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704-877-6427 | | @madeline_will |


The Chronicle of Higher Education (Washington, DC)

Jan. 2015-Present
Editorial Intern, Government and Accountability Team
Write both one-day stories and longer-term features on higher education trends, federal
policy, and decisions facing college administrators.
Notable stories: A self-pitched feature on how universities across the South are dealing with
buildings named after racists; an explainer on how administrators of public regional colleges
decide what academic programs to cut.
EducationNC (Raleigh, NC)
Jan. 2015-Present
Monthly Columnist, From DC to NC
Generate ideas for a monthly column that localizes federal education policy to North
Carolina, through explainers and interviews with U.S. Congressmen and women.
Education Week (Bethesda, MD)
June-Dec. 2014
Newsroom Intern
Blogged K-12 trends, notable state and local initiatives, and breaking news. Wrote stories for
the weekly print edition, including in-depth pieces for special reports.
Notable stories: A comprehensive look at the implementation of integrated math in high
schools across the country; a progress report on the districts that received Race to the Top
The Daily Tar Heel (Chapel Hill, NC)
Aug. 2010-May 2014
State & National Editor, Assistant Editor, Senior Writer, Staff Writer
Managed nearly 30 writers and two assistant editors. Led coverage of North Carolina politics
and national and state higher education.
Regularly covered breaking news. Oversaw and worked on enterprise projects, like
investigations into mental health services on campus and a five-part comprehensive
breakdown of the UNC systems strategic plan.
Summer Internships: Reuters (2013), The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (2012), The Charlotte
Observer (2011)
Covered national company news and retail trends, state business and agriculture news,
community news and metro news.


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication
concentration in political reporting, certificate in business journalism. Second Major: Political
Science. Graduated May 2014.
Skills: Adobe InDesign and InCopy, Final Cut Pro, Storify, Tableau Public, Excel functions.


2014 North Carolina Press Association 1st place in news enterprise reporting.
2013-14 Online Pacemaker Award for the Daily Tar Heel helped bolster the DTHs online presence
with the creation and maintenance of two popular blogs.
2013 and 2012 SABEW Best in Business Award nominations.

2013 Roy W. Howard Scholar one of nine student journalists chosen to travel to Japan for 10 days
with the Scripps Howard Foundation.

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