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Personal opinion: I like High modernism or Structuralism!

High modernism (late modernism) is abstract and even anti-humanist vision of modernism, consisting
of uniformly rectangular, unornamented chrome, concrete, and glass buildings.
Examples: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus, and Le Corbusier, are seen as
an expression of the extreme austerity of high modernism.
High modernism is often used by those who find these buildings distasteful.

Critical regionalism seeks answers to the question: "How to be modern and to continue the tradition,
how to revive an old dormant civilization as part of universal civilization."
The stylings of critical regionalism seeks to provide an architecture rooted in the modern tradition, but tied
to geographical and cultural context. It is a progressive approach to design that seeks to mediate
between the global and the local languages of architecture.

Structuralism is about making open-ended building structures by the repeated use of basic elements.
Both the elements themselves and the way they are linked are conceived to facilitate multiple uses and
future growth and change.
Structuralism is based on the idea that all things are built from a system of signs and these signs are
made up of opposites: male/female, hot/cold, old/young, etc. For Structuralists, design is a process of
searching for the relationship between elements. Structuralists are also interested in the social structures
and mental processes that contributed to the design.
Structuralist architecture will have a great deal of complexity within a highly structured framework. For
example, a Structuralist design may consist of cell-like honeycomb shapes, intersecting planes, cubed
grids, or densely clustered spaces with connecting courtyards.
Architect Peter Eisenman often brings a Structuralist approach to his works.

Post Structuralism: OPPOSITE OF STRUCTURALISM Poststructuralism emerged as a reaction to

structuralism's reductive methodologies. Structuralists argue that things occur in relation to other things
rather than in isolation. Structuralism usually revolves around the idea of binary thought, such a
building/landscape, inside/outside, floor/wall, etc. ...
Post-structuralists refute that way of thinking and argue that it is too reductive. Poststructuralism argues
that phenomena occur in a more multifarious guise. In other words, things are not so black and white,
there are in betweens and tangents and ambiguous non-binary associations.
Rationalism: Their work and their theory are individual but they have in common the simplicity of the
forms because each form belongs to a function.

Twentieth-century rationalism derived less from a special, unified theoretical work than from a common
belief that the most varied problems posed by the real world could be resolved by reason. In that respect
it represented a reaction to historicism and a contrast to Art Nouveau and Expressionism.
we do not intend to break with tradition...The new architecture, the true architecture, should be the result
of a close association between logic and rationality
Deconstructivism (if Hasan reached this far, he is probably hyperventilating now) characterized by
fragmentation, an interest in manipulating a structure's surface, skin, non-rectilinear shapes which appear
to distort and dislocate elements of architecture, such as structure and envelope. Deconstructivism also
has an origami style and one building constructed in 1932 was deemed to look like an origami swan.

We already have an idea of what is Russian Constructivism, Bauhaus, Neo Classicism, Revival
High Tech and Environmental movement.

(the ones in purple suck)

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