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Peace of Mind in Daily Life

By Remez Sasson
One Free Chapter

Published by Remez Sasson

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Peace of Mind in Daily Life One Free Chapter

Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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Copyright Information
Peace of Mind in Daily Life
Copyright 2007 by Remez Sasson
Revised edition 2011 Remez Sasson
Revised edition 2014 Remez Sasson
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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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Chapter 1 - The Constant Chatter of the Mind

Fish Never Stand Still
Teacher: A young man, asked a wise old man, How can I make my mind
calm and peaceful?
I am tired of the thousands of thoughts that constantly pass through my
mind. They dont let me have one moment of rest, and they dont allow me
to focus my mind on what I am doing.
How can I stop these thoughts from filling my mind, and have a few
moments of inner peace?
The teacher looked at the man, and said:
Go to the nearby pond, and watch the fish swimming in the water.
The words of the teacher bewildered the young man, and he asked:
Do you mean that I just watch the fish swimming?
Yes, just watch the fish swimming and moving through the water. Do so for
about ten minutes. Afterwards, come back to me.
The young man did not understand why the teacher told him to go to the
pond to look at the fish, but he obeyed his instructions. He went to the
nearby pond, sat on a rock on the edge of the pond, and watched the fish.
After a little while, he noticed that the fish kept moving to and fro,
swimming from one place to another, never standing still.
The fish are always on the move. They make my head spin! The young
man said to himself.
Suddenly, after sitting by the pond for a few minutes, a revelation flashed
through his mind, and he shouted excitedly:
Peace of Mind in Daily Life One Free Chapter
Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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My mind and my thoughts are restless exactly like the fish. I am sure this is
what the teacher wanted me to understand.
He continued watching the fish, becoming aware of the great likeness
between the fishs behavior and his minds behavior. He noticed that the fish
were always moving, hardly staying in one place. So was his mind. It
constantly moved from one thought to another, never standing still.
My mind behaves exactly like these restless fish, he mumbled to himself,
constantly jumping from one thought to another, restlessly and aimlessly.
When the fish stop moving for a brief moment, something that rarely
happens, the ripples that their movements create in the water disappear, and
the water becomes smooth and calm.
If I could stop my thinking for just a little while, my mind would be calm,
with no thoughts, just as the water becomes smooth, with no ripples.
The never-ending movements of my thoughts cause lack of inner peace,
just as the movements of the fish disturb the tranquillity of the water.
The next day, the young man returned to the teacher, and enthusiastically
recounted his revelation:
I know why you sent me to the pond to watch the fish. I discovered that my
thoughts behave exactly like the fish. They are restless, never standing still.
The fish stir the water, and the thoughts stir the mind. This means that if I
want to gain inner peace, I need to learn to calm down the constant chatter of
my mind.
The teacher smiled and said: You are right. This is exactly the reason I sent
you to the pond.
Pupil: The observations of the young in this story are so true.
Teacher: I told you this story, to show you how restless the mind is. It is
always in constant movement, never standing still, just like the fish in the
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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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Thoughts come and go constantly, just like passengers in a busy central train
station, always coming and going.
The constant chatter in the mind does not allow you to focus your mind,
since there is always something else to attract your attention. This takes a
great portion of your energy and time, causing exhaustion and strain.
If you examine your thoughts, you would discover that many of them are
unimportant and unnecessary, with no value for you. Learning to quiet the
mind makes these thoughts go away.
A quiet mind entertains fewer irrelevant and uninvited thoughts, is more
efficient and easier to focus, and displays better judgment.
Before moving on, I would like to point out that a quiet mind does not mean
passivity and lack of action. It might seem strange to you, but inner peace
awakens inner strength, courage, common sense, and increased efficiency.
The Reasons for Seeking Peace of Mind
Pupil: Is it possible for an average person like me, harassed by worries and
anxieties, to get peace of mind?
Teacher: Of course, it is possible! If you are earnest about it, you will surely
get it.
Tell me please, why are you seeking peace of mind?
Pupil: There are several good reasons:
1. Often, I find myself thinking about unpleasant events, reliving them in
my mind, and experiencing all the unpleasantness associated with them.
2. Worries, fears and negative thoughts often fill my mind, about my job,
health, money and other things, not giving me a moment of rest.
3. Sometimes, my thoughts and worries do not let me fall asleep, and when
I do sleep, I do not sleep soundly.
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All this is tiring, making me feel tense and unhappy. I believe that peace of
mind will free me from all these disturbing experiences.
Teacher: Everyone experiences what you have just described. Worries,
fears, anxieties, the restlessness of the mind and its constant chatter are
common happenings. To stop this endless stream of thoughts you need to
close the doors of the mind, and this is what we are going to discuss next.
Closing the Doors and Windows of Your Mind
Teacher: Imagine that all the doors and windows of your home are wide
open, and a great number of people are entering inside freely, without asking
for your permission. They occupy your home, waste your time, and
sometimes, even take away your possessions. Would you allow that?
Pupil: No, of course not!
Teacher: Your mind is your innermost private place. It is your inner home.
If its doors and windows are wide open, with nothing to sort and filter the
incoming thoughts, every passing thought can enter your mind, capture and
distract your attention, and waste your time.
You should be careful not to leave the doors and windows of your mind
wide open to every word, idea, opinion and thought that come from outside
It is of the utmost importance to learn to close the doors and windows of
your mind. You need to prevent negative and useless thoughts, ideas and
opinions from entering and occupying your mind, and robbing your time and
Pupil: How do I close the doors and windows of my mind?
Teacher: This will unfold, as we progress with these lessons. You will learn
how to close them, and admit entrance only to the visitors of your choice.

