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I 7 13"/6
Serving the Independent Christian Churches Since 1950

Western Mexico Christian Mission

(Mailing Address)
58 N. Vniarreai St.


Dr. Gerald D.





Mrs. Geneva S. Bowlin

Native ChurchesEvangelism

Bible SchoolsBenevolence

Thank God that in this ever-changing*wrrid we believe in and serve

One who never changes: "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and

fdrever." And His Gospel is the samewe believe it, wq try to. live
it, teach and preach it and we see lives changed by it almost 2,000
years and half-way around the globe from the time and place it
changed the -first believers on the Day of Pentecost.
In thinking over our experiences on the kission Field in t/estern

iLexico in order to prepare this yearly report, I am reminded, of a

story I >onoe heard of Deacon Jones who found the preacher in his

study pacing back and. fo.rth like a caged lion. Upon inquiry by
Deacon Jones about what was bothering him, the preacher replied:
"Deacon Jones_, I'm in an awful hurry." Deacon Jones said he could
see ho wrong in this, and less reason for the very evidently agitated
state of mind

the preacher,

To which the preacher explained:

'Deacon Jones, I'm in an awful hurry to get a lot of things done in

the Lord's work, but. the Lord .lust doesn't seem to be in a hurrv





Like the preacher we could sum up many of our experiences in the

year 1975 with the one word"Frustration." We had a lot of beautiful
> plans-for the year, few of which, came to.-fruition. As St* Francis

put it hundreds of. years agoi "Man proposes, but God disposes.'-'. We.
might add:

"Blessed be the Name of the Lord,"

One thing in which we have"not been frustrated is the preaching*of

the Gospel: We have preached every Sunday, we have been in the city,
unless ill of course.- for the Colrnia Olivares (Westside) church hfltre

in Hermosillo, and taught the Youth Group, wJfch includes our- own '.
"children"'(they like .the term "young-people" better;-): Son, Francieco
Javier (Pancho), - 17; daughters Yolanda Geneva (Veva)who' will be 15*
March 23; Elizabeth^. (Becky) 14; and our "great niece", Maria Magdalena

(iialena), 16, all High School students, .(The girls alternate teaching

the children in Bible School.) I finished teaching them my translati<*n

(soon to appear in book form) of,sharp's "Bible for Youth." Then we
studied a good, little question and answer booklet I re-edited in
Spanish and duplicated called: ,"A -Catechism For New Believers.-"- " ' - "

Sunday evenings I have been preaching from John's Gospel.

studying Geneva's course, on the Gospel of John.

Vve are. n^vf

We have shown the

Jule.Miller "Cottage Meeting" filmstrips with Spanish cassette - . ^

commentary several times, and cur colored slides of The Life of Christ
have become a tradition at Eastertime and Christmas.

1975 Annual Report

page two

Geneva has supplied the Sunday Bible School Children's literature,

and tho she has several years' lessens, she is continually revising
and upgrading them, and adding nev/ 13 v/eek series for the Primary ages.
Geneva oi^st cams in and read the first page? she said to tell you her
pet frustration, outside of waiting over a year for parts to fix her

old Smith-Corona 500 electric portable typ n.vriter so she could type
sten'-ils(-) p is "ying to ge * 11 or 12 teenagers into our little I965

Dodge Coronet sedan

take them to-joint youth meetings at La Mesa
village, some 25 miles east of here5 And worse yet, knowing there are
another 10 or 12 unconverted neighborhood youth who would like .tr go.
This delayed our newsletters in 1975frustrating to both us and
to you in the homelands.

Wall; thafs one of my "frustations"-too

I had hoped to purchase
a used pickup this year, but finances are so tight we just barely make
onus, meetj- in fact there's usually a gapwe're behind on some of our
payments nn'w at the end of the yearhouse, drugstore^
Our, income has
- stayed the svvi in dollars, but inflation has reduced it's purchasing
power drastically^
I notice it more on food and utilities because I

seo'these bills weekly or monthly:

week ($20. per person^ on foods

We are spending about .$120. a

That means $500, a month for food

and y-vU can see v/hat that does to nur pre-inflati^n income! Then
the electricity v/ent up in one big juiripour last bill was almost
$90sOO and that for a winter monti'.,

hate to even think what i t will

be in the summer months with our two I/3 h-.p. evaporative coolers
running 2^ hours a day to ksap the he use down to about SO'^F. inside
when it's 112'''-115Foartideo

