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Сlinical case 1 :

An 18th-year-old patient came to the dentist for an appointment.

of short-term pain as a result of eating sweet food.
Past dental history:
 The application of braces for the teeth of the upper and lower jaws was carried out by an
orthodontist three month ago.
 The pain was firstly appeared about 2 months ago. The patient brushes his teeth with
horizontal movements 2 times a day with a soft toothbrush with an even trimming cut of the
bristles and with the use of fluoride-containing toothpaste for 1 minute.
Past medical history:
 Family history: no significant family history.
 Allergic anamnesis: negative allergic anamnesis.
 Tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV – are negative.
Extraoral examination: face configuration is not changed, regional lymph nodes are not palpated.
Temporomandibular joint without pathology, mouth opening is free.
Intraoral examination:
Dental chart/formula


1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8


During examination of the oral cavity, soft plaque was detected in the area of braces, pregingival
area, and interdental spaces. After removal of dental plaque in the area of teeth 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,
2.2, 2.3 chalky spots were visualized in the pregingival zone of the teeth. There was no enamel
gloss in the area of lesions.
The mucous membrane of the mouth was pale pink color, moderately moistened. Gingival
papillae of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 teeth were hyperemic, edematous. Oral hygiene index of
(Greene – Vermillion hygiene index OHI-S) = 3.0.
1. What can be used for diagnosis of hard tooth tissue pathology of teeth 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,
2.2, 2.3
1.Vital staining (use of dye solution)
2.Assesment of microcirculation (rheoparodontography)
4.Electric pulp test
2. What an additional method can be used for diagnosing of hard tooth tissue pathology
and provement of final diagnose? Teeth 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 (select 2 possible answers)
1.Determination of the degree of pathological mobility of teeth
2.Electric pulp test
3.Determination of oral hygiene indices
4.Fiber-optic transillumination
5.Luminescent stomatoscopy
3. What is the diagnose for hard teeth pathology 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3?
1.Caries of cement
2.Enamel hypoplasia
3.Enamel caries
4. The stage of development of the pathological process is corresponded to caries
5. For individual oral hygiene, the patient is recommended to use a toothbrush
3.Standart hygienic
6. The patient is recommended to use superfloss for cleansing
1.Fissures of the teeth
2.Under the arch of the braces system
4.Essential pits and fissures of the teeth
7. Regular professional oral hygiene prevents the development of
8. In the case of enamel caries, the patient is recommended to use mouthwash containing
9. For the treatment of enamel caries in the stage of a "white" spot, the patient is given a
course of therapy
4.General strengthening
10. The amount of applications of remineralization therapy course is equal to
1. 10-15
2. 20-25
3. 5-10
4. 1-5
11.After application of the remineralization agent, the patient is recommended not to take
food for
1. 1-2 hours
2. 20-30 minutes
3. 10-15 minutes
4.2-3 hours
12. In order to improve individual oral hygiene, it is recommended to brush your teeth for (in
1. 1
2. 3
3. 2
4. 5

Сlinical case 2 :
A 33-year-old patient came to the dentist for an appointment.
of pain in the tooth 3.5 during meals, long-term aching pain from all types of stimuli, paroxymal
pain which appear when the temperature of environmental area is changed.
Past dental history
 Patient had a toothache of 3.5 tooth in the past. Long-term pain appeared while the patient
was eating a few weeks ago.
Past medical history
 Comorbidities: apparently healthy.
 Bad habits: denies.
 Family history: no significant family history.
 Allergic anamnesis: negative allergic anamnesis.
 Tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV – are negative.
 Profession: Teacher
Extraoral examination: the configuration of the face is not changed, the lymph nodes of the head
and neck are not enlarged, painless, mobile, the opening of the mouth is free and full.
Intraoral examination:
Dental chart/formula


1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

M M F F ? M D M

Silness-Loe hygiene index = 1.5.

