face telling him not to think but to act. Sam
panics and moves his hands to protect himself, catching the Oriental
man in the mouth with his elbow. Right answer. he replies with
mouth full of blood. The man tells him that the girl is inside with
the Master.
They enter the room to find Calliope sitting on a mat with
another, much older, monk, drinking tea. She turns and immediately
jumps into Sam's arms, saying she lost Grubb and her car started
making a horrible noise and had to get it fixed. They held each other
as Sam reassured her that everything would be fine. Coyote beckoned
for them to leave. Sam introduces the two. The young monk enters,
explaining that the Master will now fix her car.
Outside, they watch as the older Monk waves his hands about the
engine compartment, feeling out the problem. Sam insists that they
leave in their car, they know where they are going. Calliope asks how
they know, but Sam shrugs it off as

a long story. Coyote insists that another car is not enough as he
points to a police car headed their way. The cruiser pulls to an
abrupt stop, blocking the limo in, and covering them in a cloud of
dust. As the dust clears, Minty stands next to the limo, and a small
bald man points a shotgun at them from the car. Minty asks for the
limo back. Sam pulls out the keys and Minty says he wants the car and
wants to know what is going on. Just then, the Monk declares that the
master has found the problem. Sam explains the situation with the
girl, the car, the baby, and the bikers. But Minty says they still
can't have the car. Minty gets back in the limo and drives off. The
three drink more tea as they watch the Master fix the car and talk
with the other monk.
They drive through the night. Sam formally introduces Coyote and
Calliope, telling her that he is a God and his spirit helper. He also
tells her of his past, his Crow heritage, and how he had killed Enus
when he was 15. Calliope tells them of the club campsite and the
place they use to make their product.
Sam wakes up in the car, Calliope is gone. He panics before noticing
that she is on the side of the road, untying a small calf's tail that
was tangled in the fence. She gets back in explaining that she felt
they could use the good karma.
They approach the woods around the gang's campsite and notice
that a car is following them. They park at the cattle gate and agree
to walk on foot the rest of the way. As they get closer, they hear
the bikers listening to music and partying. Coyote insists that they
take the path, Sam and Calliope follow. From atop of the ridge they
spot the camp and the members sitting around a fire. Calliope sees
Grubb and they devise a plan to get him back. Coyote asks for
Calliope's clothes as she shifts into a very attractive Indian woman.
He removes his penis and hands it to Sam for safe keeping.
Tinker sulks in the bed of the truck, banished there for not
informing Bonner that they were out of ether. He quickly sits up when
he spies the new Indian woman making her way to the fire as the other
women fawn over Grubb. Finally Coyote holds the child and begins to
slink off with him. Crystal and Tinker both take notice and take off
after her; Crystal right behind and Tinker taking the low road to
head her off.
Sam, Calliope, and Coyote make off with Grubb but are soon cut
off by Tinker, who takes aim with his pistol. He has them in his
sites and is just about to fire when his arm is gripped by the
massive hand of Minty, who proceeds to slam his head into a rock,
knocking him unconscious.