We were frustrated too in our plan to get a. neighborhood youth group

going at the home of one of o\x:: yoyxng Westside membersv Just a couple
of .'ays before our first irir-ctihg was scheduled, the father withdrew his
(We especially wanted to start this group,
train the tw
sisters, _then turn i t over to them as we feel they need to strengthen
their own witness--they"are college age^
Oh well, perhaps "papa" will

'relent in 19760

Jesus Amaya, our young minister and his family at the La Mesa village'

^^have. had their frustrations too, but joys as well as his attendance
has stood up well in the summer heat, and bitter winter cold in a
; building that has neither heat for winter nor even fans for summer use-#
He,-has had 50 children consistently in Sunday Bible School, 20-25 in

, ^ youth and evening preaching services

He rep'^^rts the outside baptistry

next to the church'building plastered inside and out. Last we .heard

Whe shop-where he ordered the mctal-sash window to go over the

baptifetry had knocked off work for the Christmas-New Year's holidays
vwithput delivering the window.
So the cold v/ind blew and blew thru
the,big hole in the wall near the pulpit all during the Christmas

1975 Annual Report page three

'Jesus works as a bricklayer, constructing additions to these two or

thpee room burnt-adobe homes to feed his family. The physically tired
at nite, he says he is trying desperately to keep up with the demand

for'the Jule Mller "Cottage iweeting" filmstrips, with cassette commen

tary in Spanishc I also might add that the $^0.00 we gave him to buy
gifts for his family at Christmas-time was spent for medicine as all
but he were down with either flu or tonsillitis or both.

Such a

lovely Christian familynot even the children complained, and his wife
."Cuca", is too fine a Christian to doubt God's will for her life.

Several youth, both "there and here In tile city, say they want to be the
first ones in the baptistry.
We may hav^e to chop a hole in the ice
for them if this winter cold spell holds on?
The Christian man who plans to come to the University of Sonora here
in Hermoslllo to finish his C =P.A..worE has again beeii delayed--y^u-wh

work days and go to college classes-at nite will understand, And so

hg.s even a small beginning toward the eventual Campus Ministry, Our
Radio Pr^.-gram still needs some person or group to sponsor it financially,
as we have no funds to even sign the first contracts Money for the
hospital has slowed to a trickle, and there are other local problems
not -present when the offer of sale was made, V/ell, all in good time,
the Lord's time, that is, which is always right.

Perhaps I shouldnH ev:;n use the word "frustrated" as it carries a

connotation of "discouragement," and really we arenHj we're just
humarfend like the preacher in the illustration, "in a big hurry"
s'^metimes to do what ^ plan and vre think is right for this Mission

As I believe I informed you, the Vildosolo Mission, on the far South

side of the city, l-st its meeting place.
Due perhaps to this, and a

personal economic factor, severil of the families returned to their

home state south of here.


Other interested families,

are, I

believe attending the Viila de Seris (Southside) congregation, and

still saving their "centavos" and "pesos" to purchase a lot and put up
som% temporary shelter so the mission will function again.
As mentioned in other reports, when the mission congregation became

independent of the mission and missionary, that is, became "National"

rather than "missionary", they do not feel obligated to report to the

missionary, and this as it should be, But this is somewhat frustrating

when you in the U..S<rr who have supported us and thru us the planting

of these congregations, "dsh to knew hrw they, are doing, I don't like
to pry, nor make them feel we are making a "head-count" just to keep
our personal support c-ming in (all missi'^naries are accused of thie at
one time or another i t seems), so I

can only estimate that the attend

ance at the Villa de Seris (southside) is about the same 25-^0, and the

Ranchito (Eastside group) 15-25, (The Southside group is ministered to

1975 Annual Report page four

by a" man who does wrought iron and metal window and d'^or fabrication

in a small shop. The elders, one retired, and one a barber, care for
the Eastside group, with an occasional lift from a visiting minister,).
I have heard only occasinally, and sometimes indirectly from the

National (iviexican) missions in the Southern and Northern parts of the

State, but assime they are still preaching the Gospel.


extreme "Nationalism" in these 3rd world countries even effects the

relationships between "National" Christians and the "foreign" Mission

aries!) Baptisms, actually, no real criteria in a difficult field,
probably did not exceed the average of previous years, 20-25.

