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Impact of Immigration on Great Britain

By: Khadijah Hickson

Immigration in Great Britain affects the citizens in many ways. It impacts
Great Britain both socially and economically. It has caused issues in ways that the
population in Great Britain was already considered overcrowded and with the
increase in the population due to migration it could cause the standard of living to
begin to fall and that would hurt Great Britain. With immigration its hard to build
roads because of the limited space, the urban population is increasing as well as
congestion. Some may think that this is a problem and that immigration is bad but
however as far as the economy this is actually good for Great Britain. People think
that overcrowding is a bad concept but higher population densities are in one sense
more efficient and have a lower environmental impact. As much as people think to
that immigration hurts the economy it helps it just as much. If migrants help to grow
the economy, there will be more tax revenue to finance public infrastructure. Also
within Great Britain there are jobs that are available. Net migration could create a
more flexible labour market. The net migration increased from 175,000 to 243,000
people within a year. Migrants will be particularly attracted to move to the UK, if
they feel that there are job vacancies in particular areas. Because these immigrants
are working they are common to receive welfare benefits and social housing. Also
due to the fact that most migrants are people of the working age it causes for the
dependency ratio to increasing while the retired ratio is decreasing. Immigration has
its flaws but at the same time is can still have a good impact on a country.

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