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In my view woman in India is treated to be good when compared to coutries like Soudi

Arabia,Iraq,Iran... but when compared to United States of America and western countries we are still
lacking in providing complete freedom, individual earning.
As you know now a days women are always compared to men's and whatever options are there for
men same options are also for women. Women can stand with men in any sector of the world. Whether
corporate, Politics, Space, home, and many more. Today's 21st century women are not only till home.
These womens are in space, war, politics. And india is good example of it.
If we talk about other part of the world. Our indian womens are still behind. There have to walk so
much. If we talk about youth girls there are getting more effected from foreign cultural. But some how
the thing is still there. We have to remove those thingings.
In India women far better than past decade in all fields including poitics. Especially with government
jobs they are in better positions than men. With legal field also they are better nowadays . You can see
in defence sector of Officers training academies large candidates of women trained. Apart from other
countries our India is in better towards women attributes and feminism activities irrespective of all
caste and creed. If u see the IT feild there has been a very steep increse in women emplyment.what
more do u need in the name of development.they are even given equal rights in their ancestoral
There are some problems related to women in India, mainly in rural areas. Still women are treated
abnormally, they are harassed by various ways such as in dowry case, health related problems, child
marriage etc. These are all problems which is still in India, but overall situation is improving day-byday.
Indian women are getting empowered day by day. Indian woman has marked her presense in each and
every field starting from Education, politics, it, corporate, space, etc etc. So, indian wemen are getting
advanced , but they have not forgotten the true indian spirit. That is the good part. How high we may
go, we must keep our originality.
Its true that women in India enjoy better freedom and rights compared to the women in gulf countries
like Saudi Arabia,Iran,Iraq etc.There the women are house arrested.They are not supposed to go
anywhere without burkhas.They are just meant to be in the house.Whereas in India we have equal
rights as men.
But when compared to countries like USA, U.K i agree that women donot enjoy the factor 'Individuality'
and 'Security'.There are many cases where women are being harassed in the name of dowry,child
marriages,acid attacks and other such social evils.Infact our Indian political leaders have been caught
of abusing women say N.D.Tiwari,DIG Rathore,John Fernandes etc who preach the whole nation about
rights!Ironically these politicians who have harassed women are left scot free.Proper justice is not
being given to majority of the abused women in india.
Women in India is given greater respect rather than any other place in the world. She is treated equally
to god (as a role of mother). Male dominance is seen in India but at the same time, women occupied a
special place in the society. Women have a great influence on the family. If she is perfect, family will be
good. In the same way, society, city, state and Country.
In most of the Foreign countries, Women are equal to men (in every thing career, habits, life
style...etc.,). She participates equally in all important affairs ranging from local(career) to national
(political). She has enough freedom to express her feelings.
In India, even the woman is respected in the society, there are many hindrances where she is illtreated. In most of the families, Husband or the head of the family (mostly Men)will take the decision

for any thing. Women should not open her mouth infront of them. In some families, women wont be
educated. Due to change in generation, there are few instances that women is participating equally
with men in career, politics..etc.,
Depending on the above circumstances, we can conclude that women is treated properly in India.
Showing her in a abusive way in the advertisements ranging from a small chocolate to big car.
We have to understand her role in the society. We have to observe the difference between the women
in India and other countries. In India, women respects her entire family and society even she is illtreated.
She rarely comes out and fight for her.
Our government also should take some steps along with the society to make women come out and
participate actively in the country's affairs.
the view that we are still lacking in providing complete freedom,individual earning for women is
the reason is, that in present scenario, corporates are offering wonderful opportunities to female
employees. some corporates even have specially amended H.R. policies for their female employees.
the case may be true in few job sectors but nowdays even you can find female marine engineer.
also, now-a-days parents especially father have become more open to careers selected by their
daughters. hence we can see prity zinta, an army officer's daughter becoming actress or the case of
deepika padukone the daughter of tennis player taking acting or daughter of politician sharad pawar
entering politics to name a few.
it's just that the issue is with not-so-liberal families which need to undrstand that whether male or
famale, one has the right to choose his qwn career.
the position of women in india vary frm place to place. in the NE places women r the head of the family.but thoughout
the country there are incidents of domestic violence. there r families where a boy child is still much more welcome
and girls are viewed as burdens. it is tru that indian women now come out on streets, take active part in many social
affairs and are excelling in various fields. but this is the picture of a very selcted section of the society (fortunately, i
belong to such a family where girls are considered as good as and sometimes better than boys!). but the poorer
section presents a pitiful picture. indeed women welfare must become an imp planning programme of our country.
The position of woman in India compared to other countries is poor. In some villages they are
considering woman as a kitchen bee. This type of attitude has to be changed. But compared to the
early days, these days women are coming out freely and participating in every field. This is a good
Though women are given reservations in many sectors, but we lack in providing safety measures to
women when compared with other countries. The attitude towards women must be changed. Severe
punishment must be given to culprits who indulge in crimes. This is the main point where we lack
when compared with other nations. In Arab countries if any person commits heinous crime like rape,
he is given capital punishment or severe punishment is given depending upon the crime he has done.
In India, we dont have any such law. Recently her driver, but what punishment was given to the
culprit murdered a call center women employee????? Either fine will be charged or he will be put in jail
for 3-4 months. Will this fine be the correct punishment for the culprit??? The law must be changed;
punishment must be made severe, so that no other person even thinks of committing such crimes
against women

Though Closed womenare given reservations in many sectors, but we lack in providing safety
measures to women when comparedwith other countries. The attitude towards women must
be changed.

The position of women has changed a lot in modern times. Clearlywomen have made
tremendous strides towards equality in recent decades however; we still live in a society in
which the worth of women is measured in their physical appearance and not their intellectual...
Position of women in 16 and 17 century: Women were challenged with expressing themselves in a
patriarchal system that generally refused to grant merit to women's views. Cultural and political events
during these centuries increased attention to women's issues such as education reform. Though

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