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Issue 23, 15th February 2015

P.O. Box 14241 Kampala; Tel +256 414 258 112; Blog:
Cathedral Sunday Masses
7:00 am 8:30 am


8:30 am 10:00 am


10:00 am 11:30 am


Jesus Heals the leper

Out-stations Sunday Masses

St. Elizabeth

7:30 am

Lubiri S.S.S


Uganda Martyrs High School

8:00 am

Uganda Martyrs Primary School


Queen of Peace Primary School


Our lady of Africa Lubaga girls S.S 8:30am

Nalukolongo Sub parish
Weekday Masses

8:00 am

Monday to Friday
Lubaga Cathedral 6:30 am, 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm
Nalukolongo S/P

7:00 am


6:30 am, 7:00 am

INSIDE Click on title choice below

Saints and readings of the week. Pg. 2
ScripturePictorial Pg. 3
Health FactsKnow about stress and how to
cope with it. Pg. 4
Getting things done Pg. 5

By Rev. Fr. J.B Ssekkomo

Kampala Archdiocese dayPictorial Pg. 6

Nuptial Masses 10:00am, Noon, 2:00pm, 4:00pm

Cathedral Nuptial Mass Bookings 2015 Pg. 7

Nalukolongo S/P

Church in the digital era Pg. 8


7:00 am

Every first Sunday of the Month

Saturdays and appointments.

Marriage Registration: Secretarys Office
Marriage instructions: (Tuesday Class)
Every Tuesday 8:00am - 2:00pm
Contact Phone: 0776495251
Oratorio (Sunday School)
Bulletin Articles and Adverts: +256 702 419569
New Parishioners Registration:
Office of the Cathedral Administrator & Executive
15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 2


15 February.

Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Mukutula Ssanja 15

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1st Reading: Leviticus 13:1ff

Lepers had to live isolated and apart. Only if a priest

pronounced a leper cured could he or she come
back into normal life.

2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1

Do all to the glory of God. And instead of offending

people, we must aim to please them if we can.

Gospel: Mark 1:40-45

Jesus cures a leper by the healing touch of his hand. Then

he wants the cure recognised, so the man can re-join his
local community.

Olunaku lwomukama 6

Essomo I Abaleevi (13,1-2. ,44-46)

Omugenge asule yekka wabweru wekyalo.

Essomo II AbeKorinti. (10, 31 - 11, 1,)

Mulabire ku nze nga bwe ndabira ku Kristu.

Evanjiri Marko (1, 4045).

Amangu ago ebigenge ne bimuta nawona.



We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
begotten of the Father; God from God, Light from
Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made,
By whom all things were made,
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down
from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost
of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;
He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven from thence he shall come
again, with glory, to judge the living and the dead;
I believe in in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of
life, who proceedeth from the Father, who with the
Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets.
I believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church;
we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of
sins; we look for the resurrection of the dead, and
the life of the world to come. Amen

Nzikiriza Katonda Omu, Patri Omuyinza wa buli kantu,

Eyakola eggulu nensi, na Byoona ebilabika nebitalabika.
Nzikiriza nOmukama omu Yezu Kristu, Omwana omu aati owa
Katonda, Patri gwazaala nga nemirembe gyonna teginnabaawo.
Katonda ava mu Katonda, Ekitangaala ekiva mu kitangaala, Katonda ddala ava mu Katonda ddala.
Yazaalibwa buzaalibwa tiyatondebwa, Ye ne Patri mu bwaklatonda
be bamu ddala: Byonna mwe byakolebwa.
Oyo olwokubeera ffe abantu, olwokutulokola yava mu ggulu nakka. Nafuna omubiri mu Maria omubeererevu ku bwa mwoyo Mutuukirivu, nafuuka omuntu era olwokubeera fe, yakomererwa ku
musaalaba, nabonaabona ku mirembe gya Ponsio Pilato, naziikibwa, nazuukira ku lwessayu nga bwekyali mu biwandiiko.
nalinnya mu ggulu, atudde ku gwa ddyo ogwa Patri. Alijja ogwokubiri nekitiibwa okulamula abalamu nabafu, obwakabaka bwe
Nzikiriza ne Mwoyo mutuukirivu Omukama era awa obulamu, ava
mu Ptri ne Mwana, gwetusinza awamu ne Patri ne Mwana, netugulumiza kimu, eyayogerera mu balanzi.
Nzkiriza ne Eklezia omu, omutukuvu, Katolika, eyava mu batume.
Njatula Batismu emu esonyiwa ebibi. Era nindirira okuzuukira
kwabafu, nobulamu obwemirembe egirijja. Amiina


