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Environmental Science Course Syllabus

Teacher Mr. Stauffer

Website -
Environmental Science is an elective science course that is the study of the
environment and its problems, along with potential solutions. Most of the course will
pull from biological and chemical background knowledge but students will also need
to be able to synthesize this knowledge to make ethical decisions about our future.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Teacher Rules for the Class:
I have two rules that everyone in the classroom should follow at all times. Be
respectful, and be responsible. If you are respectful to yourself and everyone
around you, and you take responsibility for yourself and your learning everything
should move along smoothly!
Student rules for Class:

Student rules for the Teacher:

Leave drama at the door!

Watch Noise Levels

No talking while the teacher is talking

Plenty of opportunities for Hands on


Make sure everyone is included

Minimize Teacher Talk

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Late work: Classwork can be turned in for full credit up to 1 week after the
assignment is due. After this 1 week, work will be considered late and collected at a
lowered percentage. Even if you are absent, you are responsible for getting it
turned in within this 1 week. Exceptions may apply on a case by case basis.
Absences: You and you alone are responsible for any work you missed due to
absences. You may grab old assignments from the bin or online at my website. It is
your responsibility to have it turned in at the proper time and to get help if you need
it. If you ask for help, ask at the appropriate time (the middle of class is generally
not an okay time to ask for old assignments).
Bathroom Pass: There is one and only one bathroom pass. You must sign it out
and back in each time you use it. Try not to use it the first 10 minutes and last 10
minutes of each period. Also do not use it more than 2 times in a given week. If
you are seen abusing the pass you will lose bathroom privileges.
Grades: Most of your grade in this course will rely on quizzes, tests, and projects.
Tests and quizzes may be retaken within 1 week of the time you have taken the 1st
one, but prior to the retake you MUST come see me and prove to me why you
deserve to take a retake (show me youve looked over notes, show me where you
previously did something wrong and have learned something new). If I feel you have
not studied valiantly enough, I will deny your retake until you put in the time.
Other: All other rules will refer to the ruling of the LHS Handbook.
IBO mission statement:
The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring,
knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more
peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO
works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop
challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These
programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate
and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can
also be right.
Nature of the subject; IBO on Environmental Systems.
The prime intent of this course is to provide students with a coherent perspective of
the interrelationships between environmental systems and societies; one that
enables them to adopt an informed personal response to the wide range of pressing
environmental issues that they will inevitably come to face. Students attention can
be constantly drawn to their own relationship with their environment and the
significance of choices and decisions that they make in their own lives. It is
intended that students develop a sound understanding of the interrelationships
between environmental systems and societies, rather than a purely journalistic

appreciation of environmental issues. The teaching approach therefore needs to be

conducive to students evaluating the scientific, ethical and socio-political aspects of
Tentative Classroom Timeline
Systems and Resources (2 weeks)
Introduction and the 5 themes...
1 Week

1 Week

Human population, carrying capacity, and resource use (4 weeks)

1 Week
1 Week
Food / Water Resources..

1 Week
Conservation and biodiversity (2 Weeks)
Biodiversity and vulnerability.

1 Week

Conservation of biodiversity.

1 Week

Pollution Management and Research Projects (4 weeks)

Detecting and monitoring

1 Week

Approaches to pollution
management 1 Week
Global Warming Research Project.

1 Week

Independent Environmental Research Project..

1 Week

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