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How-to docs and tutorials

ChronoForms v4 : Basics 2
Events and Actions
This is an introductory tutorial for ChronoForms v4 describing how to
work with Events and Actions. It includes a description of all the basic
form actions supported by ChronoForms.
If you are new to ChronoForms v4 please look at Basics 1 first.
There is a series of videos on the greyheadnet channel at YouTube that
cover some similar topics.
XX Written with ChronoForms v4 RC3.3




Introducing Events and Actions

In the Basics 1 tutorial we created a simple contact form and briefly
used some simple ChronoForms Events and Actions without saying too
much about them. This tutorial goes deeper into understanding what
they are and how you can use them to make your forms effective and
A ChronoForms Action does something: sends an email, displays your
form, redirects the user.
A ChronoForms Event sets the time and sequence for the Actions. For
example, the On Load event sets the Actions that are run when the form
loads in the browser; and the On Submit event sets the actions that run
when the user clicks the submit button and the form results are sent to
the server.
And that really is all that you need to know. All of ChronoForms v4 is
built around those two facts.
XX Note: You may find it helpful to have ChronoForms installed to follow the rest of this tutorial which was written with ChronoForms v4

Introducing Events and Actions

When you create a new form and click the Events tab in the Advanced1
Wizard this is what you will see. In the left hand is a list of actions and in
the right hand box two yellow Event boxes and an Add Event button.

Each of these two yellow boxes represents a ChronoForms Event.

Its important to know that, apart from their names, all Events are exactly the same. These two events are called On Load and On Submit
and are the two default Events that ChronoForms creates for you.
If you use the Easy Wizard then you wont see this. The Easy Wizard creates a
form with a pre-defined set of actions in the On Load and On Submit events.
More or less one with everything or at least one or more of the typical form

These two events cannot be renamed and are (usually, but not always)
required to make your form work normally.
If you click the Add Event button at the bottom you can create a new
Event and give it a name of your own.
XXThe name can be anything you like but like other ChronoForms
names should use only a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and underscore _ with no
spaces or other special characters; and should start with a letter.

Linking to Events
As Events are the containers for the actions we will add to them we need
to be able to specify which Event we want to run. We can do this by
passing an Event name in the event parameter of the URL calling the
form; or by setting the value in a Form input.
If nothing is specified then ChronoForms assumes that we want the
On Load Event to run; and the default action URL for a ChronoForms
includes &event=submit to call the On Submit Event when the form is
XX Notice that the On part of the Event name isnt used and that Event
names are lower-case: load and submit. (This is similar to event
naming in JavaScript if that helps.)
This means that if you have an Event called my_event then you can
call if by adding &name=my_event to the URL; or adding a hidden input
called event with the value my_event in your form. (Note: Doing this
will over-ride any event parameter in the URL.)

Adding actions to Events
As we saw in the Basics 1 tutorial you can drag and drop actions from
the left hand Actions box into an event.

And in the same way as Elements you have the three action icons:
The red x icon is used to delete the action;
The yellow and blue spanner icon is used to configure the action; &
The green arrows icon is used to drag the action up or down inside
the Event box to change its position.
When you move your cursor over the icons it will change from an arrow
into a hand when they are active.

Sequences of Actions
The order of the Actions in the Event box is important. When the Event
is called the first Action at the top of the Event box will be run, then the
second, then the third, and so on until we get to the last action. Unless
one of the Actions changes the sequence; more about that later.
Here is a form with a sequence of Actions in each of the two Events.

Note that each of the sequences is a logical step by step flow or process: we load the CSS before showing the HTML; we send the Email
before showing the Thanks Message.
XXThe order doesnt always matter, but if your form isnt behaving correctly then follow the process through step by step.

Actions with sub-Events
If we add a Check Captcha action to the On Submit event we can see
that it has two sub-Events of its own: On Success and On Fail

These are exactly the same as our main events except that they are triggered by their parent action and we cant directly run them in the
same way as we can the top Level events like On Load and On Submit.
Exactly when the Event is triggered depends on the code in the parent
Action. Check the Action Help tab, if there is one, for more information.
By themselves these Events do nothing. We need to add Actions to them.
We can drag and drop in any Action or sequence of Actions that we
need to have triggered.

Here weve dragged an Event Loop action into the On Fail event of the
Check Captcha action.

