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Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause

with Text Analysis Visualization


SAS White Paper

Table of Contents
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Visual Text Analytics Best Practices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Visualizing the Customer Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Root Cause Exploration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
The Sound of Sentiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Identifying Relevant Points of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Case Study: Super Bowl XLVII Blackout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
For More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Content for this paper was initally provided by Mary Osborne, Justin Plumley and Daniel Zaratsian.
Osborne is a Systems Engineer Manager for SAS Global Sales Development and Product
Management. Plumley and Zaratsian are Technical Consultants for SAS Global Sales Development
and Product Management.

Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

Stop to think about how and how often your business interacts with customers.
Every day, with each interaction, data is created. What percentage of the data generated
by these interactions are you using? There are so many channels for interaction, like
social media, call centers, sales staff, help and support resources, marketing and
campaigns. Typically, organizations believe that they are using only a small fraction of it
effectively at best, upwards of 10 percent of all the available data. Why?
One reason relates to the difficulties in collecting all this data. This limitation is beginning
to wane as commodity hardware becomes increasingly popular for big data storage. But
another major inhibitor to examining all customer data has been the inability to examine
millions, or even billions, of data points that constitute the customer picture. And much
of this is now in the form of unstructured text inputs.
Unstructured data continues to grow in volume, variety, velocity and the overall value
it provides to organizations. Today, customers are voicing their preferences, problems,
concerns, issues and accolades in the form of customer feedback, survey responses,
social media conversations, blogs, documents, maintenance notes, news articles and
more. At the same time, there is a continuing shift in the ways to derive value from this
unstructured data.
There are many ways to understand text data. Depending on your experience,
background or business requirements, you may begin to evaluate your text data with a
simple word cloud that illustrates the emphasis of words and phrases that occur within
text collections. Many methods topic identification, text clustering, natural language
processing, sentiment specifications and taxonomies are used today to understand
the key themes, categories, concepts and entities present in text documents.
Each of these methods provides some sort of structure as a natural output. Whether
they come in the form of term counts, topic membership identifiers, sentiment scores
or variables, they can be used to classify and organize text materials. These structures
can also be used to establish more complex relationships between text content by using
ontologies and network graphs. No matter where you fall in this spectrum, your objective
is the same: to extract meaningful and usable information from raw text data. Often, this
requires interactive and exploratory queries.
Due to recent technological innovations, the roadblocks to examining all customer
data have been removed. Former sampling requirements and filters that once limited
customer activity investigation to 10 percent or less have dissipated. Analysis is no
longer restricted by long batch processing times. IT departments are no longer required
to predefine data models for interactive insights. Users no longer need to make requests
for specific data prior to queries. Now, all your customer data can be available for you to
explore without any constraints being presupposed, defined or assumed.

SAS White Paper

One enabling solution is SAS Visual Analytics. This software liberates companies to
examine all of their customer data, allowing stakeholders, analysts and data scientists
to derive customer insights as quickly as they can think of the next question to ask.
The results of text analysis provide an initial structure to unstructured content and this
easy-to-use, visual technology designed for big data allows you to dynamically interact,
explore, investigate and query the text data to quickly investigate relationships, patterns
and outliers.
By integrating SAS Visual Analytics with SAS Text Analytics, organizations are
empowered to uncover patterns and relationships within both structured and
unstructured data. This combination creates an enhanced view of your big data. It
enriches and provides a visual look at your data that reveals customer sentiment, shows
categorical flags and uncovers root causes that primarily exist in unstructured data.
Text analysis and the subsequent visualization are naturally symbiotic. Because even
the best analysis of unstructured data is often of little value unless you can readily
communicate the results. Easy-to-understand visualizations explain any analysis,
whether your audience includes colleagues, executives, customers or investors.
Of course, the data that drives good visualizations needs to be accurate, correctly
formatted, properly constructed and relevant in terms of aligning with your business
requirements. Text analysis provides this relevancy.

Visual Text Analytics Best Practices

Business requirements and questions define the rationale for any analysis regardless
of whether the inputs to that analysis are traditional structured data, unstructured data
or a combination of both. Just as with extraction from existing structured customer data
stores, text data is retrieved from social media sites, customer agent transaction notes,
email communications, forums and the like. Figure 1 illustrates that information retrieval
is the first step in analytical processing.


Industry & Domain


Data &


Text Mining and






and Reporting

Figure 1: Visual text analysis process flow diagram.

Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

In many cases, organizations have both internal and external data structured and
unstructured that they want to combine and use for visual analysis. For example, in
the financial services industry a banking customer may be affiliated with call center notes
from financial advisers, transactional data based on banking activities, demographic
data from applications, and questions or commentary about the bank that they
posted in social media channels.1 Note that particularly with big data, the goal is not to
physically move and integrate different sources of customer data but to affiliate the
data in such a way as to create a single, virtual and federated record that references
each customer.2
The unique challenge with text data is that it is free-form. This opens the door for
misspellings, individual styles, abbreviations, emoticons, misused terms (e.g., writing
their instead of theyre), and many other data quality challenges. In addition, the
analyst typically doesnt know what the raw text collection contains to begin with so
assessing the documents with text mining becomes an essential analysis step in this
process, as depicted in the second step of Figure 1. Text mining explores and extracts
key elements in the data, such as the relationships between terms and phrases;
and it generates topics and clusters in an automated or semiautomated, machinedriven process. Text mining results in statistically derived part-of-speech analysis
and standardizations, and this includes the automated identification of term stems,
synonyms and misspellings.3
The next step, dependent upon business requirements, is to enrich the original data
set by creating new variables that identify sentiment and categorize the unstructured
data. This is depicted in Figure 1, steps 3a and 3b. This step may be the most timeconsuming because it requires the analyst to define taxonomies and rules that extract
the desired elements from the text data. Advances in SAS Text Analytics reduce this
burden, with the automatic generation of Boolean rules that can directly inform linguistic
definitions for taxonomies. Initial training data sets for sentiment analysis can also be
mined from the text collection using the AFINN data set included with SAS Text Miner.
Step 3 is the most modeling-intensive stage, but its also one of the most valuable. In
this step, you produce extracted and tagged unstructured data, which turns free-form
text into structured data.

SAS has the ability to collect and aggregate inputs from disparate structured and unstructured sources
of customer information with SAS/ACCESS and the SAS Crawler (for both internal file systems/intranets
and external websites, including RSS feeds and common social media sites like Twitter, Facebook,
Google, Bing, YouTube).
Federated views span multiple data repositories, enabling data from different systems without the
physical reconciliation or movement of source data, and achieved for analytical tasks with SAS/ACCESS
technology and/or the SAS Federation Server.
Additional information on text mining operations is available at:

SAS White Paper

Regardless of your organizational goal to enhance predictive models with unstructured

data, organize and categorize content, assess sentiment or accomplish a combination
of any of these you often need to take a dual approach to model development. This
involves using statistics and machine learning to uncover what you dont know about
the text content (step 2), as well as taking a linguistic rule-based, taxonomy approach
(steps 3a and 3b), to accurately incorporate domain experts knowledge with the
automatically discovered patterns. This approach of using both discovery methods and
domain-driven results generally provides the greatest flexibility to appropriately model
text data.
Step 4 of Figure 1 shows the enriched structured data, which includes the extracted and
tagged fields derived from the text analysis. As the diagram illustrates, the data is now
formatted for use in other activities, like those listed in step 5.
For predictive analysis, insights derived from text data can improve the predictive power
of existing models (i.e., increasing model lift) and in some cases can even result in a
better model than those developed from structured data.4 These outputs also create
metadata that can improve existing retrieval systems like enterprise search surfacing
more relevant material based on the additional insight that references the document
content. They can even surface semantically related materials. These structured outputs
can be used to trigger threshold alerts, with notifications sent to downstream operational
applications or stakeholders who can be notified of priorities when they are highlighted
from analysis of the customer documents.
Finally, these structured text documents can be used in visualization and reporting to
help you explore, understand and uncover the driving factors affecting customer activity
and impression. At this stage, its important to know whether the goal of the visualization
is analytical exploration or operational reporting.
If your goal is data exploration, it may be beneficial to include variables that allow for
general pattern discovery. For operational reporting, you may already know an existing
scope. For example, with exploration youd want access to the enriched data set that
contains not only the original data of interest, but also new flags, hierarchies and derived
variables to gain further insight into any identified patterns. Alternatively, if operational
reporting is your goal, the specific key metrics that you need to communicate to
business stakeholders wouldnt require an augmented data set with additional fields, but
would simply be contained in the file and represented in the reports.

