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READING: Conversational Language = Social Interaction Birthday Celebrations Around the World In the United States, many people observe birthday customs. Some people have a special birthday cake that has candles on top. There is usually one candle for every year of the person's age. Friends and family sing a special birthday song as the person blows out the candles. The birthday Person often receives gifts, too. At parties, young children play games like Pin the Tail on the Donkey, tag, or Musical Chairs. Special foods are often associated with birthday celebrations. In China, relatives and friends have “Longevity” noodles for lunch. These represent a wish for long life. In India, children share chocolates with classmates. In Korea, some people celebrate birthdays by inviting guests for a bowl of seaweed soup. Rice cakes decorated with nuts and fruits are eaten, too, Russian birthday pies have a greeting carved into the pie crust. SUE Games are played in many countries to celebrate birthdays. In Mexico, a pifiata is part of the festivities. The pifiata is hung from a high place, The children take turns wearing a blindfold and hitting the pifiata with a stick. When someone hits it hard enough, the piftata breaks open. All the candy and toys fall out, and the children scramble to get some! ‘Te ‘© The Continental Press Inc. DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL. READING: Conversational Language Social Interaction 4. Inwhich country do people eat seaweed soup and rice cakes for their birthday celebration? @® India Korea © united states @) Mexico 2. What is one birthday tradition that most cultures share? ® Most cultures eat special foods. Most cultures sing the same birthday song. Most cultures blow out candles. © Most cultures break pifatas. © iia ‘©The Continental Pess Inc, DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL. [Sey ooo ooo ass READING: Conversational Language a Social Interaction 3. Based on information in this passage, which statement is most likely to be true? Children in India will stop giving out chocolates. ©®@ Rice cakes with fruit and nuts will replace birthday cakes in the United States. People in many countries will soon stop celebrating birthdays. ©@e Birthday celebrations around the world will continue to be popular for years to come, pe SS UN 2 Kenai (©The Continental Press Inc. DUPLICATING THIS MATERIAL IS ILLEGAL,

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