Yes, I know that sounds very complicated but, as you can see from the
image its easier to do than to say.
Lets stop for a minute and think what we want to happen when the
Check Captcha On Fail event is triggered. This is usually because the
user has mis-typed the Captcha code when they submitted the form. So
the most useful action is to re-display the form pre-filled with their data
and ask them to try entering the Captcha code again (actually theyll be
shown a new Captcha code).
To do this we need to call the forms On Load event to redisplay the
Form HTML.
XXYou also need to check that Republish form data is set to Yes in
the Show HTML action configuration so that the input data is re-displayed. That is the default setting.

The Event Loop Action
What the Event Loop Action does is to interrupt the flow of the actions
and redirect the flow to another Event. if you open the action configuration you will see the Target Event drop-down with a list of all the form
events. (You may need to save the form or click the Refresh Events List
button if you have just added new actions or events.)

In this case we can see the two Parent On Load and On Submit events as
well as the On Success and On Fail events of the Check Captcha action.
In this case we want to leave the drop-down set to the default option :
>OnLoad event which will re-load the form for us.

If you set this to point to the On Submit event, or to the On Fail

event of the Check Captcha action, then you will create a loop and
the site will probably crash with an Out of Memory error. What happens is that the Event Loop points to itself and just keeps looping round
in circles until it runs out of server memory.

You can leave the Quit next actions option set to the default Yes to
stop any following actions from running before the page reloads.

Here is what we want to happen:

If the User has typed an incorrect Captcha then the form process flow
goes back to the On Load event.
XXWhile there is an On Success sub-event to the Check Captcha action
I recommend that you do not use it. If the Check Captcha is successful then the next action in the parent event the Email action in this
case will be run and that is just what we need.
If you use the On Success events then your form events can quickly
get filled up with nested events. Technically this will work but it is
much harder to see and understand the form process flow and therefore harder to debug when something doesnt work as you expect.

Using Custom Events
Weve seen that the Add Event button will add a new Event; but why
would we want a new Event?
There are three main uses:
To set up an event that is called without submitting the form. For
example if we use Ajax in out form the Ajax request is sent back to the
server with a request for information. We can send that request back to
a Custom event in the same from using e.g. &event=ajax in the URL.
To set up an event that is called remotely. For example payment
gateways often require that there is a behind the scenes hand-shake to
confirm that the transaction request is valid. This needs to be routed to
a custom event.
To set up multi-page forms. There is code in the latest releases of
ChronoForms that allows you to divide the Preview box elements into
page groups each of which is linked to a different page loader Event.

Changing the process flow

As weve seen the process flow goes from action to action through the
event unless one of the actions changes the flow. There are only two
ways of changing this. Weve already seen the Event Loop action; the
Show Stopper action stops the process flow without redirecting.
XXYou can also use PHP in a Custom Code action to redirect the user to
another URL.



In this section well take a quick look at the more common actions and
what they do. Some are quite simple; others have many options that
you can use to configure them. Check the Help tab in the Acton configuration for some more information.
The descriptions below are grouped by the Action groups used in ChronoForms v4 RC3.3 If you have a different version they may have moved
to another group. There is a list of actions in the ChronoForms forums
which will show you the full current list.


The Core Actions action group
The Custom Code action
The Custom Code action allows you to add PHP to your form process.
Typically this is used to process the form data before it is displayed; or
after it is submitted. For example to build a string from one or more
form results to use in an Email subject.
The Debugger action
The Debugger action can be dragged into an event and will output
some hopefully useful debug data. Delete the action when you've finished debugging.
The current contents of the $form->data array where the form data is
stored. This is available in both the On Load and On Submit events.
Any debug messages generated by the actions in your form. For example the Email action outputs a dummy email that can help you see
what the addresses and the body of the email contain.
The Email action
The Email action will send an email. You must specify a To Email address, a Subject, a From Name and a From Email address. In each case
these can be either a Static fixed string e.g. or a
Dynamic form input name e.g. email.


You also need to add an email Template to set out the contents of your
email using the curly brackets syntax {input_name} to show where
date from the form inputs should be included.
The Event Loop action
This action redirect the process flow to another Event in the form.
The Handle Arrays action
Form elements that can return multiple results e.g. checkbox groups
and select drop-downs with multiple selection enabled give results that
are in the form of an array. If you leave them like that then any Email or
DB Save action may contain Array() or just a blank. The Handle Arrays
action converts array results into a comma separated string that will
email or save normally.
The Show HTML action
This reads the Form HTML that has been saved, plus any form data
passed to it and creates the code that will display the form in the
browser. As well as the HTML it loads CSS and JavaScript files, enables
validation and some other tasks to set up the form for use.
The Show Stopper action
This action stops the current process flow. Most often used at the end
of custom events to prevent any further processing once the necessary
code has been created to respond to the current request.


