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‘Thurston will be assisted by David Zeafla in presenting the gifts. Marilynne Zeafla is in charge of the refreshments, ‘Taking part in the worship will be the presidents from the three area ‘The congregation of the Dry Brook Community “Church, Dry Brook Road, Waverly, will join ina Service ‘of Hededication on Sunday, July 10 at 10 aim, The service will mark the completion of the Building Restora- tion Program, which included the re- siding and painting ofthe exterior as Well as interior improvements. ‘The church dates back to 1817, when the congregation, then con sisting of a few farm families, wor- shipped in the log cabin of Phineas Rogers. Inthe late 140s, Mr. Rogers ave a portion of his land to provide fora permanent meeting place. ‘In 1855, the church was organized as the First Baptist Church of Chemung, and had 73 members. A ‘branch church was organized in and Chemung Village, with morning ser- viees conducted there and afternoon auth services at the Dry Brook church. uth That arrangement ended when a new pastor declined to offer the 1P. afternoon services, ‘A new era was opened to the Sayre Dry Brook Church“ To Hold Rededication x SUMMER MERCHANDISE 201 Desmond St. 888-7221 Clubs * Layaways transportation will be Van available from Keystone Manor at 9:30 a.m., Page Manor at 9:45 a.m., and Chemung View at 10a.m. James Harbst will be the driver. For fur ‘ther information, cal 88-2269. tfc historic old meeting house when, in September 1965, it was incorporated ‘and chartered under the name of the Dry Brook Community Church, Mr, and Mrs. William Doane were ‘among those leading the restoration. Pastor Morgan Run To Be Celebrated ‘The anniversary of Pastor Hubert Morgan's 3,390-mile cross-country run will be celebrated on Sunday, uly 10 starting at 1 pan. at Hezzies Ice Cream and Grill, located on the corner of MeDuffee and Elmira Streets in Sayre. Morgan, pastor of the Sayre Seventh-Day Adventist Church, ran from Los Angeles, Calif ‘twreturn to Sayre on July 5, 1982 Featured will be a bake sale, flea market, food and booths. All pro ceeds will benefit the church building fund. % 0 ott HISTORY OF THE DRY BROOK CHURCH AS TAKEN FROM: fhe history of the Baptist Church of Waverly, New York and... EXCERPTS FROM DIARIES AND COLLECTIONS OF NOTES FROM THE HICK BROTHERS WHO RESIDED AT WEST HILL FOR A NUMBER OF YEARS AND WERE ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH. THE WAVERLY BAPTIST CHURCH CELEBRATED IT'S 100YEARS CENTSNNIAI IN THE YEAR 1924. AS THE IRY BROOK CHURCH ORIGINALLY SPRAI = FROM THIS CHURCH AND THE ONE AT CHEMUNG, NEW YORK, THIS IS TAKEN FROM DATES AND HAPPENINGS THAT WERE RECORDED IN THEIR HISTORY. a SesesesE ae abseseatseneataparatseesticseatsesieegsessaeat oan get aL SE aMRARtaeSeatse seeded 1847... ae oe : 1947 “SeRSESEESH Soba seaeaiaeieieaGeaesatdtdtabdedhiesuiiedea se eseiesbseleetatsesearar ara: Compiled by Berniece W. Paul. a

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