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Riyani Wikaningrum
Bag. Mikrobiologi

Sampling Technique

Three-glass Procedure

Meares and Stamey localization technique

1. Approximately 30 minutes before taking the specimen, the

patient should drink 400 ml of liquid (two glasses). The test
starts when the patient wants to void
2. The lids of four sterile specimen containers, which are
marked VB1, VB2, EPS and VB3, should be removed. Place
the uncovered specimen containers on a flat surface and
maintain sterility
3. Hands are washed
4. Expose the penis and retract the foreskin so that the glans is
exposed. The foreskin should be retracted throughout
5. Cleanse the glans with a soap solution, remove the soap
with sterile gauze or cotton and dry the glans
6. Urinate 1015 ml into the first container marked VB1

7. Urinate 100200 ml into the toilet bowl or vessel and

without interrupting the urine stream, urinate 1015 ml into
the second container marked VB2
8. The patient bends forward and holds the sterile specimen
container (EPS) to catch the prostate secretion
9. The physician massages the prostate until several drops of
prostate secretion (EPS) are obtained
10. If no EPS can be collected during massage, a drop may be
present at the orifice of the urethra and this drop should be
taken with a 10 ml calibrated loop and cultured
11. Immediately after prostatic massage, the patient urinates
1015 ml of urine into the container marked VB3.

Akut - Disebabkan oleh:

E. coli
P. aeruginosa
Serratia sp.
Klebsiella sp.
Proteus sp.

dibagi menjadi 3 sindrom:
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
Chronic abacterial prostatitis/CPPS-inflammatory
Chronic abacterial prostatitis/CPPS-non-inflammatory

Disebabkan S. aureus, S. faecalis, Enterococcus, difteroid

Pemeriksaan laboratorium:
EPS (expressed prostatic secretion digital rectal massage):
Lepas antibiotik selama 1 bulan
Tidak mengalami ejakulasi selama 2 hari


Mumps virus
N. gonorrhoeae
C. trachomatis
E. coli
Koliform lainnya

Terminology Used in UT infections

Upper Urinary Tract Infection

the urinary tract above the level of the bladder; that is, the
ureters, kidneys, and peri-renal tissues.
Upper UTI also encompasses
intrarenal abscess (renal carbuncle)
perinephric abscess.

Renal papillary necrosis refers to infarction of the papillae

(sometimes with sloughing into the ureters) caused by
pyelonephritis or analgesic abuse
diabetes mellitus
sickle cell disease
ureteral obstruction.

Acute bacterial pyelonephritis

clinical syndrome
flank pain
often with constitutional symptoms

Laboratory findings:
leukocyte casts in the urine
bacteriuria with or without signs of concomitant
inflammation in the bladder

Lower Urinary Tract Infection

Lower urinary tract infection refers to infection at or
below the level of the bladder. In clinical practice,
lower UTI is often used synonymously with cystitis,
a syndrome characterized by dysuria, frequency,
urgency, and variable suprapubic tenderness. Because
one cannot say with certainty that infection involves
mainly or exclusively the urinary bladder, some
authorities suggest that cystitis should be
abandoned. Lower UTI also encompasses prostatitis,
urethritis, and infection of the periurethral glands.

Chronic bacterial pyelonephritis

long-standing infection with active bacterial
growth in the kidney, or the presence of residual
lesions in the kidney caused by such infection in
the past.
Chronic interstitial nephritis
in which evidence for an etiologic role for bacterial
infection is lacking.
Etiology : Drugs (not only prescription drugs but also
non-prescription drugs as in analgesic nephropathy)

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