16th Feb 2015
St. Daniel
1st Reading
Gn 4:1-15, 25
Mk 8:11-13

17th Feb 2015

St. Alexis
1st Reading
Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5,
10 Gospel
Mk 8:14-21

18th Feb 2015

*Ash Wednesday+
St. Simon
1st Reading JL 2:12-18
2nd Reading
2 Cor 5:206:2
Mt 6:1-6, 16-18

19th Feb 2015

Bl. Alvarez of
1st Reading
Dt 30:15-20
Lk 9:22-25

20th Feb 2015

St. Wulfric
1st Reading
Is 58:1-9a
Mt 9:14-15

15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

21th Feb 2015

St. Severian
1st Reading
Is 58:9b-14
Lk 5:27-32

Page 3


Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Sc ripture Pictorial
If someone has on his skin a
scab or pustule or blotch which
appears to be the sore of leprosy,
he shall be brought to Aaron, the
priest, or to one of the priests
among his descendants.

The one who bears the sore of leprosy shall keep his garments rent and his head bare, and shall
muffle his beard; he shall cry out, Unclean, unclean!

I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble,

and you fill me with the joy of
A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, If you wish, you can make me clean.
Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, I do will it. Be made clean.
15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 4


Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Health Fact s

What is Stress ?
The term stress is used to describe the effect of any
event or experience which interferes with your physical
or mental well-being. It can be any one of a wide range
of stimuli, for example, the threat of violence, some
internal conflict such as guilt, or an upsetting event in
lifebereavement or losing a job. The physical changes
that may result from stress can involve almost every
organ of the body, as well as several body functions.
The characteristic reactions to stress are natural in
everyone and they come from primitive fight or flight
response which helped our ancestors to survive day-today danger. However when this normal reaction to stress
becomes excessive or prolonged, the body is no longer
able to cope efficiently and a number of stress related
symptoms begin to develop and emerge.
Even short bouts of stress may disrupt your body and can
cause a variety of symptoms. These are likely to
disappear when the source of stress goes.

What causes Stress?

secrete more of the hormones cortisol and

adrenaline. The hormones set in motion a series of
responses within your body. Blood is diverted from
the intestines to the muscles to help you prepare for
action, and glucose (Sugar) is released from the
tissues to produce the necessary extra energy. These
reactions help you flee from danger, although in
modern life, this is rarely the appropriate response.

What are the Stress Symptoms?

The most common stress symptoms are:
Feeling of nervousness.
1. Sleeping difficulties.
2. Headaches.
3. Muscle pains.
4. Palpitations.
5. Indigestion.
6. Joint Pains.
7. Skin Irritation.
8. Sexual problems.

Any activity or circumstance that arouses your emotions

or that you perceive as threatening or dangerous is
stressful, but what upsets one person may not affect
another in the same way.
Traumatic experiences that have a high stress rating for
almost everyone include divorce, moving house, getting
married, having a baby and the death of a close friend or
relative. However even minor irritations, such as getting
stuck in a queue or caught in a traffic jam can e stressful.
In administration, the task to send off somebody
following a management decision can be stressful
especially when it is a decision based on down sizing staff
rather than non-performance.

What effect does stress have on your body?

Stress causes an increase in chemical activity in the brain,
nervous system, muscles, heart and intestines. In a
stressful situation, your brain sends out a series of
chemical signals that prompt the adrenal glands to

9. Diarrhoea or constipation.
10. Depression or anxiety.

What Can you do to avoid Stress?

