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"If you are experiencing the four dimensions as much as you can, then you will al

so experience beauty and joy and peace and serenity and wisdom and awe. And in c
ertain isolated cases you will experience perfection. And every now and again yo
u will experience perfection and lose sense of time."
"Go on...."
"And when this happens, it is generally because you have used your pure mind to
connect with the infinite intelligence, and you have exhibited your gifts throug
h the emanations. I mean you have used your pure mind to make the perfect plan,
in line with the Law, which you perform with power and conviction, and in a lovi
ng manner and absolute faith in the outcome."
"Well?" I asked.
"Well, this is the perfect experience," He replied.
"And this is the experience of reaching the mountain top. You transcend the four
dimensions. You experience the spiritual dimensions too. You gain a first hand
experience of the Realm of Light."
"That's it? That's all you have to do?" I asked.
"Yes. But remember the Ashem Vohu prayer? The last part of it said, `Happy and b
lissful is he who is righteous for the sake of being righteous alone.' Which you
rightly interpreted as saying: you do the right thing because it is the right t
hing to do. You do not need a reward or anything in return. The reward of bliss
is a byproduct."
"Well, it is exactly the same with transcending the physical realm. You don't do
the right thing to transcend the four dimensions. You do them because they are
the right things to do. The experience of the spiritual dimensions is a byproduc
"I see."
"One more thing," He commented. "Doing the right thing is a lot more difficult t
han you think, because we have been trained since childhood to think and live in
a different paradigm. It will take a lot of courage and persistence. But really
, it is that simple."
* * *
"You still don't believe me, do you?" He asked after a long pause.
"I don't know what to think."
Thus Spake the Real Zarathushtra
"Well, remember verse 43:7? It says, `The good mind approached me and asked who
are you? To whom do you belong? To which path do you turn when you are doubtful?
' Remembering these questions may help you."
"I am not sure what you are getting at," I replied.
"Very simply it says, when you are in doubt, where do you turn? And the way to k
now your Creator is to know yourself. So know yourself first."
I did not respond.
He continued, "And the best way to know yourself is to experience your world. Th
rough your senses and feelings you will get to know yourself, and eventually you
r Creator. It is like telling the wave to know itself and it will know the ocean
. Try it for a while."
"OK!" and then I dropped this subject.
* * *
After another long pause I asked him, "You mentioned heaven and hell in the `Gat
has'. I used to think that you were pragmatic and suggested that we could create
heaven here on earth."
"We could. But it does not mean that we can't have a heaven in the spiritual dim
"I suppose we could. But do we?" I asked.
"First let me ask you, should it matter? Should it affect what we do here on ear
th? Shouldn't you do the right thing because you want to create heaven here on e
arth? And not because you might go to some place nice when you die?"
"I agree. Now that we have established it does not matter, is there heaven and h

ell?" I asked again.

He smiled at my persistence and said, "You recall the verse about the continuity
of the soul and other ones about the Realm of Light?"
"If you are experiencing the four dimensions as much as you can, then you will a
lso experience beauty and joy and peace and serenity and wisdom and awe. And in
certain isolated cases you will experience perfection. And every now and again y
ou will experience perfection and lose sense of time."
"Go on...."
"And when this happens, it is generally because you have used your pure mind to
connect with the infinite intelligence, and you have exhibited your gifts throug
h the emanations. I mean you have used your pure mind to make the perfect plan,
in line with the Law, which you perform with power and conviction, and in a lovi
ng manner and absolute faith in the outcome."
"Well?" I asked.
"Well, this is the perfect experience," He replied.
"And this is the experience of reaching the mountain top. You transcend the four
dimensions. You experience the spiritual dimensions too. You gain a first hand
experience of the Realm of Light."
"That's it? That's all you have to do?" I asked.
"Yes. But remember the Ashem Vohu prayer? The last part of it said, `Happy and b
lissful is he who is righteous for the sake of being righteous alone.' Which you
rightly interpreted as saying: you do the right thing because it is the right t
hing to do. You do not need a reward or anything in return. The reward of bliss
is a byproduct."
"Well, it is exactly the same with transcending the physical realm. You don't do
the right thing to transcend the four dimensions. You do them because they are
the right things to do. The experience of the spiritual dimensions is a byproduc
"I see."
"One more thing," He commented. "Doing the right thing is a lot more difficult t
han you think, because we have been trained since childhood to think and live in
a different paradigm. It will take a lot of courage and persistence. But really
, it is that simple."
* * *
"You still don't believe me, do you?" He asked after a long pause.
"I don't know what to think."
Thus Spake the Real Zarathushtra
"Well, remember verse 43:7? It says, `The good mind approached me and asked who
are you? To whom do you belong? To which path do you turn when you are doubtful?
' Remembering these questions may help you."
"I am not sure what you are getting at," I replied.
"Very simply it says, when you are in doubt, where do you turn? And the way to k
now your Creator is to know yourself. So know yourself first."
I did not respond.
He continued, "And the best way to know yourself is to experience your world. Th
rough your senses and feelings you will get to know yourself, and eventually you
r Creator. It is like telling the wave to know itself and it will know the ocean
. Try it for a while."
"OK!" and then I dropped this subject.
* * *
After another long pause I asked him, "You mentioned heaven and hell in the `Gat
has'. I used to think that you

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