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Magazine cover 4

production process.
Ben Whitehurst

I decided to use this image of Jackalyn

west who is a student in my media class
and she has a fascination about healthy
eating and living. I believed that the
image did not need editing as the natural
lighting looked good enough on its own.

I decided to use the colours

cream and orange as a
predominant feature within this
magazine cover that I have
created as I believed that they
are colours that attract to both
genders male and female. I
created these background
colours on two separate layers on
separate layers so I could have a
darker coloured border. Once I
had created the layers I used the
shape tool to fit alongside the
image I had taken.

I decided to put the barcode and

issue date onto this magazine
cover next as the are crucial
conventions of magazine covers
because they let people know
how much the magazine is going
to cost them. I used a barcode of
the internet and I crated the
issue date using the text tool.

I next put my cover lines onto

the magazine cover, the colour
orange was again used within
these. The font I used in these
cover lines was Niagara
Engraved and I used the text
tool to create this feature.

Next, I put the masthead on to the

magazine cover. The masthead on
the Prime magazines is
recognisable throughout all of my
magazine as I have used the same
one on all of them. I used the text
tool to create the masthead.

Finally, I put my main cover line

onto the magazine cover to act as
a hook to lure the audience in to
buy the magazine that I have
created. This can be seen through
the colours brown and white as
they stand out on the magazine. I
used the shape tool to create

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