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FEDERATION OF MALAYA CENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION Report THE BARNES REPORT ON, MALAY EDUCATION THE FENN-WU REPORT ON CHINESE EDUCATION 101 SEPTEMBER, 1951 MEMBERS OF THE CENTRAL ADVISORS COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AS ON lon SEPTEMBER, 1951 by, Waineet 0) oe of Faction OH othe etn ‘hair . nia Be 2. The Deputy ewan (Wis) Mls MH Lose 5. The Asstt Di ‘ene satan Broters Schools qe. th Bo 4 bro, Wiitor, Ch ox'nun Aus, Caso 189 Klose, 9G fafa, Gnas Ris Ls aia, 07 P Dosa, : stole se Metist Mision panna See. 8 Pee kona) I Mu bee Mes 8 1 Hove Mn, Lars Cues 1a 12, Phrase PMs I Hac Ie Maen ts (038 ao Mie BF Pr. 8 cane Me XC ba ‘Phe Principal, Tested College (MB, Boosey Wa Teas Siew SINHA, MEE. # toca tharos ms Fn BS REPORT OF THE CENTRAL ADVISORY COMMITTE! ON EDUCATION ON THE BARNES REPORT ON MALAY EDUCATION AND THE FENN-WU REPORT ON CHINESE, EDUCATION PRELIMINARY, conser sm report on the Bares Bonu Teepe on Chinese llusaton 2 At owe tt musing on the 2 and 24h Suly, Prof Masa, Unigersiy of Malaya How Bia. Liwrtan Bo, Vestn of the Cleat inthe Schon, an Me", Buckler» Scing Prngipal ofthe Tashalsal Calleges Busts Campr, were unable tbe tent jort on Malay Faction we 2. At nur son meeting on the 13th a Mth August Pat, Mazo, Universi af Malay, nun Syed Sula, nod les OCA Lan, Paina Cioge et Aaeltne, wane wile to be present A our eh oeing on ty Septem, Prot Mason, Univers MI, "HE BARNES REPORT ON MALAY EDUCATION. 4. Bil in one delibrations we aeceptad and endo he bette espreaed i pusenpt of the Pareword fo the Barme Repont We Halse that Malay dean ought {wy tm fester the rowth of individuals towards the beatin roe stun hatter ic ie have it them large eb th itd Mala con fen Malas spel ofa aah pe and david tht those bie pees une ml pein tv Malay eatin i Sout nemes of all education “Malaya it belts thse purses of SSHh wl nae re neiecement practic polit Primary dustin. wy esnsnond the ductal pile refer tt Copter Tes parngapin toe at she, Hats tea! ad iy th feral: 2 otTthe Fenn Report the ‘ri tit in ie mesthe tong sl one [icp sn eicthanl eles re ott urna the peanaty our intrwtion ino throng te medion twa tue and Strack one thy her lunge, Besa atl un st the athe onange at ti fo pap a 4 sniorty tha sol ae Fags nthe asa of May papi ad ag inthe eet af ers, Sul cowsieing 9 euvtieutun based ine ‘Mcatpal yrs we ate-sgrerd that nn sernas Tony we sae Melly by soyuting il Chinen snd Lado put fee) {hese Stator Songs and Alda Tegch for he Btn het ie yeu 7. We reighise, bowers, that i the peste day creumstances a condtiane in aleaya it toy is nesta ta take inf eoeernis otter facts in dition to iesional preites «hen kemig«eintum for sinaty caste In thao ne feciuin a tt he oul sooo Heine yup t At at Bngtseonesr Wee Sone af thet foliar soe na tat any prove sod be Bake daa lary closers (or Chinese ad Ka pup, hese the fet ive years ub inatactn afou tke the fon of one rid Athy" ot appeckistlyhaltaubour speut iy contortion Tesons "base fm Srente apd eusumtinnoes of particle and immediate terest to young Chinwe aed Tntan pups ee ane udm inatratin te, wete ferme of Chine ado tol i ated gee fone the euro th prnsy courses Weave soot tae i) primary schol oth {o'tuch circu the medium of nseuction should be Slay or Engh or pethapn iy ibe laser pea both those fangowgoe ond at Sepeice trou eu mein or media of istration would tost help auch Teheel to teers choc st ut bv parser 8 swe 8 Wo are perturba hat the Howes Topart sould hve been Inteepot ato ue eae tio wisp fen in erent soetions of the Community; The fst af these ithe fonr that ail Goverment ‘sie trl hn wl be mien the a at ‘Sod. 