1. Do not Bottle up anger or other reactions.
2. Cultivate friends with whom you can share all,
good and bad.
3. Use relaxation techniques, such as meditation.
4. Avoid the frequent use of tranquilisers, alcohol or
sleeping pills to relieve feelings of anxiety or
5. Involve yourself in regular exercise, recreational
activities and hobbies.

When should I see the Doctor?

When Stress related symptoms persist for more than
a few weeks.

15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 5


Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Getting Things Done

yo u n g
m a n
went to
for a managerial
position in a big
passed the initial
interview, and now
would meet the
director for the final
The director discovered from his CV that the youth's
academic achievements were excellent. He asked, "Did
you obtain any scholarships in school?" the youth
answered "no". Who paid for your school fees? " Parents
", he replied. " Where did they work?" "They worked as
clothes cleaners The director requested the youth to
show his hands. The youth showed a pair of hands that
were smooth and perfect. " Have you ever helped your
parents wash the clothes ?" "Never, my parents always
wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, my
parents can wash clothes faster than me.
The director said, "I have a request. When you go home
today, go and clean your parents hands, and then see me
tomorrow morning.
The youth felt dejected. When he went back home, he
asked his parents to let him clean their hands. His parents
felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings, they showed
their hands to their son. The youth cleaned their hands
slowly. His tear fell as he did that. It was the first time he
noticed that his parents hands were so wrinkled, and
there were so many bruises in their hands. Some bruises
were so painful that they winced when he touched them.
This was the first time the youth realized that it was this
pair of hands that washed the clothes everyday to enable
him to pay the school fees. The bruises in the hands were
the price that the parents had to pay for his education, his
school activities and his future.

After cleaning his parents hands, the youth quietly

washed all the remaining clothes for them. That night,
parents and son talked for a very long time.
Next morning, the youth went to the director's office. The
Director noticed the tears in the youth's eyes, when he
asked: "Can you tell me what have you done and learned
yesterday in your house?" The youth answered," I
cleaned my parents hand, and also finished cleaning all
the remaining clothes' I now know what appreciation is.
Without my parents , I would not be who I am today. By
helping my parents , only now do I realize how difficult
and tough it is to get something done on your own. And I
have come to appreciate the importance and value of
helping ones family.
The director said, "This is what I am looking for in a
manager. I want to recruit a person who can appreciate
the help of others, a person who knows the sufferings of
others to get things done, and a person who would not put
money as his only goal in life. You are hired.
A child, who has been protected and habitually given
whatever he wanted, would develop an "entitlement
mentality" and would always put himself first. He would be
ignorant of his parent's efforts. If we are this kind of
protective parents, are we really showing love or are we
You can let your child live in a big house, eat a good
meal, learn piano, watch on a big screen TV. But when
you are cutting grass, please let them experience it. After
a meal, let them wash their plates and bowls together with
their brothers and sisters. It is not because you do not
have money to hire a maid, but it is because you want to
love them in a right way. You want them to understand,
no matter how rich their parents are, one day their hair will
grow grey, same as the parent of that young person. The
most important thing is, your child learns how to
appreciate the effort and experience the difficulty and
learns the ability to work with others to get things done.
Rev. Fr. John Bosco Ssekkomo

15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 6

Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Kampala Archdiocese Day:2014


