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My media story

Christopher ONeill

my game changing event in media

The media event that hooked me was the Edward snowden Global Surveillance
disclosure which started in June 2013. Snowden had been working for the NSA
in Hawaii, he came to international attention whenever he began to leaking
thousands of classified documents to the media, the documents exposed
NSAs global surveillances programs. Since his leaking of information he has
been in asylum in Russia.

What hooked me to this story was who relevant it is to todays society, his
leaking of information led to debates of the governments abuse of power,
national security and information privacy, what makes this so relevant is that
we live in a society where everything is becoming digital and can be very easy
to have information stolen or be spied upon by the government spy upon by
the government.

What I really likes about this is how the media reacted, shows like fox news
did not react by calling him a traitor, various news stations actually seen him
as a patriot, although peoples opinions were very divided.

Technology innovation I embraced

The technology innovation I embraced would be the Xbox one, this innovation
can also be said for the ps4 as both consoles are very similar, but I will the
Xbox as its the one I own, the reason I see this as great innovation in
technology would be for many reasons, for one its an all around
entertainment system, you can get apps for channels such as bbciplayer and
Netflix so you can stream instantly onto your consoles, making it not just a
video game console.

In terms of video games, consoles are getting powerful with every new
generation, and the Xbox one is no exception, the graphics are brilliant and
are above the last generation consoles, this means that there can be more
innovation in games as a result of not being limited by the spec.

The only problem that I would have is a technology becomes more advanced
the price will begin to rise to create games that are up to standards, as a
result of this investors may be less willing to put money into something which
is really risky and innovative and will prefer to put their money into something
safe, whenever there is less risk there is less innovation.

Favorite media technology

My favorite media technology I embraced would be Netflix as it is just filled to

the brim with content at such a low price, there is just so many TV shows and
movies that I am able to stream onto so many different devices in my house,
places such as blockbuster and xtra-vision have already or have begun to
close down as a result of online streaming, it really is the future for media, TV
will also by impacted as a result of online streaming as less people are
beginning to watch TV and prefer to just stream on the internet.

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