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For this presentation you need to come up with an everyday problem that a
high school student faces. Ex: They fail their test, they break up with their
girlfriend, they get in a fight with their friend, they stay up late and are
sleepy all the time, etc.

2. You and your partners need to pick two voices of reason. One needs to be
Buddhist, the other can be any other religion we studied so far. Using your
knowledge of their concept of human nature and sin you need to write a
dialogue between the two voices of reason and the high school student.
3. Your dialogue will be presented in class. Make sure it clearly shows how the
Buddhist view of sin is different than other religions. Also, be sure to address
the issue the high school student is facing, why it happened, and what they
should do to fix it. Since this is a presentation grade your grade will be based
off of group cooperation, content, and the actual presentation. Please make
sure every person does the same amount of work and participates equally in
the presentation.
4. Have fun!

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