's orally of thefts that tony tachers in reracata sallges fod sists wand tet oot of eaplesment We eresumuond that ‘ory means tnd portunity shou hs take tu sure thowe who entertain thoes fears that tts no tee of wtranang Govtegmnent sean teens sol thc sic natal Sat {ME there pace“ werpebie” bring terete to anen shoe wha rove ert aay ail or intrnttn in Chine Sot Pama ae tin SE else Wi eel Seats ne Ser 9. We doube the fealty of the nfomyal selon of the “unger twenty por eon ofthe itellgece: tage’ atthe age of ontenplted in paragapis an 3 8 Caper [© ofthe Bosnns Ieport Trt rocagnes tit theme! be ted hs the cieomatances crag fvogagh 0 of Chapter Ni We vince te remain the ast tan of paar 8) Chater EV 10, Mosi pope hood eis sil fsteton the satan fe pointcut thu it wil be secesarys ts tain fom the. wales Shetge at Mlson Sct pets fo silt stration be gare REEF peomisn i wc peetnoe re woh for wit Nation “Beh, = We conser tat charstee siaing sould be st iniportant watt of the inary cure i lect partinwsr attention ts paragapie 36 to 3 apie 1 1, PostPrimary Baventlon —We ore in_gentrl agnsmont wih hosblity of temstor betwenn voeuionst and geqonne cannes rlaered 10 Iv pacagraptn a5 of tie Caper 12 We ceconamond dit all pupil in the ssaiemie steam sould te engi to cmt the ste 4 Ally hele mate tng 2. We ask Uh contention shoudl be given by Government to svoepling evitable TC... Rawuntaation Certientee in eoounercial subjeet isrntve to tho Sehool Content nai 14. Girls Rayeation—We wary estes Chapter VF of the Manse eyrt an preany age hi thesontament expressed iy paragraph {ha apenkang generals, omen sna she eat pranaeyeeachars 15, The Training of Toohers.—We wis to sve that an alate soppy of wel tine teachers the Gt coueetent for sy inproverteat ine osteming of primary cdvonton.” We therloeaelan he proposals 1h Chapter Vii ot the BacoeeIept, purltnany thaw relating 1 The Permanent Tinie Scheme, ai rgé thatthe seer highest pels should bo given to pusiing olen twining wailages, "Wee age thal ‘hess aimited t's ealeges shout ace dane a ene sexe post Sehgal Ceteate cone an should have eaived & qualeation iw stay tbe Schou Cevtewe Exaunatinn an wonnmend that appteaets for aston ‘eho hae obtain similar quaiention Chinese or Taal hn adsten vo slatay salt be ‘espera lenned. We should ke to ee all levghers tram sash oaings dimctbie fr seneoe st ane par of he Fert 1 the tates a Sette 18, We belive shat dae neste taining ellegen sob open sth it ane ee sl hae ene teaching ste alti eles We wenghee the mngtan of pride sie stats fr Woe a the sae then ie tl Lok fot she rte tes cleges cane somgleely stain Uy ely ict mum and woatch sh hee reer fore rth {och enpercnse serum in tho niearime we recomend. the ety fecrathent of stl anda they" may hms wh opportuni 40 bor ‘tenia withthe wk nol the poems of cur seenks before the ening ges open Fhe Inspectorate.We acco mhole beste the yesomnment tion m Chapter VI ao alvive tbat svg sul bette at ce fe itt would be posible tou the rersioes of x tentn of AL Tispdetrs seamen fan the Cited Kang or peo of est secre see the rea sland ot fein Mayas | Local Respensibiy.—\We scropt the principe of Local Alien int court Hal the question shld erste vata ‘aye consideration We believe shit a afte of oe agama stow vse uate safes forthe terete of te ise am ie teadhe al sh ot seis wil the tester ot th lates 18, Gommanity Devalpmeat.—We wid ome all sein 0. Recrgssisation We camiler that ln National Sells hase non eutabched sol cist sina in the anlar eas, te altel tke NanaSl ayepe f dge Principle would be dhe cuse Of «pace sche whol hie cll £0 eos A hook UL. -THE FENN.WU REPORT ON CHINESE EDUCATION. Yl, Verngeular Sebsole.—Tis fost sll sestegted Vernacul inary sthool in Maga wll vse to tet abn he aren ft ic seending ie bale tt al Natal School wen provide sre acl yon. Toe Fea Hur, Cher Ht gn Prsaggete that ding never oome,” We beioce will cones” We olive is avert nny Ue hntoned by frsuaston aad Indvceme bat ‘chi be ditaton nndcompaltn Ife Scent uf the waded tore ont i contemplating the Pobre of Verna scot tet present icen it woul be" uns to nga dr snl ashore tense Aa ‘Siiacioy’ lution of tse poms shoul lp av to modulate ext Sema ee sistant cal ‘oF thome who atten thet 22, We wis to mut it quit lear that we constr that Goxeraent sid to Verma