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Jamie Benson

Jamie Benson
242 South 6th West apt. 18

Table OF

Event Ad
Web Page

Description: Creating 3 different Logos in Adobe Illustrator
Process: I sketched out some logos through some trial and error,
then went to Adobe Illustrator and did a lot trial and error with my
rough draft. The hardest part about Adobe Illustrator is that there
is so many options and the pen tool can get a little confusing. After
the rough draft I finally hit the stage of finalizing my logos. I really
enjoyed working with Illustrator just for the fact finally understanding
what the graphic designers go through at work and understanding
somewhat of the basic concepts.
Top 3 things learned:
1) I learned how to use the pen tool.
2) I learned the basics of Adobe Illustrator
3) I learned how a logo can last forever and how it can be brand.
Programs/Tools Used:
Top Logo Font #1 Name & Category: Typewriter: Slab Serif
Top Logo Font #2 Name & Category:
Middle Logo Font #1 Name & Category: Modern: Oldstyle
Middle Logo Font #2 Name & Category:
Bottom Logo Font #1 Name & Category: TW Cen MT: Sans Serif
Bottom Logo Font #2 Name & Category:
How the logo represents the company: Wasnt sure what the logo
could sand for, but I liked how it could be for anything. A clothing
brand, a photography company, or even an advertising company. It is
straight forward and simple and I think that is what a brand or logo
should be simple but long lasting.
Votes on favorite logo:
Top Logo = _6__; Middle Logo = _1__; Bottom Logo = _3__;
My favorite logo was __top_______.
Corrections: I change the font on the second logo a little bit larger. I
also changed the color slightly on the second one too. I also made a
small change to the first logo to making it more of honey mustered
yellow instead of just a mustard yellow.

Event Ad
Description: This is an event ad, where we got the opportunity to come up
with an organization and promote a cause/
Process: I first started out with sketch trying to come up some type of desgin I could follow when I started creating it. Next I created a rough daft on
word where I got my basic outline and colors of what I wanted for the event
ad. I also choose an image at this stage of the project too. The next step I
took after I got through my peer edit I worked on my final. I really struggled
with the image and what I wanted in it. What I spent the most time on was
getting my body copy right. I was really lost on where I wanted it to go.
Top 3 things learned:
1) Word can do a lot more than I thought.
2) I learned how to scan an image in.
3) I learned that I could edit an image in word.
Program(s) / Tools used: Microsoft Word
Font #1 Name & Category: Stencil- Decorative
Font #2 Name & Category: Arial Narrow-Sans Serif
Scanned images used, sources, original sizes: Vogue Magazine April 2012
Corrections: I change the picture with adding more satutartion in it. I also
put a cool fliter on it.

Description: Photoshop image project.
Process: I had to go out and take photos of my surroundings. After I finished
and choose a photo of what I wanted to use I uploaded it to Photoshop.
While in Photoshop I got to play around with different filters, saturation effects, and selecting tools. After a lot of trail and error I got my finished product in which I had to transfer to another document and get the sizing down
there. I choose to use the filter Sepia and add red hues. I also de-saturated
the the background to make the berries stand out more.
Top 3 things learned:
1) How to select and deselect parts of the picture.
2) Choosing different filters and different hues.
3) How to place a photo on a blank document.
Programs/Tools Used: Camera, and Photoshop
66 cropped/edited image:
Corrections: On this project I choose to make it more of warming filter. Makingn the red stand out more. I also changed the margins on it so it would
match the instructions.

Description: This brochure was made for a clothing store called
Arrow. In the brochure, it explains about the store, the style and
what kind of style it it carries. it also talks about their customer
service policy, and where to contact the store. (This is a made up
Process: I started out with a rough draft on a piece of paper,
and that was the easy part. My next step was the body copy and
figuring out it wanted to say in the brochure to explain my topic.
The step to take was starting to put a rough draft together and
figuring out my colors in the pictures I wanted to us. Then after
getting that done I did the final. The hardest part for me was the
text wrap and clipping the images. I got very frustrated with Photoshop and doing the clipping. Also it was hard for me to choose
images for this project. I wanted them to go with the colors I had
chosen for brochure. I did enjoy the project for the most part
though. I did learn a lot and it was fun to collaborate all of the
programs together.
Top 3 things learned:
1) Text Wrap
2) Creating the sizes for the brochure
3) How to clip a picture
Program(s) / Tools used: InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
Title Font Name & Category: Charlemagne: Decorative
Copy Font Name & Category: High Tower: Serif
Corrections: I made the text wrap a little bit beter.. I also applyed
a cool fliter to skater girl picture.

People will stare. Make it worth their while.

Arrows style ranges from
southern cal. bohemian,
punk, prep, and east coast
classic. You want the style
we have it.
They change their style
every week on their
mannequins to emphasize
on the looks and they love
mixing up with each style.
The goal is to show
people that you make
anything look good. You
just need to know how to
put it together.

Customer Service
We make sure our employees are
the best. Before letting them out
on the oor to sale we rst teach
them how to use the cash register
and know how to do inventory.
We think highly of our
employees and when they are out
on the oor selling we want them
to have an understanding on how
style works.
When on the oor they will
know how to approach costumer
and how to help them
in any way they can.
We want our
customers to
feel like they
are greeting
an old friend
when they are
walking into
the doors of
our store.

