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To decide which sentences are fact or which are opinion.

Ask yourself these questions first:

Can I prove it is correct?
Can the statement be checked somehow?
If my answer to both of these questions is yes, the statement is a FACT.
If a statement uses words such as always, never, should, all, none, most, least, greatest, best, and
worst then it most likely is an OPINION because it represents someones personal feelings
instead of fact.
Ask yourself if each of the remaining statements can be proven or checked.
Look at the statements below. If they can be proved, write FACT. If they use opinion words, or
represent feelings, write OPINION.
1. __________ Good guys always tell the truth.
2. __________ The Dallas Cowboys have won 5 Super Bowls.
3. __________ Three quarters of the Earths surface is water.
4. __________ Chocolate is the best flavor for ice cream.
5. __________ The Civil War began at Fort Sumter near Charleston, SC in 1861.
6. __________ Apple pie with a scoop of ice cream has more fat than chocolate cake.
7. __________ The fastest land dwelling creature is the Cheetah
8. _________

The ugliest sea creature is the musk ox.

9.__________ Prison is one of the worst places on the planet.

10. ________ It is against the law in America for people under the age of 21 to drink alcohol.
11. _________ Lord of the Rings: Return of the King won eleven Oscars (Academy Awards).
12. _________ Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C.
13. _________ Diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth
14. _________ Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat.
15. _________ It is illegal to yell out Fire in a crowded movie theater.
16. _________ People should not be allowed to talk on cell phones in a movie theater.
17. _________ Students who are caught cheating in college can be kicked out of the university
without a refund.
18. _________ The average giant tortoise will outlive the average human.
19. _________ Rock music lyrics are more poetic than rap music lyrics.
20. _________ Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America.

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