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A Poem ...

for Malaysians

31st Aug 1957 a new nation was born

Malaysians have all come together
Celebrating a country they can call "our own"
And a place that they can also call home.
There were joy in their faces
Whether black, yellow, red or brown
It didnt really matter
Cos it was the freedom and unity that counts.
55 years have passed
Prosperity and harmony have come a long journey
Sad to see that 'racism' is also stepping in
Slowly hijacking the glory and peace of our country.
Some say that this word is dirty
That it pollutes our mind and body
To me, it's also like poison
Gradually killing one country.
We might be yellow, brown, black or white
But we are all still the same
For it is the red blood that is flowing inside us
And that one heart that hold us all together.
So let's hold hands and love one another
For our children and a better future
Put an end to racism
And be as 1 Malaysia 1 Forever.


I took a piece of paper

It was white..
White reflecting the purity
Deep within our hearts,
The heart of each and every Malaysian
In one corner, I drew a rectangle
And then, I coloured it blue
Cause blue symbolises dignity
And it was with dignity that Malaysia broke away
From the clutches of colonialism
Next, in the rectangle, I included a new moon
A crescent representing the National religion, Islam
And also to signify light and hope
Light for all Malaysians, whatever colour or creed
Hope that peace and harmony may forever prevail.
Beside the crescent is a star
A star with fourteen points
Representing the different states, their people
Converging in the middle
Reflecting the bond, the unity in our nation
The crescent and the star are coloured yellow
Yellow the colour of royalty
Pledging my unfailing loyalty to King and country
Finally, I added the horizontal stripes
Again, fourteen for the fourteen states
I painted seven of them red
And left the other seven white
Different, divergent but united we stand,
side by side.
Red is the colour of love
The love I have for my country
The love I have for my fellowmen
Together let us stand hand in hand
United and strong, as one people, one nation,
one Malaysia.

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