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For LO6 start with this

1. Ask students to sit down and ask them their name.
Score 1: student doesnt understand your command and cant answer name
2. Ask student How are you? How many brothers/sisters do you have? Do you like
(fruit/food/etc)? What day is today? What class are you in? Where do you
Score 2: student can answer at least two of the questions above
3. Ask students to hold up their left/right hand. How many fingers am I holding up?
What can you do with your eyes/ears/nose/hands? What is this (point to items of
clothing)? Do you have a pet? Where does a doctor/teacher/police officer
Score 3: student can answer at least 3 questions from #2 and they can answer at
least 2 of the questions above
Score 4: students can answer at least 3 questions from #2 and they can answer at
least 3 of the questions based on lessons to date

For assessment #1 (April)

For LO 1:
1. Show students single syllable words for each group of sounds. Have them read the
word first, then say the sound in red.
Group A: train, green, light, boat, cook, chick
Score 1: student cannot say all of these sounds
*Circle the sounds they can say so you know which ones to go back to for
assessment #2.
2. If the student is able to say all of the sounds from #1, ask them to say all of these
sounds for group B: farm, fork, turn, grow, soil, whip
Score 2: student cannot say half of the sounds
Score 3: student can say 90% of the sounds
Score 4: student can say all of the sounds

For assessment #2 (September)

1. Ask students to say the remaining sounds starting from the last sound they were
taught working towards groups C and D.
Group C: ear, chair, sure, fern, phone
Group D: day, out, tie, eat, toe
Group E: boy, girl, blue, draw, new
Score 2: student misses more than 10 % of the sounds they have been taught
Score 3: student can say 90% of the sounds they have been taught
Score 4: student can say all of the sounds they have been taught

For LO 2:
1. Show word cards to students. Only uncover the word they are being asked to say.
Ask them to blend (say the individual sounds in each word, then say the word) or
segment (say the word, then say the individual sounds). Take note on which sounds
they have difficulty with as these words use the 1st 10 sounds.
A) paid boat feel nail night tree B) play girl bird hair fork arm
C) live walk read sing right draw D) first why once made seven grow

Score 1: Student cannot blend any of the words or segment them into individual
sounds in A block. If student can blend and segment most of the words, move to B.
Score 2: student can blend and segment some of the words in A and B.
Score 3: student can blend and segment most of the words in A, B and C.
Score 4: student can blend and segment most of the words in A, B, C and D.

For LO 3:
1. Give student a sheet of paper with lines based on the format taught in KSSR.
2. Ask student to write the sentence: I see a train.
Score 1: student cannot write the sentence properly
Score 2: student can write 2 or 3 of the words with/without punctuation
3. Ask student to write: The boy can read five books.
Score 3: student can write the sentence properly but it is a messy
Score 4: student can write the sentence properly and it is neat
For LO 4:
1. Give student a sheet of paper with lines based on the format taught in KSSR. Ask
student to write the following words.
Score 1: student cannot write any of the words
Score 2: student can write 2 or more of the words
2. If student is able to spell the first 6 words with ease, ask student to write the following
Score 3: student can write 80% of sight words taught

3. If student is able to spell the previous 12 words with ease randomly select more sight
words from the list that you have taught.
Score 4: student can write 90% of the sight words taught

For LO5:
1. Say one of the pictures and ask students to point to it.
Score 1: student cannot point to any of the pictures
Score 2: student can point to up to 4 pictures/words
2. Ask students to categorize words into clothes, month or body part
Score 3: student can point to at least 5 or 6 of the words and categorize at least 5
of the words
Score 4: student can point to at least 7 words and categorize all of the words

For LO 7:
1. Read the ticket information on pg41 U5 with the student, then ask the student to
answer the questions below it. What is the title of the show? What time is the
show? Where is the show? When is the show/what date is the show?
Score 1: student can only answer 2 questions with assistance.
Score 2: student can answer 3 4 questions with assistance.
Score 3: student answered at least 3 questions without assistance.
Score 4: student was able to answer all 4 questions without assistance.
For LO 8:
1. Read Troy Story to the students from pg 5 materials, then ask them the questions.
Score 1: student cannot answer any of the questions
Score 2: student can answer 1 or 2 questions or say one or two things with prompts
from the picture
Score 3: student can answer at least 3 of the questions
Score 4: student can answer at least 4 of the questions
For LO 9:
1. Give student the body parts worksheet.
Score 1: student cannot fill-in any of the blanks
Score 2: student can fill in one answer
Score 3: student can fill in 2-4 answers
Score 4: student can fill in all answers with ease
For LO 10:
1. Show students the picture of a frog. Ask them about the picture and guide them to
answer in full sentences.
Score 1: student cannot answer any questions from LO6 or about the picture

Score 2: student can answer 1 or 2 questions from LO6 and can say at least one
thing about the frog picture, plus they can answer 1 or 2 questions about Jack the
Fat Man when it is read to them.
Score 3: student scored 3 on LO6, can say 2 or 3 things about the frog picture and
can orally answer at least 3 questions about a basic story (Jack the Big Man).
Score 4: student scored 4 on LO6, can say at least 4 things about the frog picture
and can orally answer 4 or more questions about a basic story.
For LO 11:
1. Print a Big Book or mini book of the story Peach Cream Pies and read it with the
student. Ask them various questions about the story. Where is Pat? Who is his
dad? What is his dads job? What kinds of pies does he bake? What does he
put on top of his peach pies? Do people like his pies? Would you eat one of his
Score 1: student cannot answer any questions
Score 2: student can answer 1 or 2 questions
Score 3: student can answer 3 or 4 questions
Score 4: student can answer more than 4 questions

For LO 12:
1. Give students the worksheet on growing a flower. Read through the instructions
with them. Then give them the worksheet to fill in on their own.
Score 1: student cant fill in any of the answers
Score 2: student can fill in at least one of the answers
Score 3: student can fill in 2-3 answers
Score 4: student can fill in all of the answers

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