Our children, excuse me, young people, again taught groups in vacation
Bible Schools and loved every minute of it,
Geneva had the able assis
tance of our summer intern, kiss Lois Graham of Belleville, Kansas and
Casa Grande, Arizona, in the preparation of the lessons. (These, as
'^isual-, were used by other groups, including the State Child Evangelism

workers*). Vacation Bible Schcdl was held in a new village for the first
time this year, with an average of over 100 in attendance each night.
One of our neighborhood H. S. boys who helped wanted to know if there
wasn't another village which would invite us, and he isn't even
baptized yetl

Geneva continues to give shots to all and sundry in our neighborhood,

and witness for Christ, as do I, among these professional people, V/e
were elected Treasurer and President respectively at Veva's new High
School P.T.A., and this is giving us a number of friendships for
future witness.
V/e've given away ever so many New Testaments to this
new, upper-middle, professional class, talked to them about Christ,
counseled v/ith^them abnut their problems, etc., etc. But there still
seems to be a,barrier. Talk as we will about social equality, even
in the U.S. Christians tend to drift to, the group where they feel
comfortableone to a large congregation; another to a middle-sized

one; and yet another to a small group. And these folk just aren't
comfortable sitting on rustic benches with working class people.
Oh how I wish they could visit one of our congregations in the city
like Monterrey or Mexico City, and see that people of their educational,
cultural, professional and social background have accepted Christ and
formed a congregation, and built a building where they feel comfortable
Another frustration>how to cause these friends to believe in a type

oc Christian congregation with as nice a building, ch^ir, and organ ae

the Catholics, when they have never seen such a gr#up, much less
attended i t ' s services?'.?!

All in all, it's been a good, tho slow year, but then we know we must
expect changes in attitude and problems in a Third World Country
such as Mexico.
God bless yu and remember that "Jesus Christ is the
same yesterday, today, and forever." Let's all thank God that in
this ever changing world, HE NEVER CHANGES.

1975 Annual Report

-- page five.

lo A public address system for use outdoors (and indoors too).. You
donate it
we'll use it' (In fact/ we could use a couple).,

2^ An electric typewriter -- it can be a portable-- for use in making

stencils for SeS-. and V.B.S. workbooks.- Bible Study courses, -e'tc.

3-. Sponsor(s) for our Radio Program

^20 =00 for 15 minutes each
week, or $80c00 per month, payable ohe month in advance'. (X.E.D.M.
is a 50j000 watt; clear channel station which covers at least

four states in Mexico at niteo In fact you may have heard it

v/here you live at 1660 on your radio dial)r>

Your church's old Model 36O Gestetner Duplicator to use for parts
to repair ours.


5= Garden Seed-send in a letter directly to us- - a 13^ stamp will

bring 2 or 3 packages.
Please don't take the attitude that
:rge ^'ill do it" - but please YOU do it today. We can't recievo
t 'o many packages of seeds. If we supply the seed our "country"
friends will have a much better balanced diet, also the Bowlins
v;ill enjoy garden fresh vegetables.
These vegetables can be planted in February and March






egg plant


herbs' "u i-HC*


leeks 8


summer squash

swiss chard

peppers .


And any thing else you can think of that will grow.