The Show Thanks Message action
The Show Thanks Message action will display a text with HTML tags
and ChronoForms curly bracket placeholders in the broswer. It is most
often used to display a message after a form is submitted.
XXThis action doesn't support PHP. If you need to use code then the
data can be preprocesed using a Custom Code action (see below).
The Upload Files action
The Upload Files action is necessary to handle file uploads from your
forms. If you have a File Upload element in your form you must add an
Upload Files action to the On Submit event.
XXTo configure this action you must complete the Files box in the configuration e.g. input_name:jpg-png-gif and the input name here
must match the name of the File Upload element.


The Validation action group
The Auto JavaScript Validation action
If you have copied and pasted Form HTML into the Code tab on your
form than you can use this action to enter lists of the input names to enable the ChronoForms client-side (in the browser) JavaScript validation.
XX If you have used ChronoForms elements in the Preview box then
check the boxes in the element configuration instead; you do not
need this action.
The Auto Serverside Validation action
Serverside validation is run on the server after the form is submitted and
is the validation that protects your site from dangerous content being
submitted from your form. You should normally add your main data
validation here (or in the Custom Serverside Validation action).
This action allows you to list the names of inputs to be validated using
standard tests.

Its best to think of JavaScript client-side validation as being used to

help the user complete the form accurately and easily. It can be bypassed by turning JavaScript off so does not provide any reliable validation of the data being submitted.

The Custom Serverside Validation action

Similar to the Auto Serverside Validation action but you can add PHP
here to create custom validations to run specific checks on the data.


The Email Verification Sender and Response actions
These two actions work together to allow you to require a user to click a
link in an email to confirm that their address is valid.
Normally youd use the Email Verification Sender in the On Submit
event of your form followed by an Email action to send the verification
The corresponding Email Verification Response action can go in a custom event in the same form (using &event=event_name), or in the On
Load event of a different form.


The Anti Spam action group
The Load and Check Captcha actions
This pair of events are used in the On Load and On Submit events of
your form to enable the ChronoForms Captcha.
You should add a Captcha Input element to your form to add the
Captcha image and input box to your form HTML.
The Load and Check ReCaptcha actions
This is an alternative to the ChronoForms Captcha using the Google
ReCaptcha code which may work better in some circumstances.
To display the ReCaptcha input you need to add a Custom element to
the Form preview box with {ReCaptcha} in it.
XXYou can use the ChronoForms keys but better to get your own.
The Load and Check Security Question actions
This action allows you to set a series of questions and matching answers
one of which will be randomly shown. Because there is no pattern to
the questions it is harder for a spam-bot to get the correct answer.
Human spammers will still be able to answer unless you choose questions that require specialist knowlege that will be easy for your site users
to answer but hard for other people.
Add a Security Question element to the preview box to add the security
question to the Form HTML.


The DB Operations action group
The DB Save action
This is by far the most frequently used of the DB actions. It will save
some or all of your form results to a database table.
The main feature to manage is that the names in the $form->data array
and the column names of the database table need to match exactly for
the data to be saved.
XXYou can save to any database table, not only those created in ChronoForms, provided it has a numeric primary key defined (most do).
XXAdvanced features include the ability to connect to tables in remote
databases (not just the Joomla! one); and to identify groups of data
to be saved by using Model IDs.
The DB Record Loader action
This action will load a selected record from a database table into the
form data. Its most often used in the On Load event to pre-load form
data but can also be used elsewhere.
You need to pass a record identifier or token to the action to tell it
which record to load. You can do this by adding a parameter to the form
URL e.g. &id=999 or by passing it in the data from another form.


The DB Multi-Record Loader action
Similar to the DB Record Loader but it loads multiple records instead of
a single record. Used to create lists of data or to generate option lists for
use in a form element.
The CSV Export [GH] action
This was originally a custom action (hence the [GH] for GreyHead) that
is now included in the main ChronoForms release. It allows you to
specify a selection of records and columns from a database table and
copy them into a CSV file (Comma Separated Variables).
The file can either be offered for immediate download, or saved on the
server so that it can be attached to an email or downloaded later.
XXThere is an updated version of this action CSV Export v2 [GH] available at


The Security action group
The Authenticator action
The Authenticator action lets you allow or deny access to the form to
registered users or to members of selected Joomla! User Groups.
The Check Token action
This action checks the Joomla! security token to see if it is set and valid.
It is a simple check against to make sure that the form response is soming from the same user that opened the form page. It offers some protection against spam-bots and CSRF attacks (Cross Site Request Forgery).
for more information.
XXThe Joomla! Security token is enabled by default and can be disabled
in the Show HTML action options.


