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This week in FLK-3

Were on our Lenten way

to being
The Best
That We Can Be!
In Language: We continued to sign in to practice printing our name. We continued
with the Jolly Phonics program and learned the letter/sound of CH/ch and Th/th.
We worked in our booklets.
We began a writing booklet about some of the Miracles that Jesus performed. We
are concentrating on drawing a picture and adding labels. (Some of us are expected
to do more writing than others.) We learned about Jesus turning water into wine
and Jesus healing a blind man.
We learned about the expression, March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a
Lamb. We read a story, sang about it and did a small craft.
We did more work around syllables and identifying beginning and end sounds. Our
syllables are much improved! AND we are now blending consonant vowel
consonant words much easier and quicker. Were getting this whole learn to read
We continued our Snuggle Up and Read Program. I checked in with all children who
returned their duotangs this week and assessed individual reading levels. Very
exciting developments! MUCH improved confidence levels!!!!
In Miss Masons absence, we continued with the Blue Spruce books and read The

Day My Mom Came to Kindergarten.

Dalien the Alien has had successful sleepovers. His parents report from outer
space that they are thrilled with his earth education. This week he learned about

pillow fights at Toms house! We figure he must have figured out that pillows can
be soft AND hard!
Gym: We continued Gymnastics! We have been lucky to be able to have close to
double periods. We are working on balances, jumps and landings and moving
creatively in short routines. We work with our partners and then we show off or
present. Ta-da! We had a Physiotherapist work in with us on Tuesday and she
was impressed with the work ethic as well as the presentations!
Religion: We discussed who Jesus was. We discussed Him as being: the Son of
God, a human, born at Christmas, a son who led the life of a human boy, He died but
then He rose up to Heaven. We discussed again His time in the desert as a time to
decide what He wanted to do with His life. Then we discussed how He made up His
mind to spread the word of God. In doing this He performed some miracles. We
discussed miracles as being something unexpected and that involve God.
We also prayed - really hard - that March WILL go out like a lamb so we can play
outside again!!!!
We continued our Lenten Puzzle of Good Deeds. Thank you to those who have let us
know Good Deeds you are seeing at home so we can reinforce them in the class!
Science : As we are now observing our Amaryllis preparing again for dormancy, we
reviewed and sequenced the life cycle of the Amaryllis.
In Art: Miss Evans had the children creatively turn a paper plate into a Lion/Lamb
to celebrate the first of March.
In Music, Drama and Dance: We worked on whole class Lip Syncs.
In Mathematics: We counted to 100 by 1, 5 and 10. We counted to 20 by 2. We
used our knowledge of numbers to read a clock. We learned about the minute and
hour hands and used smartboard interactive clocks and individual clocks to tell time
to the hour. After working with individuals on Thursday, it was evident that most
of us can now tell time to the hour! We will keep practicing but will move onto
simple addition.

In Personal and Social Development: We will begin the MindUp curriculum. It

teaches brain-focused strategies for learning and behavior. It teaches strategies
for attention, self-regulation, and resilience to stress and developing a positive
mind set.
In Inquiry/Directed Play: The line of the week was: Do you wanna play Yoga?
So! Yoga it was! For reference, Miss Evans created a Yoga board using pictures of
the children demonstrating poses. The pictures can be ordered to create a Yoga
As well, Miss Evans and Miss McKinley (from the FDK class next door ) switched
some toys so both classes have some new to us toys to explore. We did some rearranging as well.

Upcoming Events:
Friday February 27 March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb!
Monday March 2 Dr. Seuss Birthday
Friday March 13 celebrate St. Patricks Day
Monday March 16 to Friday March 20 March Break no classes for students.
Friday April 3 Good Friday no school
Monday April 6- Easter Monday- no school
Friday April 17 PA Day no class for students
Tuesday April 22 and Wednesday April 23 school production of Alice in
Saturday April 25 St. Mark 50th Anniversary
Monday April 27 teachers and students (only) will attend Arts Canada Production
of The Beanstock info to follow

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