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Epistaxis Commonly called a nose bleed, originating either from the

anterior or posterior region, with anterior bleeds being more

common. Common cause is dry, cracked mucous membranes.
Trauma, forceful nose blowing, and nose picking can also cause
Nasal Polyps Grapelike clusters of mucosa in the nassal passages. They are
usually benign, but they can obstruct the nasal passages. Exact
cause is unknown, but they are related to chronic inflammation
and people with allergies are prone to developing them.
Deviated Septum The septum dividing the nasal passages is slightly deviated.
May result in nasal trauma, but often have no cause. Some can
be so severe that they block sinus drainage or interfere with
Rhinoplasty Surgical reconstruction of the nose, usually for cosmetic
Sinusitis Inflammation of the mucosa of one or more sinuses. It can
either be acute or chronic. It is declared chronic if patient has
sinusitis that is not cured within two months. Pain over region of
the affected sinuses, and nasal discharge are signs
Rhinitis AKA coryza. It's the inflammation of the nasal mucous
membranes, and is the common cold. The release of histamine
and other substances cause vasodilation and edema, which
result in symptoms. May be caused as a reaction to allergens,
or caused by a viral or bacterium infections.
Pharyngitis Inflammation of the pharynx, usually related to bacterial or viral
infection. Can also occur due to tissue trauma. Most common
symptom is a sore throat that appears red and swollen.
Drainage may also be present, and indicates bacterial infection.
Laryngitis Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the larynx (voice
box). Can be caused by irritation from smoking, alcohol,
chemical exposure, or infection. Most common symptom is
Tonsillitis Occurs when the filtering function of the tonsils becomes
overwelmed with a virus or bacteria and infection results. It is
more common in children, but it is more serious when it occurs
in adults

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