The Utilities action group
The Add System Message action
This is a simple action that will display a Joomla! System Message (one
of the usually red or blue messages displayed near the top of a page).
The message is static and cannot contain form data.
Because System Messages are shown on the next page displayed they
can be useful in sending messages about re-direction.
XX Note: Not all templates support Joomla! System Messages!
The Confirmation Page action
The Confirmation Page action is used to display a non-editable version of the form data to allow the User to check their input.
The action requires a template in the Page Code box to display the data
to be confirmed. Include form data with curly bracket syntax.
XXA quick way to prepare a template is to use the Auto Template Generator in an Email action and copy and paste the template here.
The Downloader action
Provides a standard file download option for a static file hosted on
the server. The download option will show a browser file download
dialogue, the inline action will try to display the file in the browser.
XX Use with care; because of the way it works this action can behave like
a Show Stopper and block later actions.


The Image Resize action
The Image Resize action provides the ability to create up to three resized versions of an uploaded image file e.g. a thumbnail, a medium
image and a large image.
The action will only re-size a single file but you can use more than one
copy in the same event to re-size more than one uploaded file.
The Load CSS and Load JS actions
These two actions allow you to add custom CSS and JavaScript to your
form. Both actions allow PHP (but not the ChronoForms curly brackets
The Meta Tagger action
This action allows you to set tags in the HTML header for the page.
The Multi Language action
The Multi Language actions work using search and replace on the final
Form HTML just before it is displayed to allow you to create multi-lingual forms.
Add one copy of the action for each language and ChronoForms will
load the values from the one that matches the currently selected language (or the default language if no match is found).
XX For clarity it can be helpful to use distinctive language string placeholders like #EMAIL# instead of natural language strings like email.


The Multi Page action
This is a helper action that handles data transfer between different
events including different form pages by saving and retrieving the
current form data from the Joomla! User session. It is similar to the Data
to Session and Session to Data actions below.
The Show Form action
The Show Form action allows you to either load another form into the
current form; or redirects the user to an event on another form.
XX If you load another form into the current form it will be placed outside the <form> tags of the current form and will be separate from it.


The Joomla! Functions action group
The Joomla! Plug-ins action
This action enables Joomla! plug-ins in the form so that you can use
other third-party plug-in functionality.
XXAny Joomla! or third-party plug-ins used need to be triggered by the
Joomla! onContentPrepare event or they will not run.
The Submit Article action
The Submit Article action is used to create a Joomla! article from the inputs in the form. Usually you will use a Custom Code action before this
to construct the body of the article and place the form inputs into it.
The Joomla! User actions
The remainder of this group of actions all enable ChronoForms to replicate or replace Joomla! User management actions. They are the Joomla!
Login; Joomla! User Registration; Joomla! User Activation; and the
Joomla! User Create / Update actions.


The Payment Gateways/Processors action group
This is a group of actions that are used to connect ChronoForms to the
2CO, and PayPal payment gateways.

These are trial versions of the actions, they are fully functional but
will randomise the amount. There is an extra payment required for
the full version of the action.
XXYou may not need these actions to make simple payments. For example, you can make PayPal payments using the Redirect User and Redirect URL actions which are included in the ChronoForms installation.
You will need these actions or to code something similar if you
want to accept credit cards on your site and pass the data to PayPal,
or if you want to get IPN (Instant Payment Notifications) back from


The Power Fields action group
This group of actions are used to add extra functionality to elements in
your form allowing you to build more
The Autocomplete Loader and Processor actions
This action add the functionality of digitaralds MooTools AutoCompleter to a text box element in your form. When the User types in the box
the actions will look up a list of matching results from a database table
and show them as a select list for the user.
Because the choices change as the User types more letters this can be
easier to use than a long list of options in a select drop-down. It also
leaves open the possibility of the User typing in a new option not
included in the exisitng list.
The Custom Datepicker and Custom MooTools Datepicker actions
This pair of actions help you to configure the two MooTools datapickers
that are included with ChronoForms. The MonkeyPhysics datepicker is
used by default; the MooTools datepicker can be selected on the form
General tab in Joomla! 1.6 or later.
XXThe MooTools datepicker is a form of the MonkeyPhysics one and,
in my opinion, is better maintained and offers more useful options.
I recommend that you use it, particularly as the MonkeyPhysics
datapicker has some unresolved bugs with more recent versions of