pr sche shld sn we tn he tha Spon ena Stn Sea a tn yn oon toread tad the Tost sentence of ategrapit# onpnge pt the Hares We tther mvonmnnd that sin hot siigent atte we Sabon Sooke me abe dave uf a tage sme inditttns sls scons a they ember hep ea state ut staan ot hy Shyu by overimnt Wer tebe 21 Malaya and a Malayan Galle. Joins to seve atetin he feat erence of rg el 6 yuregrpie af Chg th tis Fem Mepont Stn poh tthe sages they conta Bog en tesco he! the i: pat ‘icon tbe fe 2 Malayan Ronestn snd Ohne Sethe evens ot hore is tone th porvarie rata 2 of Chapter HE fae far se they refer ta Nivnacalar ss svar that Bgl se (i fwhic the sases we ra) nes being om tho whe ‘loves in promening «Mtge te belie ne aes National Schl yar ac oe aes sole svesaninended wl ext al leate this eo 2. We overs the wo A-yinnry cours in which the empha Yeon sacl te that oy nto wore a a it ‘Sterns sot moe mht ae Pgh sents sins 7 we “stream” with a soratonal ine which ol be pagel 0 a ‘uot stalng with’ the menderte elisa atten toon ination in parrap11'nbnce onl apply to these pele stec 37, Tt b not our eaperanee that thine has leon any” probiitve Sinaia Cotel”"ae ‘ie implied in parngeaph 8 Chapter THE) of seents ‘ishing to proceed oveea for hgh eitenon. We ous ‘wth Hinge {ha te vert af Motiga salut to Cony a Pepa ot Chines Stctien” and ope “that Chinas atteats wll there Rad ens Sporto to baghe education 25. The efferieness of se svethars and shige ate of wud isu aide depends largely ion there tng teachers arable he Tene "and who ae ailing te une wails tothe best nde Consider ogress hag been nade aan sacks bree Sears ithe ref rise id inaidrecotnmcintdsparngraph a Chapter TIE salves: Boe ive Sonne six nats aes of the date siggented al that further nctanee Tie teen given te pagent of the ines of tease of May nd English in Chins schools." We me aot opened to the forther intense cof Hao yer cent wasaniete it the Fenu Au Report al we whe tet ‘covshoratnn shout give ih 62 ve pastnt of this nition Sibi trom Jabses, 155, the Tight of tht uce wich hs boss 8. We seep the coat given in purayeaph 98 (1) (2) ant ‘ter eis fen ry the ers great prov iliclies fn no hat conn (2) 3) se tlt ae MM. MWe commend the, counsel offer in pausraphs 5 4 Copter UT, nt once Shae nou oe date tok se Sedtiewment an tat a Tie Peeration Commitee aight ter texcloy ve these 82. Test-Books. ter uae comin of thy econo nering texto sunk th the Bans ad te Res Reps ‘cane get that he whole question sf Iuka tee tthe elven aint brie of ail tape ne Malaga sees ‘of Sel inpane ‘thee sod sore atcha he spray aed wl ep no We aceept the qvutiple dha the tone font of text ks for al ‘hes of Schools sdb the sume Dut en fmt tattoo of ts Us fom one Tan to stir i mt aeneSkiad simi in seca slew Frege ace aa tl i, We camasal he emgeston i Chapter paras ‘evil thio sit tral ais snl be tal cekes ‘Nat clan mal els nh et at cape Hose Un that te ea even cede dealing itl ae coe "ste ies wl eae ia shoal 1A Reacher Training. Nts he iv wearin Cal Tale it won Re eid etal Pg guia We Hate i teins thar 4 ac ete 85, We do mw ening College 1 sho postseces the propose Noemal Schnee tof wih is one dor svatucton. will bale to ‘as consieraievontintn towards proving tote nied ashore {te Chinen shoal : 10. We achnarlo ‘eget para U aiot rand at peaceable tn ‘ohooh hive sch raining Caper ©. "the holies Retest Instn regent rateable ashe by FA. We age thatthe ap stare nC Winght well be bree eorne and spending’ th docnstatng tr Chinen th rch to the problem of improving tnehing sien 9S, Conditions of Service of Teachers We ceuagubs le st acing coitons aves which ser nny osehors in Ch ‘work an ee grate the vii wie int one those aes comin conditions of ise for touches in Chinese else wit, we belles, a mht " odin pargrapy 3 ahora Thomsltes So the tak ot formating drat Se light of paragraph 49, Chapter V o. Laneange Bue veins th SMvantage of were trteon eto of nai foaching whith has ped 10th September, 195

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