Serving the independent Christian Churches Since 1950

Western Mexico Christian Mission


58 N. vniarreal St.

(Mailing Address)







Or. Gerald D. Bowlln

Mrs. Geneva S. Bowlin

Native ChurchesEvangelism

Bible SchoolsBenevolence
Ju:i3 1975

Dear friends of Mexico,

This year is half gone--which seems impossible,

Kathy married Dale Gibson from

Clmera (Eugene), Oregon on December 27th (197^) a-t the Maryvale (Phoenix) Christian

Church, Her dad performed the bi-lingual service complete with the Mexican touch of
the "Laso", (a double looped rope made of wax orange blossoms to yoke the couple to


It was placed over their heads by her sisters Becky and Veva, He were told

by a minister that it was the most beautiful ceremony he had ever seen. That made us
happy at least!! Kathy and Dale are now in Austria (16 Sattelbach 1-2532 Heiligenkreuz N, 0, Austria) with the Toronto Christian Mission, Kathy writes that Austria
reminds them of Mexico City,

In February, a nei^bor invited me to visit her "pueblo" with her. We went to

Magdalena de Jalescospent two weeks there, visiting Guadalajara twice. It was two
weeks of pure pleasure for me--doing nothing, I came home quite rested, The family
managed without me--Becky said she made better grades with me gone. She had had
monthly exams while I was awayusually makes lower grades when I*m not here, Shows
she is outgrowing her "nerves" as well as her "nervous dermatites,"

The S,H.I.M, (Summer Institute of vJorld Missions) group made Hermoslllo their
first stop in Mexico this year.

There were twenty-one and the Mexican saying "matres-

ses from corner to corner" vras true.

We moved the table and small furniture out of the

living room-dining room to give the girls a place to sleep. The boys took their chances
with the "outside dogs" on the back porch. Professor Dean Cary of San Jose Bible College

was still asleep when I took the kids to school at 6:^5 a.m.

V/e enjoyed the group very

Jesus Amaya reports that the church at La Mesa enjoyed their program too; were

especially surprised when this balding, red-headed Gringo (Prof, Cary) started spouting

Rosalva, one of our Christian women, and dau^ter in the faith, had gall bladder

surgery on May 26; (they removed fouirteen marble-sized rocks).

31st to recuperate,

She went to her home the 27th of June,

She came "home" on the

Ue had her two children,

8 and 12, all the time she vzas being prepared for surgery,

-.Lois Graham of Manhattan Christian College (her father is minister at Gasa Grande,
Arizona)^is here for about, five ..weeks, She is helping me with typing D,V,B,S, work, etc,
as well as trying to teach our teen-agers a little about the piano,

Gerry went to the village of Bacanora, Sonora (about five hours back in the moun
tains) for a few days' visit and to look over the possibilities of doing some evangel
istic work up there, Ue have one family there who is very interested.

Veva and Pancho "graduated" from grammar school with excellent grades, Malena andi
Becky have taken their last test and have promises of their grade cards on the 3rd of


They "think" they passed everything and will be secondary (high school) students

next year!

Jesus Amaya tells us that he has

several young people who are thinking about being

baptized (a young woman friend made the "good confession" in our home just after I wrote
this!!) Ue decided to build an outdoor baptistry at the La Mesa church, Jesus started
a collection among our young people here and has collected about two hundred pesos (or

sixteen dollars). It will take about one hundred dollars to build it, including paying

Jesus* wages,

(He has to work to take care of his family.)

Uith the above good news, I will bring this to a close, asking your prayers for
those who have stated a desire to complete their obedience to their Lord and for others

who should follow their example. Pray too for the construction of the baptistry, for

Jesus and his family (all ill with infected tonsils), and for the Bowlin family too.
Love in Him,

G. Bowlin



Kiss Donna M, Sickafopse, FND. Agent

Hestern Mexico Christian Mission

vJestern Mexico Christian Mission

c/o J, Elliott

98^0 North 5th Avenue

Phoenix, AZ

807 S. Jerrie Ave,

Tucson, AZ


(Use Field Address);

Gerald D, and Mrs, Geneva S, Bowlin

Western Mexico Christian Mission

Apdo, Postal 350

Hermosillo, Sonora, I-EXICO

We wish to publically thank Deane and Vergene Brown for their faithful service as our

Forwarding Agents,

We are sorry that, because of health and business considerations,

they were not able to continue.

Also, our thanks to the Women of Memorial Christian

Church in Phoenix, AZ, where the Browns are members, for the receipting, sorting, and
storing of the used clothing, quilts, layettes, etc., until they could be brou^t to the

May God bless and repay each of these who served The Mexican Mission Field,


Deane Brown, Fwd, Agent



Disbursements Continued:

$ 1749.41







$ 18556.29

Missionary Family:

Designated Adoption Pancho

Designated Christmas, *73-'74

$ 180.00

Housing Allowance


Living Link Support, Bowlin Fam.