The Dynamic Dropdown action
The Dynamic Drop-down action links a pair of drop-down elements so
that the option list shown by the second drop-down changes when the
user changes their selection in the first drop-down. This is commonly
known as a Double Drop-down element where: for example, when a
first country drop-down is changed a the second drop-down changes
to show a list of states/counties for the selected country.
XXThere is an AJAX enabled dropdown action at where
the second element can be any HTML tag so you can show a message,
add an input, . . . do almost anything in response to the selection.


The Redirect / Remote Submit action group
This group of actions are all used to link forms to other web pages in one
way or another.
There is an important distinction in the way that they work. The cURL
and HTTP Request actions send form data to another web page behind
the scenes the User remains on your site and is probably not aware that
any transaction is taking place. A typical example is to subscribe the
User (with their permission) to a newsletter service.
The ReDirect URL and ReDirect User actions work together and will send
the user to another web page which may be on your site or on a completely different site; typically you will send some data with the User
too. A typical example is to send the User with the transaction data to a
payment gateway so that they can authorise payment.
The cURL action
This is a behind the scenes action usually used in an On Submit event
to pass data to another web application.
The HTTP Request action
Similar to the cURL action, the HTTP Request action is designed to be
used from the form display can be triggered on an element click or
change or when the form is submitted.


The ReDirect URL action
This ReDirect URL actions allows you to build a custom URL using the
data from the form to be used when the User is redirected.
XXThis action just builds the URL it does not start the redirection so it
can be places anywhere in the process flow.
The ReDirect User action
This action will redirect the user to a specified URL so it should be
placed at the end of the form process flow.
The URL can be any of the following. They are in ascending order, if
more than one is set, the last one will be used.
The static ReDirect URL on the form General tab.
A ReDirect URL set in this ReDirect User action.
A ReDirect URL previously set in a ReDirect URL action.
XX Redirecting a User away from your site means that they may not return so you should comlete any form processing before redirection.


The Session Data action group
The Data to Session and Session to Data actions
This pair of actions allow you to save the current form data (the contents of the $form->data array) to the Joomla! User session and then to
re-load the data back from the session into the $form->data array.
The User session is a temporary storage space that remains associated
with the user while they are browsing your site. By default it will de
deleted afer 15 minutes without any user activity.
Using these actions you can save data temporarily, for example while
the User goes to PayPal to make a payment; or between one page of
a form and the next (though see also the Multi Page action above);
and you can pass also data between different forms; or save data to be
recovered by, for example, a JUMI custom code module on some other
page of the site.


The ChronoForms Apps action group
This last group of actions are used to link ChronoForms with other
related components to construct more complex form and data based
The two current actions ChronoConnectivity Return to App and
ChronoConnectivity Task are both used to link forms to ChronoConnectivity listings.



Custom actions
It is possible to write custom actions for ChronoForms. They are installed using the Install Action icon in the Forms Manager toolbar and
are then available for use in the same way as any other action.
The following actions are available from my site at some
are variations on the standard actions described above usually adding
more flexibility or new features, the other actions add new functionality.
For each of these actions there is a fuller description on the download
The Show HTML [GH] action
This is a variation on the standard Show HTML action. The main difference is that there is a configuration box where you can add options and
settings for the form validation. The current version also uses different
code from the standard version to handle URLs and load scripts and
may solve some problems in those areas.
The CSV Export v2 [GH] action
An earlier version of this action is now included in the standard ChronoForms release. This version allows you to use the {where} placeholder
in the action WHERE box so that you can dynamically specify the
records to be exported.


Custom actions
The Upload Files [GH] action
A more flexible version of the standard Upload Files action with extra
control over paths and file names.
The Load CSS file [GH] and the Load JavaScript file [GH] actions
A pair of very simple actions that allows you to load a CSS or JavaScript
file when your form is displayed. Useful if you have more than short
code snippets to load. The action uses the Joomla! Document object
The Email [GH] action
A more flexible version of the standard Email action. In particular the
email boxes will accept a combination of static and dynamic addresses
like, {email} as well as arrays of addresses.
The action includes a conditional option which can be set so that an
email is sent only if a form field has a particular value e.g. a user has
checked a send me a copy box.
There is an option to send separate emails to a list of To addresses instead of one email showing all the addresses.
The action supports attaching static files allowing you to attach for example product brochures linked to form selections.


