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Top Ten Life Lessons From The Slave Across the Street by Theresa L.


1. Often the heart and the brain give conflicting messages (Flores 23). While in tough
situations it might be hard to tell the right choice from the wrong choice. It may seem like
the right choice will put our loved ones in danger, even though you may be saving
yourself and your loved ones if you make this dangerous choice. Theresa had to choose
between her own safety and the safety of her family, she may have taken the more
selfless this may have been more dangerous than contacting someone who could help.
Daniel had done what the others had not been able to do; he had enslaved not only my
body, but my heart as well (Flores 112).
2. Telling their story turns people from victims to survivors. Theresa had always felt like
a victim but once she started telling her story she felt like a survivor. She felt like a victim
again when people turned her away and refused to hear her out but this didnt stop her.
Telling the story makes me relive it. Brings the buried memories to the surface.
Voluntarily. Making my vulnerable once again. But this is a vital component in moving
from a victim to a survivor. When I use my painful experience to help others, when I
enter worthy relationships and learn to trust another person, I move from survivor to
victorious (Flores 139).
3. Even people from different cultures, countries, and socio-economic groups can look
past the differences in each other and only look for the similarities. Theresa was in
love with a guy that was from a different socio-economic group. She forgot about the
differences and only looked at the similarities. For Valentines Fay, he sent me a fourfoot tall Hallmark card. I was shocked when the mailman delivered it and happy for the
attention and love I received form him on a daily basis (Flores 39).
4. The worst thing to happen in life, may not even compared to what is to come. A
challenge you face today may not be close to what you might face tomorrow. After
Theresa was raped the first time by Daniel, she grieved what she had thought would be
the worst thing to ever happen to her. What Theresa hadnt known was what would
happen within the next couple of years. Alone in the tub, I grieved what I was sure
would be the worst thing that happened in my life. But that awful afternoon failed to
compare with what was to come (Flores 49).
5. The feeling of guilt may not be reliable. Theresa felt like her being abused was her
fault. She felt guilty for putting her family in danger and letting guys use her over and
over again. She also felt guilty for lying to her boyfriend and not saving herself for him.
When in reality it wasnt her fault that these men had taken advantage of her. Guilt was
suffocating. Then the voices started. It had been my fault. I could have prevented it. I
should have done something. I shouldnt have gone with him (Flores 51).
6. Once fights start they can become a way of life. After a while fights become a way of
life, leaving different groups disliking each other for a long time. The area where Theresa
lived in Detroit was strictly separated by the Arabic people and the Jewish people. It
was Arab boys fighting Jewish boys. Other towns are strictly divided and only one or two
types live there. But here, because of the money, many different rich kids all live in the

same neighborhood and go to the same school. At night, they fight for power (Flores
7. What may seem like a way out, may actually bring you in deeper. Theresa had to
make a very difficult decision either to stay enslaved to Nick or to actually join
Jonathons prostitution business but shes have to move away from her family then move
into her own apartment. Here was a way out, but it wasnt really a way out. It was
getting in deeper. On one hand, it seemed like I would be released from having to
perform various sex acts with Nick and his men. I would no longer be indebted and
scared that my family would be harmed (Flores 95-96).
8. Look into the bigger picture to see who is honestly trying to help. Theresa was always
helped by Daniel, her friend. Really Daniel just used her as a pawn in their business.
After he raped her and got her into the huge mess, he would try to help her when the men
were being too extreme. She had honestly thought he was trying to help her, but Daniel
betrayed her and raped her again after a while. That night, as I soaked in the bathtub at
home, as I always did afterwards, I thought long and hard. Tears streamed down my
cheeks. These were different tears. Tears of betrayal. My heart ached (Flores 112).
9. Scars will last a lifetime, physical or mental. Theresa was abused physically and
mentally. Physically she was kicked, punched, slapped, cut, and raped. Mentally, she was
told they would hurt or kill her and her family. She was also told how worthless she was.
Theresa will have these scars for the rest of her life, no matter where she goes. As
difficult as it was to escape, healing proved more difficult. The scars will last a life time
as I learn to live with these gaping wounds in my heart (Flores 115).
10. Lying may seem like the only way to protect the people you love. Nick threatened
Theresa if she told anyone they would hurt or kill her family. Also they threatened her
fathers job, which was very important to him. She figured eventually she would earn the
photos back and not have to worry about the safety of her family, so she would do
anything and lie to keep them safe. Teenagers create excuses to get out of school
assignments and chores to spend time with friends. I lied to protect my family. To stay
alive. I was good at it because the stakes were inordinately high (Flores 120).

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