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K-1 Painting - Applying the Grey Scale

Grey Scale- the children continue to refine their understanding of the grey scale.
They are beginning to see the different values of light and dark as they repeatedly
use their HB, 2B, or 4B pencils. The children are beginning to make connections
with their paintings as they mix blue and turquoise tints, blue and turquoise shade.
Listening to their conversations such as "my blue tint goes from light to kinda
dark, like the grey scale," or "my blue is really dark, almost black like the end of
the grey scale," is an indication that they are making connections and learning.
Their artist's eyes are being refined as they mix colors and as they paint. They are
becoming more discerning in their choice of colors, as their eyes are being trained
to look for subtle differences in tints and shades. They are learning that they have
a right to control the colors on their palette. They are beginning to understand
that all colors have a scale.

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