Custom actions
The cURL [GH] action
A more flexible version of the standard cURL action with better parsing
of Target URLs so that it will accept URLs with query strings. The action also accepts both static and dynamic entries in the Params/Fields
box while the standard version only accepts dynamic entries i.e. input
The Load User Info [GH] action
A new custom action to load information about the current user into the
$form->data array so that you can use it to display in the form and/or in
the form results. The data loaded includes all of the information included in the Joomla! User table (but not yet in the User Profile table).
The Unique ID [GH] action
A new custom action to create a unique random string id. If you are
creating records that will need to be referred to by users then it helps to
use a random string id. Using the autoincremented record id is technically a little more difficult to access and is insecure as it easy to guess
that other similar ids are active.
This action generates an ID string like AA9999A the template can be
changed and checks the existing records in the database to make sure
that the string is unique.
Typically use this action immediately before any DB Save or Email action
that will use the ID.


Custom actions
The Event Switcher [GH] action
This is a simple but powerful action that allows you to trigger any of four
events depending on the form data. You can use more than one action
to control more events if you need them.
A recent example was to build a form with six submit buttons each of
which triggered a different CSV Export action. Two Event Switcher actions were used with a CSV Export [GH] and an Event Loop action in the
triggered event.
The AJAX Enabled Dropdown [P] action
Please see the note under Power Fields actions above.
The Anti Flood [GH] action
Sometimes if forms are slow to process or respond when the User clicks
the submit button they will try clicking again. The Anti Flood [GH] action blocks any further submissions for a set period usually between
15 and 60 seconds.
The Custom Select [GH] action
This paid action makes it easy to set up form elements that use groups of
options i.e. radio and check-box groups and drop-down elements.
It comes with fifteen predefined lists including: countries, US states,
time-zones, months, levels of agreement and more. You can add your
own lists as text files and there are options for setting up numeric lists
like years and lists of articles from the site.


Custom actions
The Mollie [GH] action
This paid action, still in beta, works with Mollie to provide a gateway
to the Dutch iDeal payment system.
The [GH] action
This paid action, still in beta, is a wrapper for the AIM API
library and includes the ability to accept E-check payments.

Bob Janes
27 April 2012


Custom actions

The ChronoForms Book

The ChronoForms
Book is the missing manual for the
Joomla! ChronoForms extension.
In 350 pages of
clear, practical
guidance it tells
you everything that
you need to know
to create forms
on your Joomla!
website, email the
form results and/
or save them to a
database table and
much more.
Click here to see the full contents list, download a sample chapter or to buy a copy


Bob Janes
I am always interested in innovative web
I specialise in developing Joomla! based projects using ChronoForms and ChronoConnectivity to create customised web applications.
I'm also available for interactive chat support to developers using ChronoForms and
ChronoConnectivity. A quick message can
save you hours of hunting through documents and forums.
Ive also worked on Joomla component development; and on custom site functionality
in Joomla! and in WordPress.
Drop me a line if you think that I could help
you develop your project or site with less
hassle and less of your time.
Bob Janes

Custom actions

Version history


28 Apr 2012

first published

Version history
Bob Janes is the author of the ChronoForms 3.1 for Joomla! site Cookbook
published by Packt Publishing. He provides support on the ChronoEngine
forums and works as a developer of custom applications (often using ChronoForms and ChronoConnectivity) for Joomla! and WordPress.
Bob can be contacted at
ChronoForms is a Joomla! Component for creating interactive forms including
the ability to email the results, save them to a database table and much more.
ChronoConnectivity is a Joomla! Component that works with ChronoForms
to allow the easy display of lists of records from a database table. ChronoConnectivity and ChronoForms are published by
This help-sheet was written for ChronoForms v4 RC3.3
and/or ChronoConnectivity v4 RC2
ChronoEngine Tutorials by Bob Janes are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
To the best of our knowledge and belief the information in this tutorial was
substantially correct at the time of writing. Neither the author, nor shall have neither liability nor responsibility in respect of any loss or
damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the
information contained in this document.


Version history

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