Bite: pathological.
Partial edentulism of lower jaw in the area of chewing teeth.
Tooth 3.5 - a deep carious cavity filled with softened dentin.
1. Clinical examination methods which are required for diagnosis include (select 2)
2.Probing of the carious cavity
3.Palpation on the transitional fold (fornix)
4.Tooth percussion
2.Additional methods of examination in such clinical situation include (select 2)
1.Electric pulp test
2.Bacterioscopic examination
4.Clinical blood test
3. Final diagnose of tooth 3.5 is
1.Chronic pulpitis
2.Acute apical periodontitis
3.Dental caries
4.Acute pulpitis
4. Differential diagnosis of chronic pulpitis is performed with
1.Salivary stone disease
2.Heart pain in stenocardia
3.Facial nerve neuritis
4.Facial nerve neuralgia
5. Differential diagnosis of chronic pulpitis is performed with
1.Chronic pain of a neurogenic nature
2.Chronic generalized gingivitis
3. Raynaud's disease
4. Wedge-shaped defect
6. The most probable cause of the disease development is
1.Carious cavity
2.Systemic diseases
3.Partial edentulism
4.Allergic reaction
7. Main principle of chronic pulpitis treatment is
1.Elimination of pulp inflammation
2.Root apex resection
3.Consultations with the surgeon
4.Prescribing of antibiotics
8. In two-visit treatment plan of chronic pulpitis, in the first visit operator is carried out
1.Prescribing of antimicrobials
2.Application of devitalizing paste
3.Vital pulp extirpation
4.Use of base (GIC)
9. The material for root canals obturation must have
1.Spatial stability, low shrinkage, stability of shape
2.To shape and taper root canal walls
3.High porosity and heterogeneous texture
4.Have the same radiopacity with the tooth tissues during x-ray examination
10. For treatment planning with restoration of the crown is used index by
11.Formation of a ledge during instrumental treatment of the root canal is a
12.Treatment measures in this clinical situation must include
1.Registration of a disability leaflet
2.Application of anesthesia
3.Sanatorium-resort therapy
4.Consultation with a neurologist

Сlinical case 3 :
A 41-year-old patient came to the dentist for an appointment.
for constant severe pain in the area of tooth 4.5, biting on the tooth is painful, patient has a sense
of “grown tooth”.
Past dental history
Tooth 4.5 was treated because of caries 2 years ago. Restoration failure happened six months
ago. The patient didn't visit the dentist after failure of restoration. The pain appeared for the
first time a day ago. The pain was firstly appeared about 2 months ago.
Past medical history
 Profession: accountant in a Bank.
 Considers himself healthy
 Bad habits: Smoking
 Allergic anamnesis: allergic reaction to novocaine.
 Denies the presence of infectious diseases (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis).
Extraoral examination: face configuration is not changed, regional lymph nodes are not enlarged,
palpation of regional lymph nodes is painless.
Intraoral examination:
Dental chart/formula


