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Foster Care in America

I. Introduction
II. Children in Foster Care
A. What is Foster Care?
B. How Does the System Operate?
1. Report of Abuse, Neglect or Unsafe Circumstances
2. Investigation
3. Legal Process
4. Placement in Foster Care
C. Plan for Healing
1. Permanency Plan
2. Mental & Psychological Aid
3. Reuniting Children and Parents
III. Foster Parenting
A. Why Foster a Child?
1. Making a Difference in a Childs Life
2. Preparing for Children or Adoption
B. Qualities of Effective Foster Parents
1. Communication
2. Problem Solving
3. Understanding Emotion
4. Courage
C. Becoming a Foster Parent in Massachusetts
D. Challenges Faced by Foster Parents
1. Uncertainty
2. Possible Barriers
3. Letting Go
IV. Foster Children Beyond the Program
A. Destination for Children Leaving Foster Care
1. Reuinification
2. Adoption

3. Relocation
4. Aging Out
B. What Happens after Aging Out?
1. Lack of Legal Jurisdiction to Follow Up
2. Lack of Resources to Follow Up
C. Outcomes for some Foster Children
1. Education
2. Employment
3. Trouble with the Law
V. Conclusion

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