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Employment Discrimination for minorities

Muhammad Furqan Ahmad

Abdul Samad
Ali Raza

Mr. Zia-ur-Rehman
Jan 10, 2013
National Textile University

Introduction:Employment discrimination is any adverse employment action because of a person's disability.

This means that your employee cannot discriminate in hiring, firing, discipline, pay, promotion,
job training, and fringe benefits or in any other term or condition of your employment.
I thought of a minority of people which by law enjoys equal rights but perhaps on real grounds
faces different treatment to what is written on papers. Again, it is not I who wish to talk about
minorities and their problems but many researchers have already thrown light on problems faced
by the minority. Workplace discrimination has had a long and troubling history. Ever since the
early Industrial Revolution, various groups of people have faced harassment, exclusion from
work, and arbitrary terminations. Throughout the modern period, unions and to a lesser extent,
governments have worked to rectify these inequalities.
The study is to find out the factors that results in employment discrimination for minorities in the
restaurants. The aim of this study is find out those factors and their relationship with the
employment discrimination. Once those factors have been determined then recommendations can
be made in accordance with that to overcome those hurdles and remove this discriminating factor
for the minorities. Once the findings are there then this research can be used in other countries in
their native restaurants where there are issues regarding the discrimination for minorities and
these variables can also be used there.
The emphasis of this study is to find out what are the discriminating factors for minorities in the
restaurant industry. This study will provide with the factors resulting this discrimination. In
Pakistan there are many minorities and if they are not treated in a good way then its a big loss
not only for those but also for the economic growth of the country. Pakistan has already faced a

situation when Memons (minority) shifted their business to New York because they were not
treated with equality in Pakistan which caused a major loss to the Pakistani economy because
they were the leading entrepreneurs of their times.
Kaas (2010) conducted a study to see discrimination against individuals with respect to ethnicity,
gender, or religion has a wide impact on labor market outcomes, including job opportunities,
promotions and earnings. Moreover Aston (2006) gathered evidence on issues surrounding the
experience of unfair discrimination, and on the procedures and issues associated with taking
claims to Employment Tribunals. Moreover Issac (2000) studied about the primary difference
between past and present discrimination. Todays discrimination is much more subtle. In the
past, it was not only lawful, but acceptable to simply state We dont hire your kind here!

I am not the one who talks about minorities and their problems but many researchers focus on
this issue. We have to find in it that is discrimination is based on minority basis or there are
religious factors attached with it. Is this discrimination is caused by the native minority workers
to immigrants minority workers. By removing religious factors and by bias-behavior of peoples
we can remove the discrimination factor of minorities.
Significance of the study:Employment discrimination is employment action because of a persons disability. Problems are
everywhere some are solve able and some of them were not so the outside factors solve the
problems like government. Workplace discrimination increases day by day and many people
faced Harassment, exclusion from work and arbitrary terminations. The objective of this study is
to find out the factors that results in employment discrimination for minorities in the restaurants.

The aim of this study is find out those factors and their relationship with the employment
discrimination. The emphasis of this study is to find out what are the discriminating factors for
minorities in the restaurant industry.
Objective:To identify the potential employment discrimination among minorities and provide them a
chance to live a normal life

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