Medical and Hospital

Equipment Camera



Travel to U.S. churches



Transportations s

Auto Club 74-75

Food for Needy & 111 Mexicans


Medicines & Benevolence:



Audio Visual Equipment

Benches - Village Svang.

Legal Fees



Native Evangelists

S.S, & D.V.B.S. (Literature)


Students Bible Institute

Auto Repairs:


Auto Gas, Oil, Grease


License & Fed. Auto Tax




Dodge *65 Coronet

*64 Station V/agon U.X.

$ I8660.60



Uorld Conv, - Hex, SpeaJcer -


Auto Insurance

Balance on Hand Dec. 31, I973

Total Receipts 1974

Mission Center:



Charge, Printing, Saf, Dep. Box


Error Deposit


Missing check


Returned check
Bookkeeper, Checkbooks, etc.



Total Disbursements 1974

Bank Balance, Dec. 31 1974

Memorial Bldg. fxind, I973 (Desig) 354.30

Office Repairs (equipment)
Office Supplies & Postage(Mexico)
Office Utilities
P.O. Box Rent (Mexico)
P.O. Box Rent (U.S.A.Legal Res.) 14.40
Telephone (U.S. Credit Card)
Office SuppliesPostage

(U.S. Fwd. Agent)



Miss Donna M, Siokafoose

9840 N. 5th Ave.

Phoenix, AZ





Servmj f/:e Indopnndent Ch//sf;.3n Chirches Since 1950

Western Mexico Christian Mission

KQ w v/ili

I tsx


(r-lJling Address)

Dr. Gerald D. .Bowlin
Native Churches-Evangelism





g. Bowlin
Bible Schools-Benevolence

Aug,-3ept, 1975
Dear Friends and Brethern:

I want to thank you personally for your generous response to our July
letter. We are current on all v-ur bills; except for a portion of a

Iran we contracted during IViay and June and July to make our house pay

ments. We are confident that our Father will see fit to clear this
up soon too.

While I was registering Becky (Elizabeth), our youngest daughter, and

our'great-niece*, Malena (Mary Magdalene) fir their sec-nd year of High W

School, July l^th; my sister phoned Geneva t.- say: "M^.m has gone Horne."!^

Had she lived until Aug. I8th; she wnuld have been C?.

at 79 in 196^).

(Dad passed away

So we took our week's grocery money for expenses and

our ARCO credit card(^) and set out for San Dieg'-^, (*Christian friends
in So. Calif, kindly gave us money tx pay this bill when it came in,).
I had the privilege 01 bringing Men's Funeral message. I especially
tried to help the. grandchildren (I5 in all) understand and appreciate
the great Christian and American heritage their

Grandmother had left

them (Her mother was a DOAK of the pioneer Tennessee family, and her
father, Albert Femyer, of pioneer German extraction frjm Pennsylvania

via Ohio.)

I conclude"! with these words: "How can we ever be worthy

of such a Christian Mother? Well- perhaps we never can, but we have

tried to do so by raising our own children with the same love, disci
pline, Christian values and respect for God and Country that Mom and
Dad taught us, both by preccnt and example."

The Colonia Olivares (Westside) Chapel here in the c'ity is being white
washed as I write this letter.
While in the UMS., I purchased stencils
and stencil brush to put a better sign on the chapel.
I finished C.J.

Sharp's "The Bible for Youth" (my translation): S^S. class for our youthi
and "A Catechism for New Coriverts", which I taught Sunday evenings.
have begun Geneva's study of The Gospel of John on Sunday mornings and
then I preach verse by verse expt^sitory sermons from John's Gospel on
Sunday evenings (Already have 50 sermon outlines ready from the first
12 chapters of John, so I expect Geneva will have to write a workbook
study on some 'Other N.To book or books long before I finish preaching
on JohnI

Spent the last two weeks of August getting Veva (Geneva) in a high
school (1st year). First we tried where Becky and Malena are, but they
took the first 5OO or so out of over I5OO applicants, and even with a

9.^ grade average, Veva wasn't among those 500^ And neither were any
of the other 6 or 8 girls of o":.r neighborhood who applied, but then ehe
found there was to be first year H^S. classes held afternoons 1:307s00 P.M. in a nearby grammar school; so tried there and came out 3rd or

4th from the top, and thus will be in. the flag honor guard on Mondays


in the National Holiday Parades;

Pancho (Francisco Xavier) is I6

so cannot .get into

day H. S. classes.
He has signed up for night
classes ($10,00 a month) held at the .grammar school just up the street
from our home.
Hs is planning to w;rk mornings in an uph.^lstry shop,
(He worked in a cattle feed-lot this summer.)


