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Level Test Basic/Phonics

1. What is your name?

No ANSWER (depending on this answer choose what question to
start with)
2. What is this?

3. What is this?

If they do not know then Phonics 1
Spend the remainder of the test going over the Alphabet.

If they recognise the letter A and D

4. What is this?

Easy for them then

5. What is this?
Read the Alphabet.

6. What is this?

Not easy then sound it out d o g if still no then smart phonics 1
Easy next

7. Can you read?

I like my pen.
If no then sound out p e n if (if can do it now then smart phonics 2)
If can do easily Consider a higher phonics book.

8. What are these letters (one at a time)?

9. Can the student sound them out?

If yes then move on to the next page. If not then Smart phonics 2
10. Can the student read these words?

If no then phonics 2 or 3 it is the teachers decision.
If not sure have them look at the sentences from phonics 2
If yes then consider phonics 4 or 5

11. What is this?

If no show them the word and have them read it

If no then phonics 4 if yes then have them read these words.
clock whale track
thumb frog flag
Listen carefully to frog and flag- is the student pronouncing the r and l correctly. If no or if
they struggled with any of these words phonics 4.
So the student can do everything.
Lets test their reading and comprehension

12. Ask the student to read

Ask them questions.
If this is too much for the student even with a lot of help. Then Phonics 5
Level 1-3
The student answers the question what their name is.

If they answered in a perfect sentence. Then continue asking

them simple questions.

 How are you?

 What day is it?
 How’s the weather?
 What did you do today?
 What will do tomorrow?

If the student answers pretty much perfectly move on to Oxford.

If not, continue with this page.
If the student answered 0 of the questions
Everyone Speak Kids 1
This test will focus on speaking and vocabulary.

1. What color is this?


2. What color do you like?

3. What food do you like?

4. What is it? All then each item

Ask questions about the picture.

If students can do this a little bit, then consider Everyone Speak Beginner 1
If they can not and they vocabulary is lacking Everyone Speak Kids 1
Level 3
Oxford levels are determined mainly by reading.

Ask a few warmup questions – these should continue from level 1 bullet pointed questions

 How many people in your family?

 How old are you ?
 What’s your favorite season?
 What animal do you not like?

Can you read this?

1. What is the story about?

2. How many rooms does the house have?
3. Does the girl like her house?

If can read a little but not answer the questions Oxford 1 (if they understood the
bullet pointed questions mostly.
If they did mostly well continue to the next task.
Can you read this?

1. What is the elephant’s name?

2. Why is he sad?
3. How will Tuti help?
If they can answer this easily and read with little mistake move on, if not then Oxford 1

What is it?

Tell me about birds

If they can do a little bit with basic understanding Oxford 1 or 2 depending on how
well they did Oxford 1 tasks.
Oxford 3 is a big just so make sure the students can read and discuss the reading

Can the student read the story?

Ask them what do they do after breakfast?

Ask them to write 2 sentences about their day.

If they can do this easily. Oxford 4
Ask them about their dream day. What would they do.
Teachers choice- story time or Oxford 5/6 (maybe ask why the students wants to learn
If they can do this well consider story time.
If you are doing then look at the reading again in more detail and ask detailed questions. If
they can do this well then story time.
For oxford 5 or 6 the student would need to have gone above and beyond with the writing.
Or being able to answer the questions and the reading in detail.

Level 5-7
This is all about what the student wants, to make your decision, after
discussing the options with the student.

For the writing class- Students must submit a half a page essay on the topic of their choice.

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