Predictive model power can be compared across models, and those developed solely on text data may
outperform existing models based solely on structured data as illustrated in From Customer Risk to
Corporate Strategy: Using Text Analytics and Predictive Modeling to Improve Promoter Scores:

Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

Visualizing the Customer Voice

You can visually explore unstructured customer data once the text sentences and
phrases have been tokenized and parsed. This identifies the elements within the text
(usually words, expressions, punctuation marks, white space, stems, etc.) and analyzes
the grammar.5
During the initial text mining step, you can visually explore the terms and phrases
associated with the customer communication collection to help guide the mining
process. Using interactive discovery with this vast data can help pinpoint key themes
within the complete text collection and also narrow the focus for your analysis to desired
concepts and filter out noise in the data.
Figure 2 illustrates concept linking,6 which illustrates associations and relationships
between terms. The more highly associated the terms, the thicker the line
between them.
+ light

+ large print

+ shop

small print

+ print quality

+ card

+ print

+ small

+ large

+ business card

+ read

+ font



+ business


+ bold

Figure 2: Concept link illustrating term associations for the word print.

From Figure 2, we can see that the term print is more strongly associated with
large and small, as well as with light, print quality and other aspects of the type
or purchase experience.7 You can drill into each of these term boxes to understand
associated terms and phrases from the collection. By discovering these relationships,
you can get insight as to how terms are used together within the document collection
and this can guide the creation of a taxonomy.

Tokenization, parsing (the grammatical analysis of a sentence/phrase) and stemming (variants of words
like pluralization, conjugation, case, etc.) are all automatically performed within the Text Parsing node
of SAS Text Miner or SAS Contextual Analysis. The user has configuration controls to override system
Concept linking is generated from the Interactive Filter Viewer of SAS Text Miner, or the term map of SAS
Contextual Analysis.
The + sign prior to terms listed in the concept-linking diagram refer to additional stems that the system
found associated with that specific word/phrase.

SAS White Paper

Root Cause Exploration

In the context of document publishing, if the term print is associated with the terms
large and small, it might make sense to create a parent node in a taxonomy called
print with a child node called small. This approach would enable you to appropriately
classify the key factors and their variants. Taxonomies are simply a hierarchical set of
categories (and often subcategories) that describe the relationships among terms or
phrases within a document collection. For this data, a simple taxonomy may look like
Figure 3.





Figure 3: An example taxonomy.

Once the taxonomy has been developed, you can use it to classify the customer
document collection. In fact, contextual extraction can be used to identify when a term
may be used as a noun or as a verb to provide even deeper insight to what issues may
be occurring. For example, print (as a noun) or font can be extracted in the context
of the same sentence as the word small (including synonyms) or large (including
synonyms).8 These terms, as well as others associated with print, can be used as the
foundation for a root cause analysis.
Continuing with our publishing dilemma, we can see that there are issues related to
print. And having defined our taxonomy, scoring our customer communications
with our linguistic model, we can now explore and interrogate our structured text
data with interactive visual analytics. As Figure 4 shows, its easy to identify the driving
factors relevant to print. We can see that print and font occur in sentences with
the term small (and its synonyms) far more often than with any of the other terms in
the hierarchy.

SAS Enterprise Content Categorization provides taxonomy development and linguistic rule support to
create contextual extraction models that are highly configurable to the document collection.

Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

Figure 4: Root cause hierarchy showing the distribution of topics found in relation to the
terms print (as a noun) and font.

And if we continue to drill into the underlying factors associated with small, we identify
a strong relationship between terms that mean or indicate print and words that
describe print typeface (in relation to terms customers use to describe issues they are

Figure 5: Hierarchy drill-down into the term small to visualize how customers are using
the word small.

SAS White Paper

Drilling one final time into the more frequently identified term reveals sentence snippets
that provide the actual context in which the terms were used. This is depicted in
Figure 6.

Figure 6: Hierarchy drill-down into the terms small and font to discover root cause.

With a hierarchy such as this defined, we can quickly drill from high-level concepts into
actual words of customers. We can see that the three predominant factors are, in the
words of customers: the font is so small, the font is very small and small the font.
These are the underlying issues associated with small print/font typeface. Clearly, the
legibility issue is due to a typeface that is overridingly too small to meet the needs of
customers. By knowing that this is the underlying issue, you can immediately recognize
what remedial action is necessary to address the problem.
This example highlights one of the core benefits of visually analyzing unstructured
customer data. Not only are the most prominent issues across the entire collection of
customer feedback readily identified you can also derive the real context of what is
driving the issue simply by drilling into the data. As is common with any text analysis, its
the richness of insight contained in the commentary that explains why this is an issue.
As a result, you can set strategies and tactics to rectify the situation.

Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

The Sound of Sentiment

Sentiment analysis is often considered core to voice-of-the-customer projects. The
ability to derive positive or negative tone from surveys, call center notes and social media
can be critical to understanding customer reactions to products and services. The
power of visualizing sentiment analysis results is that it enables you to examine
the entire collection of feedback from customers, and to interactively scrutinize
every individual element so you can assess what is working and what requires
corrective action.
In Figure 7, we see the results of the publishing data scored with a sentiment analysis.9
The red bars indicate negative sentiment while the green bars depict positive sentiment.
We can see from the figure that print sentiment is more negative than positive, with the
verbatim commentary associated with print negative listed in the table.