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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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Brief Moments of Peace

Pupil: Sometimes, I experience brief moments of pleasant peace and
calmness, but they dont last long.
Teacher: When do you experience these moments of peace?
Pupil: I experience them at various places and times, and they usually come
about unexpectedly. This might happen while I am reading, walking, having
a shower, or while looking at a beautiful landscape. During this experience,
my mind is calm, almost blank, and there is a sense of freedom and
These experiences last for a brief moment, and then disappear.
Teacher: What disturbs the peace and causes it to vanish?
Pupil: Thoughts, people, and what happens around me attract my attention,
causing this sweet experience to disappear.
Teacher: What are the thoughts that disturb the experience and where do
they come from?
Pupil: All kinds of thoughts, about work, family, friends, health, chores and
responsibilities, or thoughts about what is happening around me at the
moment. These thoughts always come uninvited, as if from nowhere, and fill
my mind.
Teacher: Certain activities, like looking at a breathtaking landscape, reading
an entrancing novel, or doing something you love to do, involuntarily,
makes you focus solely on what you are doing, forgetting everything else.
When this happens, other thoughts dont find their way into your mind, and
therefore, you experience peace. However, since the mind is not accustomed
to be peaceful, its restlessness soon returns.
Such moments of inner peace are pleasant, but they are temporary, and
triggered by external conditions. For true and lasting inner peace, you have
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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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to teach your mind to stay peaceful for longer periods, irrespective of where
you are and what you are doing. We will talk about this later.
Actions Associated with Inner Peace and Relaxation
If you look closely at yourself and at other people in various situations, you
will discover that unconsciously, everyone is seeking peace of mind. The
following examples will clarify what I mean:
1. When tired, do you sometimes, close your eyes and cover them with your
palms? It is like building a wall around you, to isolate yourself from your
surroundings. This is something you do unconsciously, to relax both
body and mind.
2. People consider a coffee break, as a sacred time to enjoy a few moments
of peace.
3. Listening to quiet music, reading a book, or engaging in a hobby, relax
the mind.
4. Sitting quietly in front of the TV, and watching a program or a movie,
takes your mind miles away from your daily responsibilities and
5. Lying in bed under the blanket, on a cold day, is pleasant and relaxing,
and is also a time of inner peace.
6. Taking a walk is a good exercise for the body, but it also refreshes and
relaxes the mind.
7. Taking a day off from work, or going on a vacation, are acts that take you
away from your daily chores and tasks and calm your mind.
All these acts, are times of rest and a break from work, chores or tasks. For a
shorter or longer time, you shut the doors and windows of your mind, and
free it from the grip of its constant thinking, allowing it to relax.
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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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You enjoy a sense of peace, when you are away from your day-to-day
environment, or when busy with something interesting and pleasurable. For
a while, you forget all your habitual thoughts, problems and worries.
Though all these acts bring about a certain measure of inner peace, this
peace is temporary. After a short period, the mind returns to its restless
behavior. What you need is a method that brings a stable and continuous
state of inner peace, rather than some fleeting moments of peace.
Like an engine, you need to switch off your mind, now and then, to avoid
too much wear and tear. Like an engine, it needs to rest.
Pupil: I agree. At times, I feel I am at the end of my rope, and if I dont take
a break, even a short one, my mind would explode. Thats how edgy I
Teacher: You have to be careful not to reach high levels of tension and
stress. You need to take a vacation once in a while. You have to take small
breaks every time you get tense, to let the steam go out, before the pressure
rises too high. Listening to music, reading a book, taking a walk, or anything
else that you enjoy doing would be helpful.
All these acts are useful, but they create short and temporary periods of
inner peace. My aim is to teach you how to experience longer periods of
peace, at any time or place.
Living in Constant State of Inner Peace
Pupil: Is it possible to experience inner peace all the time?
Teacher: Yes, it is possible. Inner peace can turn into a habit.
When this happens, the mind remains calm, irrespective of what is
happening around you, and you enjoy constant inner peace, without the
endless chatter that occupies your mind.