With public sch'^ols starting (Grammar, Sept. 2t H. S. Sept. 8) we

wish t again hold joint Youth Group sessions at least once a month
with the Lar.'iesa Church.
BUT we need more adequate transportation,
for even by Geneva or I staying home: we can only crowd 11 or 12 young

people into our *65 Dodge Coronet sedan, and about that many more
would like to go with us? mostly ones who aren't baptized yet. I
have a lead on a good, two year old pickup, so perhaps I'll have
news in our next letter about how you can help.

D.V.B.Schools were a great success, thanks to our summer intern,

&dss Lois Graham of Gasa Grande, Ariz., and Belleville, Kans., and

our own youth, who each had', a group. And tl-nks to your financial
help and your prayers, of course. Please continue with both.


Serving the Independent Christian Churches Since 1950

Western Mexico Christian Mission

(Mailing Address)

58 N. Viltarreal St,




Dr. Gerald D. Bowlin

Native Churches-Evangelism





Mrs. Geneva S. BowIIn

OC t.-NOV.-De C 1975
>EC 1 5 1975

Dear Friends of Mexicot

Thank you for being gener'vus with your offerings fm-.. .

the baptstry in La Mesa. It is still at a stop-and-go affair. "StoiD"

making adobe to burn because of rains-"go" make adobe, "stop" trr

iix the old truck to hauj. woo,d and water to make more adobe and
burn the ones already made. "Stop" because there is no cement to

oe had in all of Hermcsillo-even with the cement mountain right in

the middle of/everything: We hope to have it finished this month,
we are thrilled that those who have made it known they are ready to

be baptized have not changed their minds!

Gerry told you in his last letter about Veva being in

School, Well, when we had the Mexican equivalent
of a PTA meeting, Gerry was elected president and I was chosen as "

treasurer and to keep it all in the neighborh'^od, the secretary

liyes up the street and the assistant treasurer lives closer.

officers, 4 live within a one block radius.

Of 6

We enjoy woirking with

the beginning of things> so this new school is just another

beginning for us.

Principal was sent up here from* Merida, Yucatan,

start enrolling
a school. students.-The
He arrived one
and the next afternoon to
a borrowed grammar school (mornings only). He even had to b,or?ow
enrollment forms tn enroll the students. Had to put out word via
that there was to be a high school on the north side of

town... When Mexico decides to do something, they do itNo planning,

no ppperation, or even thinking about it--they decide it is needed
so they start,,..NOW!


Mexico is changing in our area, guess it is known as

^The Catholic church is Icsiing its hold on the people,

and sad as it is, most of them are not becoming Christians--they

are growing away from religion per se, The they are inquisitive,

they want to know about "our" religion. Pray for us and the natives
that they may awake to the need of becoming a true Child of Gd and
pray for us as we labor here in our chcsen field. Continue to
remember us with your tithes and offerings, and COMB TO SEE US-. .

_ _


P.S. Fer you who are inter^ted in remembering our children at

Christmas. Please make^ynur gifts "en efectivo"as we say here (money),

as they need clothespants, shirts, material for blouses and skirts
cost about the same here as in the U.S. Thank you and may 0d

richly bless each of you as ycu serve Him.






We Pray

WE may all be thankful at THANKSGIVING

for the Gift of His Son "C

WE may each honor God in the NEW YEAR.





Apdo Postal 350

Hermosillo, Sonora;

2^ i


Rsax^ OiqTi* Hleele# Swr*

w. S, KeGUwgr
Box 177

XOG^toO* IB <160^9

,.. . p. i?n'>

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