Figure 7: Sentiment analysis of print-related customer reviews.

This sentiment visualization illustrates for each (parent) category of the taxonomy that
customers are very happy with the service they receive from the company, the overall
quality and the prices being charged. They have equally mixed feelings regarding
the shipping process and the offers they receive during that process something to
investigate further. The overriding negative feedback is associated with the print and
order process.

SAS Sentiment Analysis can use existing taxonomies from SAS Enterprise Content Categorization, as
well as user-defined taxonomies, linguistic rules and statistical models to identify and extract the tone
associated with text inputs.

SAS White Paper

We can see from the detailed (negative) commentary what particular issues customers
have experienced, and even suggestions from customers as to what could have been
done differently. For example, the first comment was: Your Web presentation of your
card should be as close as possible to the printed card. Often the lettering on the card is
smaller than the presentation to the point that not a few times the printing was too small
to This is a viable suggestion: Include actual size representations on the Web as a
way to adequately meet customers expectations.
SAS Sentiment Analysis taxonomies can be defined to any number of levels. So you
can drill into each of these aspects of the business further to get detailed insight into the
strengths identified by customer feedback as well as customer concerns. In short, this
method exposes the root cause behind customer sentiment.

Identifying Relevant Points of Interest

Categorization and sentiment analysis both create structured information from the entire
record of customer text input. For example, a record of customer communication could
belong to a category like print or it could describe negative sentiment about quality.
Sometimes, there may be a need to hone in on specific attributes of interest. These
specific entities could describe a particular person (perhaps a known influencer), a place
(different service locations), an event, or a fact (such as a particular product). For these
situations, you can use entity extraction10 to identify the occurrence of these desired
concepts. And once theyre identified, you can retrieve the associated content, filtering
the unstructured information specifically associated with these items.
Consider social media data. By all estimates, it is growing exponentially. Some
organizations are storing it in commodity hardware environments (like Hadoop) without
first examining it to determine whether or not the data holds any potential value. Social
data is big data, and to realize value from it, you must separate potentially valuable
documents from irrelevant content and extraneous data.
Extraction can assist you, even with the initial storage of such data, by filtering out
completely irrelevant content.11 For example, if you were the Bell company (a Canadian
telecommunications corporation), youd only be interested in consumer content relevant
to your organization. You would not be interested in Bell Helmets, Bell Helicopter, Bells
Brewery Inc., etc.


Entity extraction is included with SAS Enterprise Content Categorization, and is achieved with a defined
taxonomy and configurable linguistic rules.
Refer to From Big to Meaningful Data for further description of unstructured big data issues and


Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

Visualizing taxonomies can also help to further delineate relevant from irrelevant content.
Once scored with the taxonomy,12 text input contains structure that can be interactively
queried with SAS Visual Analytics. Such visualizations help business users and subjectmatter experts validate the classified results to determine if things classified as noise truly
are irrelevant and should, consequently, be removed from the analysis.
On the other hand, perhaps this noise category contains new concepts not previously
defined in the taxonomy such as concepts arising within social media channels. You
can use this insight to validate the existing taxonomy and hierarchies that represent the
category/subcategory (or parent/child) relationships in the data. This can be built on the
fly, helping you identify any new terms that need to be defined to the taxonomy.

Case Study: Super Bowl XLVII Blackout

Twitter users had a wide variety of things to say about Super Bowl XLVII, which was
held in New Orleans on Feb. 3, 2013. The game was a matchup between the Baltimore
Ravens and the San Francisco 49ers. More than 4.85 million tweets (from Jan. 11, 2013
through Feb. 6, 2013) were collected to see what fans had on their minds. Because of
this broad timespan, the tweets covered not only Super Bowl XLVII discussions, but also
Super Bowl XLVII predictions throughout the playoffs, content unrelated to football (such
as the Beyonc halftime performance), Super Bowl XLVII party chats, and a variety of
speculation that occurred during the impromptu Super Bowl XLVII blackout.
Due to the wide variety of conversations and the nature of unstructured Twitter data, it
took extensive data cleansing and filtering to better focus the analysis. For example, we
needed to remove the irrelevant tweets, and identify misspellings and abbreviations.13 By
identifying and grouping misspellings, synonyms and abbreviations with SAS Text Miner,
we enriched the clustering results, eliminated unwanted noise in the data and aided in
the discovery of emerging topics. The process was iterative and required some input
from football aficionados. The result of this initial discovery phase resulted in industry
(sports)- and organization (Super Bowl XLVII)-specific mapping of key terms and phrases
that exposed insightful topics buried in the data. This is shown in Figure 8.