15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 7


Reserved Date


Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Bride groom to be

Bride to be

14th February 2015

12:00 PM

Ssebaggala Robert

Passy Gwokyalya

21st February 2015

12:00 PM

Gaylord Lester

Brenda Namatovu

28th February 2015

10:00 AM

Bob Kanaabi

Renata Majeme

12:00 PM

Rogers Bukenya

Lydia Nansasi

7th March 2015

12:00 PM

Patrick Lule

Nabaggala Allen

28th March 2015

12:00 PM

Lawrence Sseremba

Winnie Nabukenya

Friday 10th April 2015 12:00PM

George Wilson Gafuma Kigozi

Leskadia Margret Nanjeru

Saturday 11th April 2015

12:00 PM

Paul Ntege

Immaculate Nyanguma

4:00 PM

Sedric Micheal Wanyagala

Monica Tusiime

Friday 17th April 2015

2:00 PM

Edward M. Ssendagala

Barbra Kizza

Saturday 18th April 2015

10:00 AM

Micheal Matovu

Prossy Lugobe

12:00 PM

Simon Kaweesa

Juliana Namatovu

4:00 PM

J. Francis Ssemwogerere

Agnes Nansubuga

10:00 AM

Evalisto Kamali

Annet Kanzaire

12:00 PM

Cornelius M. Magala

T. Nakalembe Mukasa

2:00 PM

Paul Tumwebaze

Juliet Naigwe

Alphansi Kasatiro

Betty Naluze

Julius Muwawu

Jenifer Namatovu

10:00 AM

Godfrey Mukwaya

Juliet Nabulya

2:00 PM

Vincent Kimuli

Margret Nantongo

10:00 AM

David Kiiza

Sarah Tuhairwe

12:00 PM

Isaiah Kikwabanga

Rebecca Claire Lusobya

2:00 PM

Ronald Ssenyonjo

Mary Nabaggala

4:00 PM

A. Kyebogedde Ssenyonga

Benna Nkyanja Lunkuse

Saturday 25th April 2015

Friday 1st May 2015

Saturday 2nd May 2015

Alina ensonga yonna elobera abaagalana abo okugattibwa mu obufumbo

obutukuvu, asabibwa okugitegeeza omukulu wekifo nga ebbanga telinnaggwayo,
esobole okugonjoolwa.
15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 8


Issue 23, 15th February 2015

Church in the Digital Era

t is true that a lot of activity today is

dependent on the use of digital
devices. Medical diagnosis, foreign
exchange, stock exchange, banking,
insurance, travel, immigration and
emigration, military, government business
and politics, education, scientific research,
communication and you name it, today
relies on the use of digital computers, mobile
phones, i-pads, i-phones, graphics tablets,
electronic organisers and such other personal
digital assistants, digital network devices
interconnectivity technologies. These
complex setups condense the world into a
small global village, where the cost and of
transferring various forms of information,
text, audio, still graphics and motion pictures
from pole to pole continues to diminish by
the day. The million dollar question is, How
does the church incorporate these
technologies as a means of evangelisation to
move apace the growing technology? It is
long overdue to realise that the pulpit is no
longer sufficient to comprehensively
interface all communication from our clergy
visa vie the emerging challenges that need to
be addressed.
Apart from using the websites, blog spots,
and wikis, that are not dedicated unicast
technologies, there is a growing need to take
a ride on digital technology by applying it to
effect specific unicast communication
methods; such as email, SMS and Bulk SMS,
IMs, chatting, messenger MMS and others
that go to particular receivers. Some methods
that can be used to incorporate ICT into the
Church include:-

1. Developing parishioners computerised

2. Deploying bulk SMS and MMS at parish
3. Developing, publishing and maintaining
parish websites.
4. Exchanging information on public
domains; uploading periodic events
calendars, (Scheduling), and past events
narratives and pictorials, (informative
5. Using digital display technologies (CCTv,
projectors) during the celebration of Mass,
e.g, for common prayers of the
congregation, common hymns etc
6. Preparing digital presentations and slide
shows for Homilies, catechism classes,
prenuptial instructions, ...
7. Maintain computerised archive reference
systems that can be shared to inter-parish
and inter-diocese level.

Phillip R. Mukiibi

E.S. Lubaga Cathedral Parish

15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

Page 9


Issue 23, 15th February 2015

1 st Mass (Morning)

6:45 AM

2nd Mass (Children & Schools)

8:30 AM

3rd Mass (Lunch time)

1:00 PM

4th Mass (Evening Mass)

5:30 PM

Sunday 15th Feb 2015; 9:00 AM

Parish Executive meeting ; Parish

hall building

Sunday 22nd Feb 2015; 10:00 AM Lubaga Deanery Council Meeting

at Lubaga Parish hall,
Every Friday of Lent; 5:00 PM

Holy way of the cross at the


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15th February 2015; 6St Sunday in ordinary time; Liturgical Year B

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