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Five W's Chart

Fill in each row with details that answer the question.

What happened?

Who was there?

Wilbur, Charlotte, John, Fern, Templeton, Avery, Homer, Henry, the Unlce

Why did it happen?

The plan in order to save Wilbur happened because Wilbur was going
to die. Fern was forced to give Wilbur up to her uncle so that he would
have a home when he could no longer live with her. Wilbur is going to
be slaughtered because after seeing his amazing friendship with a spider,
Homer enters Wilbur into the county fair where he does not win.

When did it happen?

The time period of the book is not specified.

Where did it happen?

The story mostly happened in the barn of Homer's farm. The barn is where
Wilbur befriends Charlotte and where they are found to be special. Some
of the story also takes place at the county fair where they are entered
in a contest.

Copyright Houghton Mifflin Company. All Rights Reserved.

Wilbur, Fern's pet pig, found out that he was going to be slaughtered so Charlotte, his spider
best friend, comes up with a plan in order to save Wilbur.

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