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Chicago IL, 60614 (973) 738-4858

Full-time student with two and a half years of experience in communications and video production.
Versatile worker with superior communication and leadership skills. Experience in video, graphic, and
written promotional techniques. Proficient in Photoshop, Aftereffects, Bridge, Apperture, Premiere, Final
Cut Pro, and Maya. Comfortable using various types of camera and lighting equipment, including DSLRs.

DePaul University
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital Cinema

Chicago, IL

Jun 2015

DePaul Career Center UIP Assistant
Chicago, IL
Jun 2014 present
Implemented a bi-weekly blog series on NationBuilder spotlighting students with successful internships.
Utilized internship postings to draft bi-weekly, monthly, and quarterly fliers targeting certain majors.
Performed bi-weekly routine marketing sweeps by posting fliers around campus.
Approved approximately 400 internship postings per month on DePaul Experience and employed SEO
marketing tactics to ensure postings came up in the right searches.
DePaul OPRC Multimedia Production Intern
Chicago, IL
Apr 2014 Jun 2014
Filmed, edited, and produced a video highlighting the departments internship program.
Captured and edited photo coverage of important DePaul events, presentations, and press conferences.
Setup and operated camera, sound, and lighting equipment during mock interviews for faculty and staff.
Learned how to use film to maintain DePauls image and promote the organizations Vincentian values.
Kinema Group, LLC Video Production Intern
Chicago, IL
Jun 2013 Sept 2013
Assisted in the production of a video promoting an organization supporting displaced refugees.
Researched and analyzed different styles of video storytelling to find a style suitable for the video.
Transcribed interviews and pulled strong quotes from subjects to support the organization process.
Provided satisfactory customer service by maintained regular email communication with clients.
LIFT-Pilsen PRAD Manager
Chicago, IL
Sept 2012 Jun 2014
Promoted Poverty Awareness Week through social media campaigns on FaceBook and YouTube.
Produced graphics and fliers to promote the organization and increase attendance at events.
Acted as a videographer for the organization by filming events and editing and animating footage.
Taught unemployed community members personal branding techniques through weekly resume review.

PopCast Director of Photography

Chicago, IL

Jan 2015 present

MADZILLA! Production Assistant

Chicago, IL

Jul 2014

Deferred Action PSAs Producer

Chicago, IL

Sept 2013 Feb 2014

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