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Revelation: Linking Analysis to Theme

Task One
1. The theme: The young narrators frightening experience with a
bull makes her realise that the world is evil and that, males,
specifically, are a threat to her and she is vulnerable. There is a
transformation from naivety to awareness. She realises the world is
full of evil. The bull comes to embody the evil that is all around us.

2. The theme: A sinister atmosphere is created by the poet, as she

describes the young girls journey, effectively making the reader aware
that the bull represents the evil in mankind. By referring to the bull as
he, the poet subtly implies the bull represents the male sex only; the
bull represents the male threat to and dominance over females. The
male sex is a constant threat to society, to women.

Which of the two descriptions above would you say explains the
theme best? Give your reasons.

Task Two
In your essays, it is very important that in your analysis
/explanation you do two things:
(a) Identify the technique you are analysing and
(b) Link it back to the theme of evil. Remember

Below, are a series of quotations from the poem Revelation. You must now
identify the missing technique each time and ensure your analysis links back
to the theme of evil.

Example One
darkness- The technique of

WORD CHOICE has connotations of peril and

How does this help us understand about the nature of evil?

The bull represents the nature of evil and its ever-lurking danger of evil that is
often hidden in the world.

Example Two
clanking technique: ONOMATOPOIEA reveals the bull attempting to break free
from its chains.
How does this help us understand about the nature of evil?
It suggests that evil may break free at any moment; evil can be potentially
unleashed at any moment.

Now try these. Copy out your analysis and link back to the theme of evil
each time.

1. Immense The technique of _______________ suggests the bulls huge

and overpowering size.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

2. Edges merging with the darkness The technique of

______________________ gives the idea of the bulls sheer size and
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?


Roar Technique: ________________________ and roar is usually

associated with deadly killer animals like lions/threat to humanity.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

Prior to meeting the bull she was partially aware of evil in the world. She learns a
deep and valuable lesson that is daunting and saddening.
4. Antidote Technique: ________________________ cured her naivety.

How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

5. Anti-Christ - Technique: __________________dark connotations of Hell.

How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

6. Anarchy technique ___________________________ connotations of

How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

7. Threatening the eggs- Technique: _______________________The bull could

physically damage the eggs. But metaphorically the eggs represent pure,
feministic innocence and childhood safety.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

Fear is running through her body and she is desperate to get somewhere safe.
She realises the fragility of nature and the world and she is careful not to allow
evil to destroy her milk; contaminate her.

8. Ran technique ______________________creates a sense of urgency/

panic/ distress. Girl panics and leave in a frenzy of feelings.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

9. Thumping Technique: ________________________successful in creating a

tense atmosphere. The girl is finding it hard to come to terms with the
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

10.Big boys Technique: ____________________they are the perpetrators of

evil acts.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

11.Wings from butterflies- Technique: ____________________ of the girls own

transition. Wings are torn apart.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

12.Milk should spill- Technique: _____________________. The narrator is

holding onto her milk she wants to retain her innocence.
How does this help us understand the nature of evil?

Task Three
The ending reaffirms the idea of evil being all around us in the world; everything
this evil. The girl is terrified; the world is not a nice place. The reader can relate
to this feeling. No-one can stay innocent forever. The reader engages by
summoning their own childhood memories, remembering when they too lost
their innocence. But also regret that we cannot defeat evil or challenge it nor
protect our own children from it.

Add some personal engagement with regards to what your own revelations have
been with regards to the three themes below:

1. The theme of evil What does Lochheads poem teaches you about evil?

2. Gender roles what does Lochheads poem suggest about gender roles?

3. The fragility of childhood innocence - what does Lochheads poem suggest

about childhood innocence?

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