SAS offers a range of prebuilt industry taxonomies in different languages to quick-start the taxonomy
development process. Additionally, initial taxonomy insight can be discovered from mining the document
collection, and/or by automatically generating categories and subcategories from sources like Wikipedia
or DBpedia.
For example, synonyms for the San Francisco 49ers included SF49, niners, 49ers, 49er, and more.


SAS White Paper

Figure 8: Topics discovered in tweets pertaining to the Super Bowl XLVII blackout.

The term power outage was highlighted as the most prominent topic from the
filtered Twitter data. Figure 8 also illustrates the calculated sentiment associated with
the highlighted topic which appears to be fairly balanced at this level of the analysis.
Individual tweets related to the power outage topic are also shown.
One important aspect of evaluating the impact of social media is to assess the most
influential contributors to the social media voice. In this case, Influential Twitter users
were based on the number of followers they had, the frequency of tweets and re-tweets
they made, and the overall frequency of Super Bowl XLVII-related tweets.14
One of the most informative ways to understand influence is from a network visualization
analysis, which explicitly represents the relationships between topics and the most
influential Twitter users. This is illustrated in Figure 9.15


Influence of any particular social media contributor can be based on a variety of factors, including
calculated indexes. This case study used a simplified influencer definition.
There are a variety of ways to generate network graphs, including custom code or with SAS, using SAS/
GRAPH, SAS Customer Link Analytics, and SAS Social Network Analysis solutions.



Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

Figure 9: Network diagram of influential Twitter users/authors (blue dots) and discovered
topics (orange dots).

From this visualization, we expose several significant conversations from Twitter users.
During the second half of Super Bowl XLVII, which started at approximately 8:30 p.m.
ET, the 49ers kickoff was returned by Jacoby Jones for a record-breaking 108-yard
return, resulting in a Baltimore Ravens touchdown. On Twitter, it was interesting to
discover some of the emerging topics at that same time. For example, one tweet stated:
This game is a joke. Supporting tweets included phrases such as this game is boring
and game over! and there was even one tweet at 8:33 p.m. ET suggesting Turn off
the Lights #SuperBowl #NFL.
This is a particularly interesting coincidence, because nearly five minutes later the lights
did, in fact, go out. The blackout lasted nearly 35 minutes. During this time, a wide
variety of conversations took place on Twitter. These topics, along with the authors who
promoted the topics and the associations across topics, are all visualized in the network
graph shown in Figure 9.


SAS White Paper

One very nimble marketing department Walgreens took advantage of the blackout
by creating a social marketing promotion during that time. This promotion was identified
within the data.
Although Walgreens16 did not come up with an ad visual, it only took seven minutes for
this company to respond to the situation, by tweeting We do carry candles. This is
shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Twitter conversation lead by Walgreens during Super Bowl XLVII blackout.

This tweet generated several re-tweets and engaged football fans to remember
Walgreens when the lights go out or whenever they are in need.
Beyond the promotional social noise, we can learn even more if we continue to monitor
and drill into the voice of the consumer by extending our analyses and visualizations to
the article coverage that ensued post-Super Bowl XLVII. We could also track the impact
on company sales from these low-cost and effective advertising tactics.

A growing number of organizations are realizing the value of unstructured data as a
way to explicitly capture the voice of the customer. Using interactive visualization to
address this big data enables you to do your analysis in an easily digestible, exploratory
environment so that you can more easily interrogate, evaluate and understand what
customers care about. Moreover, such high-performance visualization makes text
analysis more accessible to people who dont have training in analytics they can
simply point and click through the data to address whatever question strikes them.
Unstructured data analysis can be a daunting task. But with a single integrated,
flexible analytic environment, you can readily visualize all your data expanding the
reach and insights of your analysis. High-performance visualization extends insights
beyond traditional structured data. Interactive graphs, charts and other visuals can
bring life to call center notes, trouble tickets, surveys, document stores and social data.
Unstructured data will continue to grow exponentially. And those companies that use
text analysis technology will have the advantage.


Walgreens, founded in 1901 in Chicago by Charles R. Walgreen, has grown to be the largest drug retailing
chain in the US.


Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Identifying Root Cause with Text Analysis Visualization

For More Information

Learn more about SAS Visual Analytics:
Discover how SAS Text Analytics can help your organization:


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