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Colossians 1:4

Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love [which
ye have] to all the saints,
Note 5 at Col. 1:4:
Notice that Paul heard of the Colossians' faith. Verse 7 reveals that it was
Epaphras who gave Paul this report. Paul did not preach the gospel to the
people in Colosse personally. This body of believers were a by-product of his
ministry in Ephesus. Either people from Colosse came to Ephesus which was
the main city of that region and heard the gospel and took it back to Colosse
or some of the Ephesians who received the gospel took it to Colosse.
Because of the mention of Epaphras in verse 7 as "a faithful minister of
Christ" to the Colossians, it has been supposed that Epaphras was the vessel
God used to preach the gospel in Colosse. Colossians 4:12 says that
Epaphras was from Colosse. See note 10 at verse 7.
Note 6 at Col. 1:4: One of the visible fruits of faith is love. Paul states, "For
in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision;
but faith which worketh by love" (Gal. 5:6).
John Wesley (1703-1791), the primary figure and founder of Methodism in
the eighteenth century, believed that love, not faith, became the final goal of
our salvation. Faith is the "handmaid of love... Biblical faith, for Wesley, is so
entangled with love...that it does not exist without" it (Theology of Love,
Wynkoop, p.222). "True Christianity is to have the mind of Christ, which is
demonstrated in love for God and neighbor" (Sermon, "The Almost
Christian," Works 5:21,22). "The real freedom of the Christian is not the
freedom from guilt or release from the pangs of hell but the freedom to love
with the love of God Himself shed abroad in the heart by the indwelling Holy
Spirit" (Sermon, "The first fruits of the Spirit," Works 5:88-89). "Wesley
summarized freedom as 'nothing higher and nothing lower than
governing the heart and life, through all our tempers, words, and actions...'"
("Plain Account," Works 11:401).
Christ's love not only brings people to Himself (Rom. 2:4), but it is the force
that reaches out to others (1 Jn. 4:20). Paul thanks God for the love which the
Colossians have shown to each other. "True saving faith is more than a
conviction of the mind. It transforms the heart to love" (MacArthur N.T. Com.

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