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Branden Wetsel

Professor Nelson
English 2010
Notebook 9
6e. Write the outline of your argument for a position or proposal paper using the scientific
method as the template for the argument:
o Ask a Question
o Do Background Research
o Construct a Hypothesis (come up with a working thesis)
o Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment (research your issue through a variety of
o Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion (data=evidence=sources)
o Communicate Your Results (your position stated in a thesis statement)
Question: Is religion a cause of some wars in the history of the world?
Background: The Crusades, Islamic Terrorism, Holocaust, and The French Revolution were all
caused by some sort of religious disagreement.
Construct a hypothesis: Can religious wars be stopped through the power of communities
coming together to end issues?

Test: Dickey, Christopher, et al. "Meet The Bin Ladens." Newsweek 138.16 (2001): 55.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2015
Bardos, Gordon N. "Jihad In The Balkans." World Affairs 177.3 (2014): 73-79. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2015.
These are a couple of the sources I have found and used throughout the semester for my issue
Analyze: It is possible to spread the word throughout the world of religious conflict but I find it
impossible to stop o my own.
Communicate: If we learn to coexist all religions and stop the arguing/bullying over whose is
better and whose is right, then religious conflict and war would cease to exist.

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