They all hurry to the car and Coyote suggests they return to the
Crow Reservation to hide. As they pull out and drive down the road
the bikers follow in hot pursuit. Minty pulls the limo and blocks the
road as they approach. Lonnie and the others ride up, pulling their
guns on Minty and the Gremlin. They fire on Calliope's car before
Minty swings open his car dar, knocking Lonnie to the ground. He
attempts to fight them off but is quickly overtaken.
The Gremlin escapes but not before they realize that Calliope
has been shot. They check her vital signs, but there are none to be
found; she's dead. Coyote drives in silence as Sam sits in complete
shock, holding Grubb the rest of the way.
Coyote pulls the car around to the Hunt's Alone house. He exits
the car and knocks on the door, an older woman answers and suggests
putting the body in the trailer. Inside, Sam recognizes the woman as
his grandmother Cindy.
Sam arrives at the clinic to see Pokey. Sam talks to him as his
health holds steady. Pokey reveals to Sam that he didn't actually
kill Enus. Enus had survived the fall with only a few broken bones,
but Sam had to run away because Enus would have surely killed him. He
also tells Sam that he regrets giving him Coyote Medicine. Sam states
that he doesn't have to apologize for that. He continues to tell
Pokey about Calliope and how she died escaping the bikers. Pokey
tells him to have Coyote bring her back to life, he's done this
before. But first, Sam must locate and retrieve a magical bundle of
arrows from Billings Montana.
Sam returns to his grandmother's house and uses the phone to
place a call to the Museum of the West in Cody Wyoming. They tell him
of a serious collector of Indian artifacts named Arnstead Houston. He
then calls his secretary and tells her to send a particular set of
clothes of his to Billings Montana, the first possible flight. Next,
Sam calls an insurance company in Billings to get the number for
Boulder Causality, the company that insures artifacts. He calls
Boulder and pretends to be from Sotheby's London, saying he needs to
get in touch with Arnstead and finally gets his number. One last call
to Arnstead in which Sam claims to be from the University of
Washington and needs to take a look at re-appraising an item in his
collection and sets up a meeting for later that night. Coyote and
Cindy watch in shock at how effortlessly Sam had done this.
Sam and Coyote arrive at Huston's home in a rented Jeep. Inside,
he's pouring himself a drink and celebrating the monetary worth of
what he feels to be old meaningless junk. Sam and Coyote enter and

ask to see the bundle. They say the value may have been grossly
underestimated and that they must get it back to the university for
appraisal. Coyote continues to make strange comments about the fish
in Arnie's tank and how they've seen him open the bundle before,
frustrating Sam. They finally convince Huston that they must take the
bundle that night and Sam gives him a fake contract to sign, showing
the bundles estimated worth. It's a very large sum and Arnie can't
help to smile as he signs the papers. Sam and Coyote leave with the
bundle and set out to the clinic to spring Pokey.
They arrive at the clinic and devise a plan to sneak Pokey out.
The receptionist stands talking on the phone when the halls begin to
rumble and a large white horse runs through the hall. This distracts
the staff long enough for Sam to scoop up Pokey and get him out of
They return back to the Hunt's Alone house and Pokey prepares
the sweat lodge for Sam's journey to the underworld. As Pokey
prepares, Sam visits calliope's body in the trailer. He becomes
chocked up and is at a loss for words. He says nothing as he slowly
strokes her hand. Harlan and Festus arrive at Pokey's behest. Sam and
Festus listen to Harlan and Pokey argue again over the old ways and
Pokey's drinking.
Naked, the men sit inside the sweat lodge. Pokey opens the
bundle and must sing a song. He doesn't know the words and makes
something up, hoping that it works. As the room fills with steam, Sam
begins to shiver and shake, his eyes open and roll back. Harlan says
the song must be working as he watches Sam convulse. Pokey drops the
door and all becomes black.
The sound of an animal breathing becomes louder and louder as a
pair of golden eyes float before Sam in the abyss. A stone platform
began to rise up from the ground, atop it stood a black figure with a
man's body and the head of a dog. Next to it, a massive lion with the
jaws of a crocodile, chomped and licked at the air. Behind them was a
giant golden scale. The figure tells Sam to get on the scales, but
realizes he is alive and tells him to leave. He then explains that
Coyote is his brother and introduces himself as Osiris and the beast
next to him as Ammut.
Meanwhile, the men in the sweat lodge watch as Sam shake and
convulse. Coyote enters the sweat lodge and joins the others.
Osiris continues about the origin of himself and Coyote, and
also explains that Minty is one of his sons, but doesn't know it yet.
Sam asks Osiris to bring Calliope back to life but he says Coyote
must do it, and in the process learn of self sacrifice. Osiris turns