1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

M F F ? F С С

The mucous membrane of the mouth, gums, alveolar processes and palate is pale pink,
moderately moisturized.
Bite: orthognathic.
Tooth 4.5- there is a deep caries cavity on the occlusal surface. The transitional fold in the
projection area of the roots of the tooth is hyperemic, edematous, and painful under palpation.
1. Mandatory clinical examination methods for diagnosis establishment in this clinical
situation includes (select 3).
1.Saliva analysis for secretory immunoglobulin A
2.Thermodiagnostics of the tooth
5.Vital staining of hard tooth tissues
6.Teeth percussion
2. Additional examination methods for diagnosis establishment in this clinical situation
includes (select 2).
2.Electronic microscopy of enamel
4.Periapical type of radiography (intraoral contact radiography)
5.Luminescent diagnostics
3.Final diagnose in this clinical situation is ________________________ 4.5 tooth.
1.Chronic apical periodontitis
2.Pulp necrosis
3.Acute apical periodontitis of pulpal origin
4.Initial pulpitis (hyperemia)
4.Steps of the mechanical root canal treatment in such clinical situation include:
1.Access cavity preparation, determination of the working length of the root canal, preparation of
the root canal.
2.Outline and resistance form of the caries cavity, root canal obturation with the use of
temporary and/or permanent obturative materials.
3.Preparation of caries cavity, removal of softened dentin, control of preparation quality with the
use of dye solution.
4.Access cavity preparation, direct pulp capping, x-ray control at the steps of treatment.
5. Irrigation of root canal in such situation can be done with the use of:
1.Sodium hypochlorite 2.5-3.0%
2.Tetracaine hydrochloride 3%
3.Potassium permanganate
4.Orthophosphoric acid 37%
6.The shape of the root canal after mechanical treatment should be:
7. Instrumental and antiseptic treatment of root canals in the treatment of this form of
periodontitis is aimed on
1.Obturation of the canal in the first visit, recovery of aesthetics
2.Formation of a dentine in the zone of apical foramen, recovery of occlusion
3.Formation of cylindrical shape of the canal, obturation of the canal with the use of cement
4.Primary cleaning of the root canal, removal of dentine particles, shaping of the root canal.
8.Root canal obturation by lateral condensation of gutta-percha involves the use of
2.Thermophile and analogs
3.Master and additional gutta-percha points
4.Preheated gutta-percha
9. The material for root canals obturation must have such properties as:
1.Ability to change the color of the tooth crown, short hardening time, improved adhesion of the
2.Shape variability after insertion into the canal, significant shrinkage, irritation of periapical
3.Spatial stability, absence of shrinkage, radiopacity
4.Resorption in the root canal, hydrophilicity, increased flow ability.
10.Criteria of root canal obturation quality are:
1.Nonuniform density of the filling material inside root canal space
2.Uniform density of filling material at the area of root canal orifice
3.Transfer of material in periodontal tissue
4.Uniform density of the filling material inside root canal space
11.Contraindications for permanent root canal obturation include
1.Reduce in the focus of bone resorption, periodontal pocket more than 5 mm
2.Pain symptoms in the area of the tooth, exudation, sensitivity to percussion
3.Absence of exudate, mobility of teeth of I degree
4.Root cement resorption, II degree of teeth mobility
12. After treatment, dynamic monitoring of the tooth is necessary for (in years)
Сlinical case 4:
A 20-year-old patient came to the dentist for an appointment.
gingival bleeding during teeth brushing, bad breath.
Past dental history
 These complaints were appeared about a month ago.
Past medical history
 Bad habits: denies.
 Family history: no significant family history.
 Allergic anamnesis: negative allergic anamnesis.
 Tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV – are negative.
Extraoral examination: the configuration of the face is not changed, the skin is physiologically
colored, without visible pathological changes.
Intraoral examination:
Dental chart/formula


