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JLiza Chang

March 2, 2015
ENG 112-59
Mr. Johnson
Homework Assignment #2
Pg 199 #1-5
1. The position that this essay takes is that Cheerleading is in fact a sport. The
essay supports this idea by expressing the competitiveness of the activity
and that it is no longer solely for entertainment purposes. The author goes
on to explain the time these teams put forth to build them physically and
technically. The warrant is that of acknowledging cheerleaders as athletes
gives them the respect and support they deserve.
2. I believe the writer includes enough backing for her claim as she explains in
details what competitive cheerleading consists of.
3. The qualifier in this essay is that the NCAA should designate competitive
cheerleading as an emerging sport to display the seriousness of activity
which would help cheerleading develop as a recognized sport.
4. I do believe the writer addresses enough objections to her claim.
5. Based on this essay I believe the advantages that Toulmin logic offers is that
of ensuring all parts of the argument are present within an essay, whether
that be the points that support your thesis or object to it. The disadvantages
I believe it presents is that it may cause readers to further disagree with the
thesis if they are more familiar with the opposing argument of the essay.
Ethos, Pathos and Logos
TV Show: How To Get Away With Murder
This show is about a college law professor who is also a full-time lawyer who
teaches her students the fundamentals of law while fighting real life cases.
I feel as though this show displays all three as described below:
Ethos: The authority of the show is definitely Annaliese, who is the professor and
lawyer. She controls the students every move and they often look to her for
guidance and approval. The students are not sure of the appropriate decisions to
make as they depend on her authority.
Pathos: A major part of this show is that fact that Annalieses husband was
murdered only after a college student he was having an affair with was also
murdered and found dead in a water tower above her sorority house. This entire

show displays emotions like love, betrayal, hurt, distrust, sadness and so much
Logos: The logic can be found throughout the show as no matter what cases the
professor and her students handle they always have to come up with logical ways
they can get their clients to be innocent in every case they take on. Also, while
fighting cases for their clients they have to figure out ways to hide the fact that they
are the ones who murdered Annalieses husband and not get caught.
Topic for Argument Paper:
The LGBT Rights Movement

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