Web Page
Description: This website is created for this class but it represents a
business that I wouldnt mind starting. It would be a small boutique
that carried quality clothes, but classy. I would have the website to
keep people updated on the styles we are bringing in.
Process: I started out looking over my logo and making a quick sketch
of what it needed to look like. After doing that I being utterly confused
on the HTML explanation, because the fact of coding frighten me
almost to death. After going into the lab I started to understand and
getting through the draft It was a lot easier to do the second part of
the project. Doing the css was little more challenging just for fact you
got to mess with fonts and colors and that always the fun but hard
part. For my fonts and colors I stuck what I have been using for my
stationery. This project was a little harder than our others but I really
enjoyed it, I felt like I learned to much from it.
Top 3 things learned:
1)I learned about the basics of coding on css and html
2) I learned how to change the colors and fonts on the website
3) I learned how size and ad in a log into an html.
Programs/Tools Used: Notepad, Text Wangler, and Adobe Illustrator
Font Family #1 (all names) & Category:Impact, Charcoal, (sans-serif)
Font Family #2 (all names) & Category:Times New Roman, Times ,
serif (Old Style)
Hex Colors: #598f80 turquoise, #4e4a41 gray (text), #d4cd51 gold
Changes made to the CSS: I changed the color and the fonts in my
Corrections: I changed the background color to a lighter teal/green.

Business Card
Business Card (8.511 layout):
Business Card (Large layout):
Process: I started out from looking at my old logos and did a sketch
off of that. After that I took to making the draft.I struggled finding the right color combinations that I personally liked. I like things
simple but I like them making a point. After getting through the draft
I started on the final, since I had worked on my draft so much the
final was the easiest part. I still played with my colors and had a hard
time deciding on if I wanted to go with black as my back ground
or stay with gray. In the end I decided with gray, liked the way it
worked with the teal and yellow.
Top 3 things learned:
1) I learned about making it simple but making it standout.
2) Learned about different color combinations.
3) Using the pen tool even though is frustrates me to no end.
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illusrator, InDesgin
Logo Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerville: Slab Serif
Logo Font #2 Name & Category: Century Gothic: Sans Serif
Stationery Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerball: Slab Serif
Stationery Font #2 Name & Category: Century Gothic:Sans Serif
How the logo represents the company: I didnt know what my Logo
represented, but as I kept designing it a thought of a advertising
company came to mind. I work in advertising and I feel like with it
we have to straight forward and work fast. So the Arrow symbolizes
that. It is straight forward with no wishy washy stuff and you have to
work fast to keep the clients.
Corrections: I changed the color on the arrow making it more of a
green than a yellow. I also made sure the lines were even and had
the correct spacing.

Business Card (8.511 layout):
Business Card (Large layout):
Process: I started out from looking at my old logos and did a sketch off
of that. After that I took to making the draft.I struggled finding the right
color combinations that I personally liked. I like things simple but I like
them making a point. After getting through the draft I started on the
final, since I had worked on my draft so much the final was the easiest
part. I still played with my colors and had a hard time deciding on if I
wanted to go with black as my back ground or stay with gray. In the end
I decided with gray, liked the way it worked with the teal and yellow.
Top 3 things learned:
1) I learned about making it simple but making it standout.
2) Learned about different color combinations.
3) Using the pen tool even though is frustrates me to no end.
Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illusrator, InDesgin
Logo Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerville: Slab Serif
Logo Font #2 Name & Category: Century Gothic: Sans Serif
Stationery Font #1 Name & Category: Baskerball: Slab Serif
Stationery Font #2 Name & Category: Century Gothic:Sans Serif
How the logo represents the company: I didnt know what my Logo represented, but as I kept designing it a thought of a advertising company
came to mind. I work in advertising and I feel like with it we have to
straight forward and work fast. So the Arrow symbolizes that. It is straight
forward with no wishy washy stuff and you have to work fast to keep the
Corrections: I changed the color to match the business card, I also
matched up the line spacing better.

Description: Bring in different pictures and masking them together.
Process: The hardest part about this project was choosing the right elements. Getting everything to flow together and make sure it made sense
was most difficult due to the fact that I am very indecisive. Working in Photoshop was a lot easier this time since now I have familiarized myself with
it. The biggest help I think I had was when we did the assignment together
in class, that help me feel comfortable about this assignment. I really enjoyed bringing it all together and seeing how it looked.
Top 3 things learned:
1) how to mask different pictures together.
2) adding certain filters to part of the picture.
3) learning and understanding the layers better.
Programs/Tools Used: Photoshop
Font #1 Name & Category: Didot- Sans Serif
Font #2 Name & Category: Corsiva- Script
Thumbnails of Images used:
Corrections: I mead the suitcase blend in a bit better in the background. With the black and white I made the girls black jacket stand
out a bit more. I also changed the red just a bit in the lettering.

Description: A flier for a Graduation Leadership Conference.
Process: I created a sketch first, then moved on to using Adobe InDesign
Top 3 things learned:
1) I how to use InDesign, which is program I have never used before.
2) I learned about white space and the importance of it, and how the
contrast is such a big factor.
3) Learning about the typography and how the different fonts work with
each other.
Program(s) / Tools used: Adobe InDesign
Title Font Name & Category: Lucida Handwriting- Script
Copy Font Name & Category: Times New Roman- Oldstyle
Links to all images you used in this project:
Image of Girl and Boy:
Corrections: I moved and replaced the logo. Orginally it was in the right
hand corner and I moved it to the left side. Another change I did was
change the picture and in-large it. Then I put it behind the text.


Leadership Conference

Do you want to have the compititive edge in businness?

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership Conference. Vouant
Communications is devoted to helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in t
workplace. During this dynamic three-day semnar, attendees will meet with top executives of
Vouanteer. Communications to discuss breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will market to any employer.

Conference is available to graduating seniors. Space is limited.

Registration and more information available at

October 21, 8 a.m. 5 p.m.

Lincoln Conventioun Center

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