to leave and Sam chases after him, but the pedestal drops right out
from under him and he falls through the darkness.
Sam jerks awake, first seeing Coyote and immediately accusing
him of killing Calliope for stories, jumping at his throat. Pokey
intervenes, explaining that Minty had called to warn Sam that the
bikers were on their way to take the child. Sam springs from the
lodge and runs naked to the fire pit, covering himself in ashes
before charging into the house and returning with a spear. Pokey and
Coyote try to calm Sam down but he takes a swing at Coyote, cutting
his chest with the spear's sharp tip. Sam runs off, quickly mounting
a horse and riding away. Coyote calls for a horse who comes at his
command, he hops on and pursues Sam.
On the highway, Lonnie leads a gang of forty plus bikers down
the road, I search of Calliope's car. They slow as they reach the
Crow Reservation and Lonnie calls Bonner up front to talk to with
him, but before they can they hear Sam screaming in the distance.
They see the figure in the distance, naked atop a horse, covered in
ash and armed with only a lance, Coyote following behind. Tinker
draws his pistol and prepares to shoot when suddenly, he his shot in
the shoulder, but not before getting a shot off. The sound comes from
a nearby rooftop as the gang looks to see Harlan cocking his rifle
and aiming once more. Tinker's bullet send Coyote off his horse and
into a nearby ditch. Sam charges on, screaming as loud as he can as
his horse jumps Tinker's bike, his hooves catching Lonnie square in
the face and knocking him to the pavement. Sam dismounts the horse
and raises he spear high above Lonnie's chest. He slams it down with
all his might but stops just in time to merely tap Lonnie on the
chest. He explains to Lonnie and the gang that this over and they had
all better get the fuck out of town. Lonnie scrambles to his feet and
insists that the gang turn and head back.
Sam walks back to Coyote to find his naked body twisted and
bleeding in the ditch. Coyote tells Sam that he won as he coughs up
blood and insists that Sam continue to tell the stories of what has
happened here. Just then, a black limo pulls through the crowd, Minty
behind the wheel. He asks if Sam is alright and offers him a ride
back to his home. Sam gets in, exhausted and dirty, only to find
Billy Two Irons sitting in the back seat. Billy tells Sam that Minty
will drive him home and that he'll come visit when things clear up,
as long as Sam doesn't skip town again. He gets out of the limo and
tells Sam that it was a good day to die. Sam musters a smile and the
Minty drives off. Minty explains that the gang let him go when they
found his casino I.D., in fear that they if they killed him, the mob
would find out and hunt them down. Sam asks Minty if he knows what
they are, Minty replies that he doesn't. Sam tells him that he is
free from his responsibility and asks Minty where he might go. Minty

doesn't know for sure, Maybe San Diego he replies as they pull into
the Hunt's Alone house. He invites Minty in, but he says he must get
going and they say their goodbyes.
Sam walks past the house where Cindy, holding Grubb, and the
others watch from the door, staring at Sam in shock. He looks down at
himself and heads towards the back of the house to wash up. Passing
by the trailer, Sam's eyes glance the trailer but quickly look away.
He begins to wash up when he hears the latch of the trailer click. He
looks up to see Calliope stepping out, shielding her eyes from the
sun. She begins to tell Sam that she had the strangest dream. The two
embrace; laughing, crying, and laughing again as they hold each other
Title: 6 years later
Pokey kisses a 9 year old Grubb on the forehead as they pack him
into the pick-up, Sam behind the wheel. Calliope, holding her
pregnant belly gets a hand from Pokey from she climbs into the cab.
Pokey tells the boy to pray for strong medicine and to avoid anyone
in a Blue Sedan. Sam cracks a smile as they pull away from the Hunt's
Alone house.
As they drive down they highway, through the barren landscape,
Sam and Calliope exchange smiles and ride on hand in hand. High above
the car a black crow follows. Fade out.

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