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Student: Celia Terra

Teacher:Irene Zabiela

Zara:The new fashion Empire

1.Listen to the first part of this informative documentary and answer the questions.
a)How much money did Ortega start the company with?
b)What are the company revenues now?
c)When did he open the first Zara store?
d)Who were the chlothes popular with?
e)How many shops did Zara have in 2010?
2.Listen to the 2nd part of the documentary and fill in the blanks.
Listen again and try to provide an example for strategies 1 and 2 implemented by the
The 3 business strategies that helped Zara to succeed were:
1.Zara keeps_________in _________.
For example:
2.Zara has a large_________
For example:


3.Zara__________ money by spending very little on __________________.

3.As a manager of your company:
a) Which business strategies have been crucial in order to make your company successful locally?
What about its global success?
b) Which strategies could be effective and haven't been taken yet or are being planned to be taken in
the near future?
c)Do you think some of your company's strategies are not suitable or could be
relatively/dramatically changed in order to improve your business performance?

Student: Celia Terra

Teacher:Irene Zabiela

a)Listen to a marketing consultant presenting her report to the management of a retail group.
Complete these extracts.
1. I______________you review your product ranges as soon as possible.
2.What_______ ________ is more knowledge of the youth market.
3. I think________ _________ __________ a top executive to run that part of the business.
4. I'm_________ __________ with the furniture department.
5. I just_________ _________ it will ever make much money.
6. I also have______about your stationery deparment.
7.The answer _______ _______ ____________ is to do something quickly.
8. So, this is _______ ______ _______ _______ now.In my opinion reduce your range of
products,cut out the loss makers.

b)Choose a section from the following Useful Language box for each of the missing words and
phrases 1 to 8.
Asking for facts
Can you bring us up to date?
Where do we stand with....?
Making a suggestion
We should sell out as soon as
Why don't we sell?
I don't agree with that at all.
I totally disagree.

Identifying needs
Making a decision.
We've got to get more
The solution,then, is to keep the
store going.
We need more information about I think,on balance, we feel we
where we're going wrong.
should keep the store going.

You're absolutely right.
I totally agree with you.

Stating future action

So,the next thing to do is....
What we've got to do now is....

Expressing doubt
I am worried about the store's
I'm not sure about that.

c)Role this situation.You are board members of your manufacturing firm.As your company is
making a loss,you must cut costs.
Hold a meeting to decide which one of these options to follow.

Cut factory workers' wages by 10%

Pay no end-of-year bonuses
Make 50 employees redundant

Student: Celia Terra

Reduce everyone's salary by 8%

Teacher:Irene Zabiela

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