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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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This happens after the mind develops the habit of being naturally and
habitually calm. Studying and practicing what you are learning now, will
take you closer to this state.
A higher degree of inner peace would enable you to stay peaceful
everywhere, always, and under all circumstances.
Pupil: There are many causes for restlessness, anxieties, worries and fears.
How is it possible to live peacefully?
Teacher: Suppose there is a storm raging outside, but you are safe inside
your house, built to withstand any storm. The storm may rage fiercely, with
strong winds, rain, lightning and thunder, but you are protected in your
house, unaffected by what is happening outside.
True peace of mind is like this house, sheltering you from the hostile
environment. No matter what is happening around you, your mind and
emotions remain peaceful.
When peace becomes a fact in your life, you will live in calmness, stability
and happiness, unaffected by adverse circumstances and people.
Peace of mind might seem difficult to attain, but with the right training, you
will gain it.
You dont have to arrive at the highest level of inner peace. Any degree of
inner peace is worth gaining, and is no doubt, far better than an agitated,
nervous and restless state of mind.

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Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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About the Author

Remez Sasson has been studying and practicing various techniques of selfimprovement and spiritual growth from an early age. After many years of
studying, and gaining practical experience, he decided to share the
knowledge and experience he has gained, through his websites, articles and
Remez Sasson is the author of several books, among which, are Strengthen
Your Willpower and Self Discipline, How to Focus Your Mind,
Emotional Detachment for a Better Life, Peace of Mind in Daily Life,
Visualize and Achieve and Affirmations Words with Power.
Remez Sassons websites:
For more information about Remez Sasson, visit:
For information about Remez Sasson's books, visit:

Peace of Mind in Daily Life One Free Chapter

Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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Peace of Mind in Daily Life
Remez Sasson
Learn to quiet down the constant chatter of your mind, and
enjoy a state of inner peace, without anxieties and worries.
Information and guidance for people who wish to improve
the quality of their lives, and who aspire for inner peace. The book is also of
a great value for people, who aspire for deeper spiritual awareness.
Strengthen Your Willpower and Self Discipline
By Remez Sasson
Strengthen your willpower and self-discipline with simple,
effective exercises, which you can practice at any time or
Improve self-confidence, assertiveness, decisiveness and perseverance.
How to Focus Your Mind
By Remez Sasson
Learn how to control your mind.
Advice, tips and exercises, to help you strengthen your
concentration and focus your mind.

Peace of Mind in Daily Life One Free Chapter

Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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Emotional Detachment for a Better Life

By Remez Sasson
Discover the art of letting go and staying calm.
Learn how to avoid getting upset by what people say or do,
and how to stop taking everything too personally.
Visualize and Achieve
By Remez Sasson
Learn how to visualize, and achieve dreams and goals.
Guidance and advice for using creative visualization for
improving your life and attracting success and prosperity.
Affirmations - Words with Power
By Remez Sasson and Dorina Sasson
Effective techniques, for using the power of affirmations to
improve your life and create success.
Advice, instructions, and affirmations for every purpose.

Peace of Mind in Daily Life One Free Chapter

Copyright 2014 Remez Sasson
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