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Student Name:

Features of Recount Writing

What type of historical recount are you
going to create?
Example: Letter, biography, write up of
event, diary, etc.
What tense would be appropriate?
Example: Informal diary 1st person
Formal biography 1st person
Letter 1st or 2nd person
3rd party recount of events 3rd person
Does your Background provide who,
what, when and where information, and
include details of events that led up to the
significant event?
Does your Record Of Events include
causes and consequences of events?

Did you sequence events in time order?

Have you used time connectives?

Example: next, meanwhile, within hours,
soon afterwards, weeks later, etc.
Have you used powerful verbs?

Have you used historical terms and

concepts learnt throughout the unit?
Does your Evaluation clearly identify the
contribution your person made to the
development of Australian society?
Have you checked your spelling and used
a dictionary to check spelling of new

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