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November 2014

As you probably know, November is the

month of BONFIRE NIGHT! The night
where everyone wraps up warm,
watches fireworks, lights bonfires and
plays with sparklers.

Welcome to the November 2014

Newsletterlets start the month
off with a bang and explode into
lots of new activities!

Check out
But did you know why we celebrate
this on the 5th of November?
Its because on this night, many many
years ago, there was an attempt to
blow up the Houses of Parliament in
London USING 36 BARRELS OF GUNPOWDER! Luckily for the people inside,
the plot was discovered and the gunpowder plotters were arrested. Here is
what the
Houses of
look like

Here at TCU Central there have been some BIG changes going on. Sadly we are saying goodbye to Danielle Matthews,
the current Childrens University Assistant, who is going on
an adventure to Indonesia where shell be teaching in a local
school! She plans on keeping in contact and continuing to
watch Childrens University grow, even if it is from overseas!
The map shows where Danielle will be moving to A long
way away!

We are also saying hello to a new member of staff, Jessica

Goss, who will be taking over the role as Childrens University Assistant. She is very excited to be getting involved and
looks forward to working with you!


Torbay Childrens

November 2014


As you probably know, here at TCU Central we LOVE hearing about what activities
you have all been up to. So we were really happy to receive a handwritten letter
from Jamie in Paignton last week. Heres what he said...

I went to the Northcott Theatre in Exeter for an

audience with Andy Stanton the author of the
Mr.Gum books. I went with my dad and my brother on Sunday 26th October and it lasted an hour.
He told us some of the things that he was going to
write in the books but didnt write. It was really
interesting and I got to get my Mr.Gum book
signed by him at the end. Please can I have a
stamp for my passport to learning.

Jamie received a stamp and a Childrens University wrist band for his letter. Make
sure you keep us informed of what you are up to and your letter may appear in
Decembers newsletter!! Remember it doesn't have to be a letter; drawings, posters, recipes, and photos are all welcome!!

November 2014


Try s ovembe


Hobby Box!

November 2014

Activities to get involved with this


By the pricking of the thumbs,

something Shakespeare this way

Because it is a great way to make
friends, have fun, get outside and
learn exciting things!


Monday 10th November

Princess Theatre, 7pm

Anyone above 6 can join, and you

can either become a beaver, a cub or
a scout depending on your age.

Tickets for 11.90

Sign up to a local Scout group!

Shiphay Learning Academys Shakespeare Club

will be performing Macbeth! Other schools will
also be performing various other Shakespeare
plays! It is sure to be a fantastic evening, so get
yourselves down there! Tickets available from:

It depends on your local Scout group,
but normally once a week.

Torbay District Scouts

What have you been up to?

We are always looking out for new learning destinations to add to our list. If you have been involved in any
activities or projects that you think deserve to be part of Childrens University, then please let us know by
completing a nomination form here. Then either email it to us at: or post it to:
Torbay Childrens University
c/o Plymouth University
3 Endsleigh Place,
Drake Circus
We absolutely love hearing from you!

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