1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8


The gums are edematose, hyperemic with soft and hard supra-gingival dental deposits.
Bite: pathological.
1. Clinical examination method which is required for diagnosis
1.Examination with the use of a periodontal probe
2.Palpation of regional lymph nodes
4.Staining with a weak solution of potassium permanganate
2. Final diagnose of this clinical situation is
1.Acute streptococcal gingivo-stomatitis
2.Ulcerative gingivitis
3.Desquamative gingivitis
4.Simple marginal gingivitis
3. The main clinical symptom of gingivitis is
1.Gum necrosis
2.Tooth mobility
3.Periodontal pockets
4.Gingival bleeding
4.The optimal treatment option for this pathology is
1.Antibiotic therapy
2.Professional oral hygiene
3.Flap surgery
4.Fissure sealing
5. The main local risk factor for inflammatory periodontal diseases is
1.Frequent intake of hard food
2.Low fluoride content in drinking water
3.Poor oral hygiene
4.Reduce in the pH of the oral fluid
6. For assessment of the degree of gingival inflammation, dentists use the index of:
1.Simplified oral hygiene index
2.Papillary-marginal-alveolar (PMA)
3.Index of effectiveness of oral hygiene
4.Fedorov-Volodkina index
7. The Schiller – Pisarev Solution is used to determine the index
1.Bleeding of the gingival sulcus
2.Papillary-marginal-alveolar (PMA)
3.Municipal periodontal
4.Index of gingivitis of Silness-Loe (GI)
8.The main method of inflammatory periodontal diseases prevention is
1.Sealing fissures of teeth
2.Reducing carbohydrate intake
3.Effective removal of dental deposits
4.Treatment of concomitant diseases
9. Which probe is used to determine the depth of the periodontal pocket
10. Patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases are recommended to use a toothbrush
with bristles
2.Very hard
4.Medium hardness
11. Patients with inflammatory periodontal diseases are recommended to do professional
oral hygiene every (in months)
12.Toothpastes with extracts of medicinal plants are recommended for prevention of:
1.Inflammatory periodontal diseases
2.Non-carious lesions of hard tissues
3.Hypersensitivity of teeth
4.Carious lesions of hard tissues
Сlinical case 5:
A 38-years-old patient came to the dentist for an appointment.
 pain in the lower lip, difficulty in wide opening of the mouth
 aesthetic defect
Past dental history
 These complaints were appeared 2 years ago. In the summer, there is an improvement, and in
the cold season, complaints accrue again. Treatment was conducted independently with
various ointments without a pronounced therapeutic effect.
Past medical history
 Profession: Engineer
 Comorbidities: chronic gastritis.
 Bad habits: smokes, licks and bites her lips.
 Allergic anamnesis: negative allergic anamnesis.
 Tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV – are negative.
Extraoral examination: the configuration of the face is not changed, regional lymph nodes are not
enlarged, painless on palpation.
Intraoral examination:
Dental chart/formula


1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8

4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8


Condition of the oral mucosa, gums, alveolar processes and palate: pale pink color, sufficiently
Bite: orthognathic.
Local status: the red border of the lips is dry.
1. Clinical examination methods that are mandatory for establishment of diagnose in this
clinical situation include (select 2)
1.The number of white blood cells in a clinical blood test
3.Extra-and intraoral examination
2. Additional methods of examination for establishment of diagnose in this clinical situation
1.Luminescent diagnostics
2.Transillumination method
4.Targeted intraoral contact radiography
3. Final diagnose in this clinical situation is
1.Diseases of the lips
3.Stomatitis and related lesions
4.Biting of cheeks and lips
4. Cause of this pathology development
1.Hereditary diseases
2.Adverse meteorological effects
3.Endocrine disorders
4.Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
5. Chronic labial fissure develops on the upper lip in _ _ _ _ _ % of cases
6.Local conservative treatment of this disease includes the use of
2.Keratoplastics :helps regeneration of epidermis by stimulation of keratinization.
3.B-adrenergic blocking agent
7. In the treatment of this pathology is used:
1.Heparin ointment
2.Tetracycline ointment
3.Rosehip oil : make it an excellent option for hydrating dry, itchy skin. The skin also easily
absorbs the oil, allowing its antioxidants to travel deep into the skin's layers.
4.Proteolytic enzymes

8. To eliminate local neurodystrophy is applied anesthesia by

1. Anesthesia by P. M. Yegorov
2. Anesthesia by Goy-Gates
3.Novocaine (lidocaine) blockade
4. Bershe – Dubov blockade
9. Surgical treatment of this pathology is carried out when:
1.Process is stabilized
2.Scar atrophy is present
3.Papules are formed
4.Crusts are formed :actinic chilitis can lead to squamous cell carcinoma if untreated
10.According to the modern classification, cheilitis are distinguished
11.Symptomatic cheilitis include
12. Differential diagnosis of chronic lip fissure is performed with
1.Chronic lip injury
2.Eczematous cheilitis
3.Papillose precancer of the red border of the lips
4.Exfoliative cheilitis

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